
The two options

Just as everyone was berating the governor with righteous indignation, Rick looked at everyone and finally said, "Listen everyone, the time has come to make a decision! Since we are a group looking for something better for the future, we will give you two paths." 

After pausing, Rick said, "First, you leave this place and promise never to return, you have to avoid any form of contact, if you violate your promise, we will take appropriate action so that will never happen again." 

"The other option is that you choose to join us, but each and every one of you will be required to take a course led by Corporal Rayan who will train you into good soldiers, those of you who want to join us can choose to stay and graduate from that training!" 

When Rick said this, there was an outburst of discussion in the crowd. Seeing this, Rick paused and continued, "There is nothing to worry about, if you can't make a decision right now, you can go to your shelter and think about it for three days. Now, those of you who want to leave can leave now, those of you who want to stay just stay in this place for the next two minutes." 

Airon listened to all this in silence, his gaze swept over the faces of all these people as he thought about how this test shouldn't be too difficult. Yes, most will possibly leave this place, but those who stay will have a vision that everyone in their group has about the future. 

However, Airon could not give them a second chance and if they decide to leave it is obvious what will happen. He told Martinez the first time he saw him, they only get two chances and many of those about to spend that second chance. If they are not smart enough to see that this place is the best place for them to be, Airon was determined about what he would do with those who leave. 

After he finished speaking, Rick motioned to Corporal Rayan, Rayan understood and nodded to express his sympathy, then he and his group walked to the outer gate along with his people who were escorting these POWs. By now, there were three cars lined up ready to be driven towards the gate. 

"One more thing, many of the Woodbury survivors are now on their way to this place, the citizens decided to join our community, if they are concerned about the safety of these people they should know they are in good hands." 

As a final show of his thoughtfulness, Airon released the last barrier for those thinking of leaving to stay and consider their future again. Many paused, thought silently, and then walked to the outer door. 

It wasn't until many walked safely to the door that Martinez secretly breathed a sigh of relief. People here may not know what he had done before, but it was included in the video and recording from a moment ago. Although the people in Woodbury haven't said anything now, it doesn't mean they won't say anything when they come back and now when I hear that many of the survivors in Woodbury are coming to this place, I stop thinking about what would happen next. 

In addition, Martínez could not understand how these people managed to calculate everything that would happen and there is no doubt that the death of the Governor was part of those plans. He knew that the other party must have known everything they would do and how they would do it from the beginning to the end, this terrible control of events made Martinez feel really scared. 

With that in mind, he deliberately drew Crowley and others to his side. He had made a plan quickly in his mind. Once he left this here, immediately after leaving this place he would take the more experienced ones with him and they would leave Woodbury.

Silently signaling others to follow him with their eyes, Martinez quietly stood in front of the last three cars, and the rest quickly got into the car, and other survivors also walked consciously when they saw these people get into these cars, but they stopped at the outer gate, many finally decided to stay in this place when they heard that most of their people were heading this way. 

At this point, everyone in Woodbury was well aware that their original team had secretly split into two groups. When the door opened, more than half of the people stayed in this place. 

They had all been watching a car parked in the middle of the road to the outer gate. At this moment, the Governor was slumped over the steering wheel with his eyes wide open. His serious and controlling eyes lost their focus and watched as many people did not stop and left the prison one after another. 

Airon stood in front of the inner courtyard door and watched as some stayed and others decided to leave. He turned his head to look at Merle beside him and Merle nodded with understanding. 

Merle calmly walked away and left the crowd at the gate. After a moment, an SUV pulled up in front of the front yard and Airon opened the passenger seat door and calmly sat down. 

"Airon, we're coming too!" 

It turned out that Daryl and Shane were also approaching, Airon looked at the two of them and remained silent for a moment. 

"Do you guys really want to go?" 

The two didn't answer and sat in the back row, Shane patted Merle's shoulder and said with a smile, "We can't let old Merle do all the work, after all he's old!" 

