
Who Gets to Keep Togepi? (Re-edited)

The gang had decided to stay at the Pokémon Center for the week. They could use a break since the Farfetch'd incident. So, Cora began training her Pokémon in the meantime. On the first day of training, Houdini (Kadabra) evolved into Alakazam and Arnav( Horsea) into Seadra. Apparently the two been training with the other Pokémon before they were added to Cora's team. After the end of the week, Cora got her Pokémon healed and let them have some rest.


Today was the day when Mairin's egg would hatch. They had just left the Pokémon E.R. after they were told that the egg is very healthy and will hatch soon.

So the gang was sitting outside relaxing with their Pokémon.

Mairin was eagerly wiping down her egg with a smile, "I can't wait to see what kind of Pokémon will hatch from this egg."

"What kind of Pokémon are you hoping will hatch?" Brock asked.

"I hope it's a beautiful water Pokémon!" Misty said with stars in her eyes.

"No surprise there." Ash said, teasingly.

"Ash Ketchum? Cora?" Nurse Harper Joy called out.

"Yes, I'm Ash." Ash said walking over to the counter.

"You have a call from Prof. Oak of Pallet Town." Nurse Harper Joy told her.

"Professor Oak?" Cora blinked.

"Esp? (Oak?)" Kilala tilted her head.

Going over to the phones she saw Prof. Oak's face already on the screen waiting patiently for her, "[Ah, Ash and Cora, hello there.]" He greeted.

The professor suddenly was pushed down by Ash's Muk, "Will you behave?!" he asked.

Ash chuckled, "I see my Muk is being taken care of." Muk was looking at me in delight as the professor tried to pull it away from him.

"Hello Professor Oak, why are you calling us all of a sudden?" Ash wondered.

"[Oh yes!]" the professor said and looked at the two trainers from above Muk, "[Have you heard about the new Pokédex upgrade?]"

"Uh, no." Ash shook his head.

"[Well, now you can get details on all the latest Pokémon discoveries.]" the professor said.

"Wow, how can I get it?!" Ash asked with a smile.

The professor pointed down, "[Just put your Pokédex into that slot, and I'll do it for you.]"

Ash placed his Pokédex into the slot.

"[By the way, you haven't called me in a while, Cora and I just wanted to see how you're doing.]" Oak explained.

"Sorry that I haven't Professor." Cora apologized.

"[It's alright my dear. There is one thing I wish to ask though: How in the world did you manage to acquire an Aerodactyl?! I must say when it first came here, I was quite surprised and very impressed with the fact you managed to catch it!]" Oak asked her.

"It's a long story." Cora said.

"[I've got all day, Cora.]" Oak assured her eagerly.

Cora explained how they went to Grampa Canyon to look for fossils. She found two fossils Sail fossils that belong to Amaura, Mairin had found a Root fossil that belong to Lileep, and Alain had found a Jaw fossil that belonged to Tyrunt. After that she, Kilala, and Kenji got stuck underground for a little while along with three members of Team Rocket who made the cave collapse on them in the first place. Then they had a run in with Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, and Kabutops and were forced to battle them. That's when Aerodactyl appeared forcing them to break out into a run, but she ended up getting captured by the prehistoric Pokémon only escaping its grasp thanks to Nuri. Then she battled against Aerodactyl defeating the flying type and capturing it.

"[I see...I didn't know you had to go through all that, but I'm glad you're safe and unharmed.]" Oak said honestly.

"I just had some slight bruising but otherwise I'm alright." Cora said, "Oh by the way, Gary found something on his first dig."

"[Really? What did he find?]" Oak asked, curious.

Cora grinned. "Fossilized Pokémon manure."

Prof. Oak was silent for a moment until he began chuckling and then started laughing along with her and Ash. Soon enough they calmed down from the laughing.

"[I never expected him to find such a thing.]" Oak stated.

"Me neither." Cora agreed.

Then Ash's Pokédex was finished downloading. Ash took his Pokédex back.

"Okay, got it, professor." Ash said.

"How is Aerodactyl treating all of my Pokémon?" Cora asked.

"[It's well behaved actually, quite surprising if you ask me. I was expecting to have some difficulties with it, but Aerodactyl has really mellowed out since you battled against it with Nuri.]" Oak replied.

Cora let out a sigh of relief, "That's a relief. That's what I was worried about."

