

He hates the fact that so many men has seen her body."How many have touched you,had you after or before me."He hadn't meant for his tone to be so harsh but he cannot help it.

She stepped out of her dress when it pooled around her ankles, next came her shoes.Except for her thong she stood naked before him.Slowly he took her in appreciation flicker in his eyes.

"Does it matter."She wanted to know,Rick had raped her taking her virginity at the age of eighteen and he hadn't been gentle the unbearable pain she had experienced,never again has she allowed any man to touch her or come close to her a part from him.Thankfully the club had had strict rules on clients becoming touchy,looking was permitted but no physical contact whatsoever.

"Enlighten me."He whispered against her hot flesh,Avery's pulse beat wildly at the base of her neck.

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