"Ha ha ha!" Merle's strange laughter rang out instantly, Airon now did not try to persuade people that he would do this job, just as he was about to order to catch up with those who left the prison, when someone was heard opening the back door. 

"Mind if I fill the empty seat?" Michonne was the one who stepped forward and opened the door.   

Shane frowned and said, "Why are you here? We're not going to play, don't cause us any trouble." 

"They killed Janet! I have to go too!" Michonne's expression was serious, with a hint of pleading in her tone. 

Airon sighed slightly and asked, "How did you know what we'd be doing?" 

"It's not hard to guess that it was impossible for you to forgive them twice for making the same mistake, you said so yourself. Besides, I overheard your conversation the night before." Michonne said without holding anything back. 

"Are you spying on us?" Daryl's tone was a bit accusatory. He didn't know Michonne yet, which made him somewhat allergic to sword fighters. 

"Okay, let's get going!" Airon signaled to Merle. He knew Michonne well if he decided not to take her with the group on this occasion, it might leave a knot for the other party that they'd never be able to work out and that would be unfortunate. 

"Understood!" Merle shouted quizzically, started the car and quickly disappeared into the woods. 

At that moment, many saw a car drive out of the prison and couldn't help but ask, "Where are they going?" 

Rick, who turned around just said, "To hunt." 

When everyone heard those words, they felt their blood run cold and some even froze, it turns out this group was never going to let them go. 


At the same time, Karen was sitting in a large truck full of people heading towards the prison, apparently playing with a radio the Governor had given out. 

At the time, people around her were constantly asking her questions, and she was answering the questions while looking at the other trucks behind her. 

Finally, when they came to a fork in the road, Karen and the group of trucks ran into a duo of cars heading in the opposite direction. 

The radio was squeezed tightly and then she realized it was all over and said aloud, "Look, it's Martinez's group and the others, looks like they didn't decide to stay." 

The people in the truck were ordinary survivors and did not hear the oddity in Karen's words at all. They all turned their heads and looked back, and saw Martinez and the others driving two cars away from a side street. 

A young man in the back row said, "Never mind, we didn't plan on having anything to do with them anyway. The Governor used to rely on killing and looting to keep the camp going. Now, on second thought, a lot of us were stupid to think we were lucky to keep living such a good and quiet life when we were aware that it was not so."

"The time has come to wake up..." 

The Young Man's words changed the subject in the truck, and several people began to discuss some strange things about the governor. Karen quietly turned off the radio in her pocket and then continued chatting with several people as if nothing had happened. 

Some time later, Merle drove very fast and when he received the information of the group that was evacuating to the prison, Merle did not stop and stepped on the accelerator getting closer and closer to Martinez's group. 


Martinez was driving a car, feeling very uncomfortable. Today it is considered that he had that feeling just like the last time, a third life. If that damn man is a person who has no mercy on his enemies, it is estimated that right now they would all be corpses. 

"It all went to hell! That bastard governor just died! In the end we were all implicated by him and we lost Woodbury too!" Crowley, who was in the co-pilot's seat said. 

Shumpert said over the radio, "We don't have anything, it was all taken by the people in that shelter." 

Crowley angrily opened and closed the car door and said, "Fuck! These bastards want us to die at the hands of the walkers! When I get the guns, I've got to go back and kill them!" 


Suddenly, the windshield was pierced by a bullet, the front glass was punctured and blood along with the glass shards exploded. 

Crowley, who was talking, violently leaned back against the seat back, and pieces of flesh along with blood instantly stained the bodies in the back seat with blood. 


Thank you all for your good wishes, I really wish you the best too.

[5/5] I'm working on a HP fanfic after reading Narnia, I don't really know what happens to me sometimes. When I least realize it I have an idea in my head, but I will inform you later.

Thanks for reading, if you want to read more than 50 chapters you can visit my P_treon: SrCuervo

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