
Chapter 13: He Didn't Choose Me.

The next day, the girls and boys were at the café having a good coffee breakfast when Mr. Albert appeared, Mr. Albert was the manager and director of Kit Entertainment Mr. Albert: Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Albert and I'm the director and manager here. Today, I have an announcement to make and it is that the announcement of names would be announced after breakfast is over The girls were so happy Precious: So, yesterday did you talk to your brother?Fati: Yeah, he said he chose YnaPrecious: Yna, that girl acts as being bossy everyday Fati: Yeah, it's his choice After breakfast, the girls and boys gathered at the stage arena Miss. Bella: So, if I mention a girls name then I'll also the boy who chose her understood?They all noddedMiss. Bella: The first girl is Kim and she was chosen by Ethan Kim was so happy and winked at EthanMiss. Bella: The next girl is Kezia and she was chosen by Isaac Perpetual was so jealous Perpetual: I liked Isaac but he didn't choose meKezia: I'm so sorry about that Miss. Bella: The next girl is Perpetual and she was chosen by Gilbert Perpetual rolled her eyes Miss. Bella: Next up is Catherine and she was chosen by Maxwell Catherine smiled happily Miss. Bella: Next girl is Precious and she was chosen by EricPrecious was so angry that Edmund didn't choose herPrecious: I thought Edmund and I had a real chemistry but not, I still want to sing with Eric Fati: I feel so sorry for youPrecious: It's okayMiss. Bella: Next girl is Paula and she was chosen by AndyAndy was actually Paula's boyfriend so she was so happy to be chosen by him, Paula winked at Andy Miss. Bella: Next girl is Fati and she was chosen by SamFati: Sam chose me?Precious: That is so....something Miss. Bella: Next girl is Rania and she was chosen by EdmundRania: Wait...Why would Edmund even choose me?Ann: He likes youPrecious: I'm glad that he didn't choose me and chose you, RaniaRania smiled at EdmundFati: Now, it's left Ann and Yna. Who would get Glenn, but I'm pretty sure it's YnaMiss. Bella: Last two girls remaining and they are Ann and Yna. Ann was chosen by.....GlennAnn: Wait.....He chose me?Fati: Oh, I'm so going to beat Glenn He lied to me Glenn smiled at Ann, Ann also smiled at himYna: Wait....He didn't choose me?Paula: Oh, sorry about thatMiss. Bella: Yna got chosen by Michael Yna: Anyone but that nerd Michael, Yuck Miss. Lara: You all are to choose a song tomorrow and also tomorrow at 6PM is the deadline. 4 people can perform together like for example Yna who got chosen by Michael would sing a song together and Catherine who got Maxwell would also sing together and then the 4 sing one song also together Miss. Bella: You can sing as a group of 4 together, so good luck everyone Miss. Bella and Miss. Lara left the stage

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