
Sincere Words

Dawn looked back to find that Merle and Bob had come out of the room right behind her, the rifles in their hands already pointed at her head. 

But Dawn wasn't nervous, for she saw that almost all of the policemen who had been outside bringing in the supplies she had been given were already in the hallway, pointing their guns at Airon and his people. 

When Dawn felt safer, she looked toward Airon who had not stopped and said in a warning tone, "Airon, as a soldier and to place our trust in you and your people, stop right now." 

Airon stopped, looked towards Dawn and then said, "I just told you, look back." 

"Please, are you kidding me right now, there's only three of you...!" 

"Everyone put your weapons down right now!" 

Just before Dawn finished speaking, she was interrupted by the loud words that were Jon's. At these moments, the eyes of the policemen behind Dawn turned their heads to the side and as they watched they could see armed people entering.

As she tried to look at how many people were in the hallway, the policemen in front of Dawn moved and the group entering was led by a man with long hair who held a crossbow. 

Some time later, more and more people appeared, all of them heavily armed.    

Although the people are different, there is one thing that is very similar among that whole group, the equipment of those people is too good, most of them use standard military equipment, which are very similar to what Airon was wearing.

There was no need to ask who those people were, Dawn instantly understood who that group of people were. 

Dawn cursed silently, she had definitely made a mistake and then asked the group of policemen next to her, "That he wasn't under arrest a moment ago? What the hell have they done?" 

Daryl came towards the group and said, "No need to look for the rest of the cops, they're taking a break right now!" 

"Way to go little brother!" Merle never forgot to say good words for his brother, so his smile couldn't help but get bigger.

Dawn sighed in relief, at least she was comforted that this group of military men weren't planning to kill them for this mistake they had made, but knowing that she couldn't settle anything with these people.

Understanding this, Dawn immediately turned to Airon and asked, "Sir, what will happen now? Let me tell you that this situation is very bad for both of us, why did your people break into the hospital?" 

Airon did not answer immediately, but lowered his gaze to Lacari who was on the ground unconscious, so he stood up. His gaze settled on Lamson at his side, then he walked over to Dawn and rubbed the knuckles of his hand. 

Seeing that everyone was silent, Airon smiled and said, "I'll tell you what happens next, you guys put your weapons down and I'll let this disagreement go. With this, no one will have in their fucking files that you raised your weapon towards the general of the place you will be sent to." 

Every word from Airon made the policemen feel more and more scared, they all looked at each other in silence and lowered their weapons. If the army comes to this place, they could do nothing but support them and if they disagree, considering this situation they would definitely be killed. 

After seeing the policemen lower their guns, Bob stepped forward and took all the guns from the policemen. Airon, who was watching this, looked at Dawn and said, "You're not bad, I mean it. You've already done a lot to keep this place safe, let me take care of this place from now on." 

Dawn, who heard Airon's words, looked around and seeing that everyone had surrendered, slowly lowered her gun and handed it to Bob. 

"I don't want to be the one to cause trouble, if your people will come to this place I hope they can help everyone!"

Although she was afraid, Airon's previous words convinced her. The army was taking back the city of Atlanta, if this man who claims himself to be the commander of those people, once he causes trouble there will be no place to escape to. 

If she steps back now, it is possible that she could still be in control of her own safety. Therefore, I look at everyone and sigh. 

"Merle, take care of placing all the cops under arrest and leave them ready to be assessed by the team approaching this place." Airon looked at Merle and then turned to his group. 

"Right now we will gather all the survivors of the hospital and share with them what will happen from now on with their situation." 

Understanding Airon's words, Daryl nodded and turned around with a few people from his group. Instead of waiting here while the cops are placed under arrest, it was good to gather all the survivors and tell them about their situation. 

"That policeman apparently wanted to rape her, if any of you have undertaken a crime as serious as that, we won't need humans like you in our community." 

After saying those words, Airon walked towards the place where all the survivors had been gathered. With Shepherd's help, they all quickly gathered. 

"Does anyone know what is going on?" 

"Who are these people?" 

"Are they military?" 

Airon didn't want to take too long doing all this, so as he stood in front of all these people, he clapped his hands loudly and said, "I know you will be confused right now, is the military really trustworthy today? Let me tell you, me and my people are still fighting for the future of humanity." 

"Since the beginning of the chaos a year ago, we were all confused and more so the top brass of the military who started to mishandle the situation." 

They all listened attentively to Airon's words, now that they didn't see any policemen, they felt calmer and inevitably dreamed that they could finally have a new future than being in this hospital. 

Airon paused and said, "I am not asking you to trust me, but my actions in the future. You will all be moved to a base about three miles from this place, my people at this moment are approaching this hospital." 

"You witnessed the brutality committed by the policemen, let me tell you that you will be judged for your crimes and many of you will never see your faces again in the future, you will all be able to work at whatever you like best without the need to risk your lives." 

"The only thing I can tell you is that I am a little late. I regret in the name of the army and my soldiers for not being able to protect you, but from this moment on, you will be safe under our protection." 

Everyone listened in tears to Airon's honest words, some of his fellow members of his group looked at him with surprised expressions, no one ever thought that he could touch the hearts of all these people with just a few words. 

Merle stood in a corner, he looked to the side where the cops were and ran his finger down his neck as he smiled and whispered, "Most of you police bastards will be six meters underground!"

Daryl looked at these people crying and felt strange, you will definitely always experience new things if you follow Airon. 

"Sir, the reinforcements have arrived!" 

At that moment, Jon Silk walked in followed by a man and some military men in standard suits. 

"Commander, I'm the captain of the A-1 squadron sent by leader Shane, I'm under your orders!" 

"You arrived at the perfect time!" 

Hello everyone, thanks for reading and leaving your comments. I'm preparing an HP story that I'm currently editing to post on my P_treon, I'll upload it here when I'm sure it's an interesting idea.

Well, if you want to support me and read more than 60 chapters, you can visit my P_treon: SrCuervo

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