"[I'm also impressed that you caught a Shiny Farfetch'd.]" Oak said, "[She's getting along with all your shiny Pokémon.]"

"Thanks, I'm glad." Cora thanked him.

"[By the way, Cinnabar Island has a Pokémon Lab there right along with the gym. The scientists there should be able to help you resurrect the fossils you and your friends found.]" Oak informed.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll head there after my gym battle." Cora said.

"[I wish you luck Cora, Ash and be safe.]"

"We will, talk to you another time Prof. Oak."

"[You as well, my girl.]" Oak cut off the connection.


Cora walked back over to her friends, "You look excited."

"Of course I'm excited! I can't help but wonder what kind of Pokémon is gonna hatch from this egg, by the way am I doing this right?" Mairin asked, still wiping her egg.

"Just relax Mairin there's nothing for you to be nervous about, trust me you're doing great." Cora assured her.

"Oh, good." Mairin sighed as she stopped wiping the egg, "I really do hope it's a Grass-type Pokémon."

"Who knows?" Cora shrugged, "But that's what makes Pokémon eggs so great: you never know what will hatch from it."

"I have to agree with that." Brock agreed.

"Excuse me," a feminine voice called out to them making them turn to face a woman wearing black shades along with a man carrying a basket full of eggs that looked similar to the one Misty has, "We're egg sellers and would absolutely love it if you would either trade or buy one of our eggs in exchange for that one you have there."

Mairin held the egg closer to her, "No thanks."

"Yeah, we have no interest in trading this egg or buying another one so please go bother someone else." Cora said narrowing her eyes at the two suspicious people which she knew were Team Rocket.

The man and woman huddled together and began whispering, "They're not going for it, what now?" the man questioned.

"Now, we go to plan B!" she said tossing the fake eggs in the air making the gang look up and by the time they realized Mairin's egg was gone as were the man and woman!

"My egg's gone!" Mairin yelled.

"Those two must've stolen it while we were distracted!" Ash said.

"I bet those two were Team Rocket! They won't be getting away with this, Gail come out!" Cora called out her flying type.

"Pidgeot? (How can I help?)" Gail questioned.

"Team Rocket's stolen Mairin's egg, we need your help to find them." Cora told her.

"Pidgeot! (I'll find them!)" Gail flew out of the Pokémon center followed closely by the others who noticed something on the ground as they continued running after Gail.

"These look like broken eggshells, hopefully this will lead us to Team Rocket!" Brock prayed.

"Just wait till I get my hands on them!" Mairin growled with flames in her eyes, "No mercy this time!"

"Chespin! (No mercy!)" Chespie growled.

"Let's just the hope the egg hasn't hatched yet otherwise we'll have a real problem on our hands." Cora prayed.

"Espeon. (Yeah, let's hope.)" Kilala added.


The gang followed the eggs that lead all the way to a clearing in the forest. Misty wasted no time confronting them and Team Rocket were shocked to see the Ashlyn and her friends.

"It's the twerps!" Meowth exclaimed.

"How did they find us so fast?!" James demanded.

"Gail, use Tackle!" Cora ordered.

Gail wasted no time in tackling the three idiots who had stolen the Pokémon egg the gang was taking care of. The egg flew out of Jessie's hands and into Cora's who looked the egg over and saw it was unharmed before handing it over to Mairin.

"I think this belongs to you." Cora said handed her the egg back.

"Thanks Cora." Mairin held the egg close to her.

"It's a good thing we got here just in time before it could hatch." Brock said.

"Yeah." Alain nodded.

Jessie growled, "You meddling twerps!"

"Meddling is right! Go Weezing!" James called out the poison type. "Use Poison Gas!" He ordered.

Weezing sent out a poison gas attack, but Cora was prepared for that, "Gail, use Gust!"

Gail flapped her wings at a high-speed creating a miniature tornado then sent it at the Poison Gas attack sending it over towards Team Rocket.

"I can't see!" Jessie complained.

"This must be what it's like on the receiving end!" James commented.

"Too much gas!" Meowth yelled.

"Quick Attack!" Cora commanded.

Gail became a white streak as she slammed into Weezing, knocking it into Team Rocket.

"Good work, Gail!" Cora complimented.

"Pidgeot. (Thank you.)" Gail smiled.

Brock whistled, "That's one strong flying type."

"Yeah." Alain and Ash agreed.

