
Daughter of a Maid

"This was Ruth's room, it hasn't been changed since her death. So most of the things are still for a ten-year-old" he said.

"And these?" she pointed at the big and small wrapped gifts in the corner.

"Every time her birthday comes we buy gifts and place them inside her," he said.

She smiled, moving to the picture next to the bed, "She was beautiful, you have the same eyes"

He sat down next to her and smiled, "Yes, sometimes I would tease her about it, saying she was my copy " he chuckled.

"Thank you for showing me this, I love hearing you talk about her," she said putting down the picture frame.

He pulled her into his arms, "Alex thank you for appearing in my life" he said.

She smiled. He pulled away.

"So I know it might be rude, but why don't we unwrap those gifts for her, since she can't how will she ever know what you both bought her," she said.

He smiled, "we never thought of that".

"But can we?" she asked.

"Yes, but can we do it with Dad, later, we have been up here for so long I think they might be looking for us now," he said.

"Oh, your right, what will they think," she said getting up.

He watched her run off and smiled, "Wait for me, Alex"

"Where have you both been, It's time to cut the cake," his father said.

"Sorry father, Nathan was giving me a tour of your beautiful home," Alex said

"Oh, did he show you the wonderful flowers in the back next to the terrace or the water fountain in the garden," his father said.

Alex snickered, "No"

His father turned to Nathan, "Then what the hell did he show you, his stinky room?".

She laughed. Nathan frowned, "Let's go cut your cake now father, so I can have some alone time with my girlfriend," he said.


Alex helped serve cake to the important guests even when both men tried to stop her. Nathan finally gave in and did the same.

She giggled as she watched him, "thank you" she whispered.

"Do I get a prize for my good behaviour?" he said.

"you definitely will," she said back.

Nathan shimmered, "I can't wait"


"Don't you think your too low for Nathan" Alex was stopped. She sighed and turned to see two women standing next to her stepmother.

"Excuse me," she said.

"Nathan is well bred rich man, with a perfect future to inherit, you can't be seriously thinking he will take you to his bright future. A daughter of a cheap maid can never be an heiress" one said.

"You should listen to your stepmother and stop all this stupid facade cause your only shaming yourself think of your poor maid of a mother," the other said.

Alex glanced at her smirking stepmother and sighed.

"I thought you had learnt from your previous two mistakes but I guess I was wrong" she moved to the two women, "And you two I don't see how me shaming myself concerns you".

"Your mother had to choose to work as a maid 'cause she wanted you to get a place in a rich family. But we all know it's a cover-up, she's a mistress and your the result of her sins and the whites felt bad & took her in " they laughed.

She could feel the stares from the guests and her stepmother's grin.

She placed the plate of cake aside and walked closer with a serious cold face, without warning she slapped the first woman and then went for the second. Before the other one could register what had happened she slapped her again. They turned to the second one who moved back in fear.

She exhaled and a smile appeared on her face, "I can't take all your insults but don't involve my family in this. You don't even know her but say such things about her. Mrs White might have said a lot of bad things about me but she might have forgotten to mention that.... " Alex moved closer to the three women who flinched back.

"I don't care what everyone thinks of me but I don't take gibberish about my mother "she let out.

Nathan was beside her in seconds, since the scene had caused a stir.

"I think your ears and eyes do have a problem cause if they didn't you would have known, that right now am a host and daughter of this family I can do anything I want to you and no one will say anything " she looked at them with disgust, "You should know who holds the high power here, it's not her cause all she has is a sharp manipulative tongue, she pointed at her stepmother..." so please choose wisely the side you fall cause I won't be so polite next time " Alex walked off holding.

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