
Natural Consequences

Winston charges at Emilia, obviously having no strategy in mind. Emilia steps to the side and makes Winston fall forward. She grabs his arm and twists it behind his back, easily restraining him. Winston narrows his eyes and kicks at Emilia, making her release her grip in order to avoid the attack. He turns and tries to uppercut but fails to land a hit.

Winston grows more frustrated with each miss. The fact that Emilia is doing nothing but dodging increases the level of his frustration, making his attacks become more aggressive. Emilia is certain that her plan is working perfectly as she watches his expression grow irritated. Pretty soon he will stop holding back and lose control of his rationality.

One more dodge was all it takes, Winston's eyes burn with rage as he tackles her and pins her to the ground. She doesn't resist, in fact she smiles as her head smacks against the ground. Winston puts his face a few inches from her own as he growls at her. "You wanted to spar but you aren't even trying to hit me, what the hell is going on?" He asks angrily. "You caught me. Or did you?" Emilia asks while lifting her leg up and kicking Winston off of her.

Emilia forgets about the difference in strength and bellows out with laughter as she watches Winston fly into the air. "My bad, I forgot about that." She chuckles. She walks over to him and gives him a malicious grin as if to tell him to stay down.

Winston ignores her silent threat as he kicks her legs out from under her and punches her in the face. The sound of a crack echoing through the yard was enough to drive Dietrich into a frenzy. Dietrich runs up and slams Winston off of Emilia before pummeling his face repeatedly. Isaac runs over to check on Emilia but stops midway and laughs loudly.

Emilia sits up and shrugs while wiping Winston's blood from her face. "You should probably stop him." She says with a small laugh. "Isn't that your job? Or are you hoping that I'll get punched too?" Isaac retorts. Emilia simply laughs in reply as she watches her brother go to ok stop the fight.

"Hey dumbass! Next time you should try checking to see who got injured before attacking." Isaac shouts with amusement as he pushes Dietrich off of Winston. Dietrich tilts his head and looks over to a completely unharmed Emilia and then back to Winston who was covered in blood from head to toe. "Oh…" Dietrich says as he backs off.

The stench of blood shrouds the area and what was meant to be a simple sparring match turns into a bloodbath as the ground begins rumbling. Emilia's body stiffens as the all too familiar scent of decaying flesh and toxic chemicals reaches her nose. Out from the woods comes twenty of the rabid looking grizzly bears snarling with green ooze dripping from their muzzles. The only thing standing between them and the bears were the manor's gates.

Dietrich panics as he runs over to Emilia and quickly grabs hold of her hand. "What the hell are those?" Isaac asks as he stares at the strange bears. "More importantly, how the fuck did they find us all the way out here?" Dietrich asks with a quivering voice. He looks over to Emilia and squeezes her hand. "Hey, it's alright. They can't get over here." But just as he finishes speaking, the bears begin climbing over the gates.

Emilia looks over to Isaac. "Open the gates for me." She demands. Isaac looks over to his sister and tilts his head. "What are you talking about? The moment I open the gates, those things are going to rush in here." He argues. "Just do it Isaac. Open the gates. At this point they'll climb over and get into the manor anyways so just open the damn gates." She commands again.

Isaac shrugs and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small remote and presses a button on it. The gates begin creaking open and Emilia shifts. Dietrich steps in front of her. "What the hell do you think you're about to do?" He asks with disbelief. Emilia snorts and runs toward the opening in the gate.

"Emilia! What the fuck?! Do you have a death wish or something??" Winston shouts from the sidelines. "No, she has an idea for how to get the bears away from here. We should probably follow and help her though, she doesn't have much combat knowledge and is still very new. Not to mention, even fully trained soldiers struggle to hold their against one of these things." Dietrich explains before shifting and taking off after her. "Well, looks like we're going to have some fun today after all! Winston, go tell my dad about what's going on." Isaac says before shifting and following Dietrich's lead.

Emilia leads the men out of the gates and off of the property, purposely nicking one of her paws on the way. She watches as the bears turn their attention to her and give chase. The plan is working, now to lead them into a trap. While heading to the mall with Vira and Quin, she noticed a path that leads to a steep cliff. If she can manage to get the bears to blindly follow her out to it and trick them into falling over the edge then it should at least give them some time before the bears return, if they survive the fall.

She keeps dashing forward in the hope that this works out in her favor. She sees the cliff edge and smiles to herself, just a little more. She takes a peek behind her and sees that the bears are still following close behind. Then she realizes something. She didn't think about how to ensure that all of the bears fall over…. Looks like it's time for some improvisation and danger. She bolts over the edge of the cliff, grabbing onto a branch at the last second and watching as all the bears tumble down.

Finally, the danger is gone. She thinks to herself but she lets her guard down much too soon as the branch starts breaking from her weight. At this rate, she is going to tumble down along with the bears. She frantically looks around for something to help her get back up but there's nothing in sight. Panic and realization sinks in and the branch cracks more and her body dangles over the abyss. 'Natural consequences. This is what I get for not thinking ahead.' She says to herself as the branch breaks completely and she closes her eyes in preparation of her fate.

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