Mairin's egg decided at that moment to start hatching taking everyone by surprise, "Its hatching! My egg is hatching!"

"Calm down, Mairin. The important thing to do in this situation is to remain calm." Cora told her.

"Right." Mairin took a deep breath to try and calm down as the egg continued to glow.

"It's almost here." Alain stared in fascination.

"Espeon...(Wow...)" Kilala awed.

"I can't wait to see what kind of Pokémon hatches." Brock said, sounding very excited.

"The suspense is killing me." Ash commented.

"Almost there..." Cora said.

The egg continued to glow until the light finally died down revealing a small, light yellow Pokémon with a round body that is still encased in its eggshell. The Pokémon also has stubby hands and round feet with two toes each, five spikes on its head that seem to form a crown. It also has semi-oval, brown pads on the soles of its feet.

"It's soo cute~!" Misty squealed.

"What kind of Pokémon is it though?" Ash wondered.

"It's a Togepi! You're very lucky Mairin, Togepi are rare Pokémon that aren't found so easily. Not to mention they're Fairy Type Pokémon." Cora congratulated her.

"Really?" Mairin stared at the little one in disbelief.

"Yup." Cora took out her phone.

[Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokémon. Togepi is filled with an energy that makes people happy. When treated well, Togepi shares this energy with others, but when it comes near a human with an impure heart, this energy quickly disappears, leaving Togepi exhausted.]

"What a cute little Pokémon." Brock smiled.

"Espe! (Really cute!)" Kilala smiled.

"Cute!" Misty squealed.

"Chesp. (So tiny.)" Chespie stared at the little Pokémon.

Togepi opened it eyes revealing the cutest brown eyes Mairin had ever seen, she saw as the little one stared at her before smiling, "Togephrii (Mommy)!" it said.

Cora chuckled making everyone look at her.

"What's so funny, Cora?" Misty asked.

"Nothing, it's just cute that he called Mairin mommy." She smiled.

"Mommy?!" Mairin exclaimed.

"Wait, how do you know he thinks Mairin's his mom?" Ash asked.

Cora checked her phone again.

[Togepi is imprinted with the image of the first thing it sees after it hatches, thinking this is its mother.]

"Oh..." Ash and Brock said.

"It's not just Togepi though, when a Pokémon hatches from an egg it imprints the image of the first thing it sees to be its parent." Cora explained.

"This whole thing is touching, but...we want that Pokémon!" Jessie declared.

"So hand it over!" James demanded.

"Yeah!" Meowth got his claws ready.

"Not on your life!" Cora was about to have Gail use another move on them when she heard Togepi speak and doing something with its tiny hands.

"Togi, Togi, Togi." Togepi said, moving his little arms back and forth.

"Why does this seem so familiar?" Brock wondered.

"Togepi's using Metronome!" Cora exclaimed returning Gail quickly before coming over to the others.

"So...that means..." Ash said unsurely.

"Any attack can come out of it just like last time with the Clefairy!" Brock remembered.

"Please let it not be a Hyper Beam!" Misty suddenly got very worried seeing Togepi keep on smiling while waving his fingers back and forth until they finally started glowing.

James and Jessie squealed holding each other as Meowth started clinging their legs.

"What's it going to do?!" James yelled.

"I don't know!" Jessie yelled back.

"Whatever its about to do can't be good!" Meowth shouted.

Togepi sent a Gust attack at them causing them to blast off into the air.

"You mean to tell me that little Pokémon can use a Gust attack?!" Jessie yelled.

"Guess it's not as cute as we thought." James said.

"You can say that again." Meowth said, dryly.

"TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket shouted as they disappeared into the sky.


Cora was impressed to say the least, "That was pretty impressive for his first try."

"Espe. (Yeah.)" Kilala nodded.

"That was amazing Togepi." Mairin held the little Pokémon towards her face with a smile.

"Togephrii! (Mommy happy!)" Togepi cheered.

"He's seriously a cute Pokémon. It's a good thing that he didn't hatch and look to one of Team Rocket as his parent." Brock said.

"You said it." Ash agreed.

Cora smiled as she watched Mairin hug Togepi, "I think Togepi might be good for Mairin, what do you think?" she asked Alain.

"I think so, too." Alain agreed.


