
Chapter 41: Memories

Just after Mykel was starting to understand his situation, the man that was dressed in the white coat returned to his bedside. Typically, Mykel would have been skeptical about someone he was unfamiliar with approaching him. Something told him though that this man meant no harm. Although he wasn’t at all familiar with this version of the world, something told him that he knew this man somehow.

“Luca, do you recognize me at all? I’m your doctor.” The man in the white coat said.

“Doctor,” Mykel repeated, looking at the man.

His brow creased while he tried to recall that word. He wasn’t so old of a soul that he didn’t know what a doctor was. Nor was his soul so old that he couldn’t guess he wasn’t in some kind of medical hospital. Everything else had changed though from what he remembered of The World of the Light. The way the hospital looked and how the people were dressed, even the devices around the room.

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