

after I drank my coffee I couldn't sleep I gaze at him as he slept on the couch peacefully his sleeping face which didn't change even in his sleep he still look cute or even more cuter he was a gentle man still he let me sleep on his bed and have my own space I blush remembering how stupid I was to think he had rape me but I wasn't at fault he sure need a lot of scolding for what he did.

I laid calm as I gaze at the ceiling without sleeping I tired too sleep but I kept it in the back of my mind that by 4am I would go back too the hostel since it was still 2am I had extra one hour too sleep I close my eyes as I drift off too sleep.

I woke up the next morning due too the sun ray that found his way inside the room I blink serval times to adjusted my eyes sight.

" oh my god " I gasped because the sun has already risen I panicked as I stood up but just as I was about to make my way out of the bed Hanzon walk in and I was furious what explanation should I give the Dean and authories of the school I was about to tell him a piece of my mind when he spoke " I know you are mad but I couldn't distrub your sleep" he said

that was the lamest excuse " you couldn't wake me now you got me in trouble" I said bitting on my lips to control my anger " you won't get into trouble I promise....." he couldn't continue his statement because I suddenly caught him off " how are you sure I won't get into trouble because you are rich and think everything revolves around you " I yelled at him truth was I was still mad at my self he look pained before he said " I already informed the Dean about this and so is your roommate I took a break day for you and am sorry I took you too my room without your permission am sorry " he said and lowered his gaze I felt guilty but I wasn't gonna fall for his lies boys are just like this make girls feel guilty and then manipulate them. he drop the tray of food before he said " I guess you are hungry so I made you breakfast and you can change into any of those dresses I got them from the school you can take a break today, am relieving you from your duties " he said and left without gazing at me

why is he making me feel guilty my stomach growl I quickly ate up the breakfast he brought, my god this was one of my favorite meal if possible I could get it every morning, I eat all the meal as I relax I gaze at the clock and realized how long I had been here I took a quick look at those gorgeous gown for the first time in years I really liked a gown it was a royal blue with beautiful stones on it I quickly took a bath and wore that beautiful gown.

Even though I wanted too leave as fast as possible but I can't denial the fact that I enjoyed the soft bed the food and everything he had done for me that would be ungrateful of me I quickly vacuumed the room and arrange the bed I walk out of his room and then I remember that we had a project I rush down to the library which was kind of quiet but immediately I step in all eyes were on me Chole and her friends of course what do you expect rolled their eyes at me while Davis rush up too me looking mad and worried at the same time " I can explain" I said but she shut me out with an hug which I never expected I expected the scolding of my life " how was your night hope he didn't stress you " she said in-between our hug " nothing ausally happened....."

" I Know don't be shy to tell me about it" she wink at me while grining mischievously I was about to speak when Hanzon walk in he look at me coldly before he said " get a seat and stop distrubing the class or else used the door" he said

I quickly took the last seat behind the library where prodivence and James were seated he gaze at me with disgusted before he said in a low tone " am sure he did you dirty yesterday this seniors are something else " he said

" am sure she did has the highest mark in this project " James said as they smirk at me " princess I can't wait too get my hand under your pussy and make your nipples harden".

pam pam

I slap him hard across the face and everyone gasped.

he look furious and his ears smoke red he fumed his arm in a blow as he look he was gonna attack me but just as he raised his arm to slap me but Hanzon catch his arm on time before it could have landed he was suddenly pull to the ground while yelling in pain. Hanzon took him out of the library but before he left he stared at me for seconds .

I was still in shock I sat down thinking of what the fuck just happened when chole came up too me, too bad I wasn't in the mood for her dramas so I just ignore her and her endless threat she look furious and more embarrassed at the fact that I didn't respond to her she when on and on too the point that a girl who I have seen in the class but have never spoken too said " give your self some grace chole do you think everyone is like you that sleep her way through everything" she said and the whole library went silicient for a spilt seconds and then Chole got mad really mad she wanted to say something but another girl yelled from behind " I had seen her with almost all the male seniors and I had caught her making out in the restroom with that toothless senior all because of popularity" she said and this time everyone brust out laughing Chole was so embarrassed she seem she was gonna cry I felt bad for her but she deserves it big time.

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