With the Pokémon egg safely hatching into a healthy looking Togepi, Cora and her friends now have a new friend.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Shiny Espeon (Kilala)(F), Shiny Charizard (Nuri)(F), Altaria (Talia)(F), Shiny Lucario (Jackal)(M), Frogadier (Kenji)(M), Pidgeot (Gail)(F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M), Cloyster (Matta)(M), Shiny Starmie (Pyxis)(Genderless), Butterfree (Papilio)(M), Beedrill (Stinger)(M), Nidorina (Juno)(F), Nidorino (Malik)(M), Raichu (Tama)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Sandslash (Digger)(M), Meloetta (Odele)(F), Chikorita (Kalmia)(F), Shiny Dephox (Rogue)(F), Mienshao (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Nieva)(F), Leafeon (Panra)(F), Shiny Gengar (Sypro)(M), Shiny Monferno (Pirro)(M), Galarian Ponyta (Althea)(F), Shiny Quilladin (Cybele)(F), Alolan Raichu (Zuma)(M), Rockruff (Romulus)(M) Meowstic (Yuki)(F), Oshawott (Daisho)(M), Kingler (Kuka)(M), Shiny Umbreon (Zunair)(M), Sylveon (Stella)(F), Vaporeon (Kaori)(F), Jolteon (Lyn)(F), Flareon (Egan)(M), Dragonair (Scylla)(F), Absol (Twilight)(M), Shiny Raboot (Scorch)(M), Brionne (Naia)(F), Alolan Vulpix (Elsa)(F), Pink Butterfree (Momo)(F), Sobble (Mystique)(F), Primeape (Manny)(M), Magnemite (Static)(Genderless), Growlithe (Aiden)(M), Alakazam (Houdini)(M), Zorua (Kurama)(M), Cubone (M), Marowak (Alsie)(F), Vulpix (Inari)(F), Persian (Cleo)(F), Ponyta (Rubira)(F), Dewgong (Moishe)(M), Seadra (Arnav)(M), Kangaskhan (Mildred)(F), Gardevoir (Guinevere)(F), Poliwhirl (Dallas)(M), Poliwag (Kishi)(F), Tauros (9), Porygon (Prism)(Genderless), Sprigatito (Fleur)(F), Quaxly (Emmett)(M), Hisuian Zorua (Eira)(F), Dreepy (Drogo)(M), Cyndaquil (Hugo)(M), Hisuian Growlithe (Fia)(F), Buizel (Itachi)(M), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Jigglypuff (Chantel)(F), Aerodactyl (Téra)(F), Shiny Farfetch'd (Keesha)(F)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Tyranitar (M), Weavile (M), Bisharp (M), Unfezant (M), Leafeon (F), Umbreon (M), Chestnaught (M), Malamar (F), Steelix (M), Shiny Gyarados (F), Scyther (M), Golbat (M), Shiny Zorua (Unovan)(M), Frigibax (M), Prinplup (M), Copperajah (F), Lokix (M), Magby (M), Fraxure (M), Rockruff (M), Rhydon (F), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M), Krokorok (M), Absol (M), Cyndaquil (M), Zweilous (F), Corvisquire (M), Squirtle (M), Growlithe (F), Marowak (M), Tauros (M), Lanturn (F), Fearow (M), Kirlia (M), Eevee (2), Fuecoco (M), Hisuian Zorua (M), Buizel (M), Pawmi (M), Hisuian Growlithe (M), Wattrel (F), Maschiff (M)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Bira)(F), Parasect (Paxtin)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Lilligant (Unovan)(Petunia)(F), Swadloon (Evanthe)(F), Thwackey (Biri)(F), Grotle (Aspen)(M), Simisage (Sage)(F), Roserade (Rose)(F), Azumarill (Mary)(F), Skitty (Cathy)(F), Cherubi (Cherry)(F), Maractus (Amaranth)(F), Snivy (Vinicius)(F), Shaymin (Carissa)(F), Squirtle (Kai)(M), Poliwag (Wade)(M), Eevee (Sorrell)(F), Seel (Nixie)(F), Goldeen (Maya)(F), Oddish (Bryony)(F), Hisuian Lilligant (Laurel)(F), Sprigatito (Jasmine)(F), Brute Bonnet (Shamrock)(M), Tandemaus (Kundu & Panya)(M&F), Smoliv (Olivia)(F), Applin (Pomeroy)(M), Togepi (Jevin)(M)

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