
At the border [6]

The S.C.T. army gathered in formation, ready to listen to Airon's speech. With his impeccable Arm-3J combat uniform and determined gaze, Airon approached the podium and directed his voice towards the crowd of eager soldiers.

"Soldiers of the S.C.T., today we mark a new chapter in our fight against the walkers. We have cleansed our cities, restored hope to our fellow citizens, and now it is time to advance towards Florida," declared Airon with a firm voice that resonated throughout.

The echo of his words reverberated among the soldiers, who awaited the start of operations in that region with enthusiasm. Airon continued, "Our first task will be to mobilize the hundreds of thousands of walkers to a special point. We will use our helicopters to transport them there, where they will be stored for their subsequent conversion into energy."

The army nodded in approval, aware of the importance of this process in harnessing resources and protecting humanity from the threat of the walkers. Airon went on, "Once we have completed this phase, we will begin the underground operation. We will establish strategic bases to secure every corner of Florida and eliminate any threat that stands in our way."

The soldiers mentally prepared themselves for the impending battle, knowing that their training and bravery would be tested. Airon instilled confidence and determination in them, saying, "I trust each and every one of you, in your courage and your commitment to our mission. Together, we will reclaim this land and restore the peace we once knew in a chapter of our lives."

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, demonstrating their loyalty and support for their commander. Airon felt honored by their backing and assured them, "We will not be alone in this fight. We have the support of our forces from the sky and the ground, and together, we will prevail over any enemy that stands in our way."

"Glory to humanity, soldiers!"

"Glory to humanity!!!"

With Airon's final words, the S.C.T. army dispersed, preparing to embark on a new campaign. The helicopters took off, transporting the walkers to their designated destination, while the troops prepared to descend into the depths of the earth and take the battle directly to the remaining walkers in Florida.

It was a crucial moment in the fight against the walker plague, but determination and unity reigned within the ranks of the S.C.T. They knew they were writing a new chapter in the history of humanity, and their courage and sacrifice would be vital to ensure a future free from this nightmare.

With hearts filled with courage, the S.C.T. army launched into battle, confident that together they would prevail and restore peace and security in Florida, one step closer to recovering a world they had once believed was lost.


The AH-64 Apache helicopters of the S.C.T. soared through the sky, coordinated in a carefully planned choreography to attract the attention of the hundreds of thousands of walkers scattered throughout the towns and cities of Florida. Their rotors resonated in the air, generating a deafening sound that aroused the interest of the undead.

From the heights, the pilots maneuvered skillfully, using lights and sounds to direct the walkers towards the designated gathering point. The helicopters flew in formation, creating a captivating spectacle for the hungry eyes of the walkers, who clustered together and followed the aircraft as if drawn by magnets.

The AH-64 A/D Apache is an agile helicopter with powerful armament, making it the most advanced combat helicopter in the world, and it is used by the S.C.T.'s advance group.

The sky filled with helicopters, all working in harmony to attract the attention of the walkers and guide them to a single location. Coordination was crucial, as the slightest mistake could jeopardize the crews and the mission itself.

The pilots adjusted the altitude and speed of the helicopters to control the direction of the walkers. They flew in circles, zigzagged, and changed course strategically, creating an aerial dance designed to keep the walkers relentlessly following them.

The walkers, drawn by the presence of the helicopters and the deafening noise, moved forward in a slow and grotesque mass. Streets and roads filled with shuffling corpses, crawling towards the gathering point as if they were puppets manipulated by the pilots from above.

On the ground, the soldiers of the S.C.T. stood ready to receive the walkers. Armed with protective gear and specialized weapons, they were prepared to contain and neutralize any threats that might arise during the concentration process.

The helicopters continued their maneuver, leading the walkers to their destination. It was a challenging and terrifying task, but the pilots demonstrated exceptional skill and indomitable courage in the face of adversity.

Finally, the walkers arrived at the concentration point, where the forces of the S.C.T. established barriers and perimeters to keep them contained. The helicopters withdrew, leaving the walkers grouped together and ready to be processed and converted into energy.

Teamwork and effective coordination between the pilots and soldiers had achieved a successful operation. The walkers were now in a controlled location, eliminating the threat they posed to the surrounding communities.

With a sigh of relief, the soldiers of the S.C.T. began to perform the necessary tasks to properly secure the walkers and prepare them for further processing. They knew that this was a victory in the fight against the undead, one step closer to recovery and reconstruction.

"Zz... There are estimated to be over 700,000 walkers, possibly with the ones in buildings and underground tunnels, the number will increase to one million undead."


Six hours later.

Airon received the detailed report of the walker concentration operation in Florida. He listened attentively to every word, evaluating the progress and challenges encountered in the process. Once the report concluded, his serious expression transformed into determination.

"Soldiers, we have successfully gathered the walkers in one place. It is a major step towards our goal of cleansing Florida of this plague," declared Airon with a firm and resolute voice. "Now is the time to carry out the ground operation and free this city from the dominion of the undead."

The soldiers, gathered in the command room, nodded with determination. They were prepared to confront the threat of the walkers and restore security in the first city of Florida. They knew that this mission was crucial to pave the way for the total recovery of the region.

Airon gave key instructions for the ground intervention. He divided the soldiers into specialized teams, assigning them specific tasks and areas of responsibility. He emphasized the importance of effective communication and coordination between the teams to ensure the success of the operation.

Novel finished on level 3 of my Patreon: SrCuervo

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