
A curious person

"Now relaying local news, according to our reports, this morning more than three dead bodies were found inside a bridge in Atlanta. This case was too suspicious, surely a dispute broke out between two criminal gangs, this is very common in the outlying parts of the city." 

"According to the police, the case happened last night and details are still under investigation, so it is inconvenient to reveal much about this case, our reporter Antonio Sanchez will take you first hand to the scene."    

In a motel room, the news was on TV, the bathroom door was ajar and the sound of the shower could be heard. 

The sun shines on the bed through the curtains. This should be a very warm image, but because of the metallic sheen reflected from the various weapons and equipment placed next to the bed, it induced an icy air. While inside a bathroom, a young man in his 20s was looking at himself in the mirror. With an oval face, messy black hair and amber eyes, and although his age was not much, he gave the impression of being between 20 and 25 years old, not at all the age he really was.   

Airon approached the bed with a bathrobe around his waist and pulled several large backpacks out from under the bed. 

Money, most of the backpacks were filled with greenbacks, and a few others with guns. He had taken a big risk yesterday but surprisingly he didn't feel scared or nervous, as if what he had just done didn't mean much to him. 

This world was very cruel, if it wasn't for the walkers that would very soon flood the streets in this world, Airon wouldn't be so desperate to prepare for the end of the world. Nor did he consider himself a hero, otherwise he would warn everyone about a virus that would very soon strike their daily lives. However, he knew the society and knew that none of that would do him much good.

What he needed now was staff and someone who would decide to work with him and survive in this terrible world. Maybe working alone would be best, but considering all the things he needed to do, he was bound to find a small group of helpers. 

Therefore, the easiest way to find people willing to work alongside him would be on the internet, so now he needed to get a suitable computer to work on. 


In an urban area of Atlanta, there are beautiful tall buildings standing, and the roads on both sides are full of people and traffic, it all seemed so normal. It was unbelievable that a virus was about to strike this world and wipe out the governments of the strongest countries in the world with its lethality. From time to time, ambulances passed by quickly. 

Even if the environment is extremely noisy and normal, Airon could not remain calm, after all this world would very soon be in chaos. 

"Will this place be the right place to buy a computer?" 

Looking at the large shopping mall with crowds of people coming and going, Airon wondered to himself with some trepidation in his body. 

"Let's make it quick..." 

Airon wasn't very calm in places with large crowds of people, even though he's not afraid of the plot walkers, a single mistake could cost him dearly. 

Just as he was about to look for a store where they sell computers, a loud noise was heard and he turned his head to look in the direction of the commotion. 

He quickly saw a large, dark-skinned man kneeling helplessly at the side of the mall entrance, his chest heaving and panting violently, his whole body trembling, the blood vessels in his eyes showing an unnatural color, and red blood overflowing from his mouth, a series of symptoms that made him look very frightening. 

Everyone around him knew that this person might have some kind of infectious disease, and everyone covered their mouths and noses and stayed away from this area. 

Sure, to the people in the vicinity this man was sick and needed help, but Airon didn't feel the same way. 

"Call the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, we should request him to send an ambulance." 

What happened here attracted the attention of the police patrolling nearby. Airon saw them quickly approach with a Walkie-talkie and request an ambulance. 

When they ran to the large dark-skinned man, they quickly handcuffed him without explanation. This action by the police aroused strong discontent among the black-skinned men around them. 

Those with good tempers persuaded the police to remove the handcuffs quickly, while those with bad tempers cursed aside. 

The policeman looked coldly at the crowd around him, drew his gun without explaining the situation and silently warned the people around him not to do anything radical. 

After a while, the ambulance stopped next to the police with the sound of "beep beep beep beep" not far from the scene. At this moment, the big black-skinned man seemed to have lost his mind, his body was writhing and he kept screaming loudly. 

It was then that the people insisting that he be let go stopped, obviously that black-skinned person was very sick. Many even believed it was rabies. 

Soon, many people arrived and extra manpower was needed to place the man on a stretcher. 

When the ambulance left, the crowd of onlookers saw that there was no excitement and gradually dispersed, and the usual street scene resumed, as if nothing had happened at this point. 

Witnessing this whole process, Airon suddenly became very alert, there was a voice in his ear that seemed to tell him that everything had started. Quite possibly, the CDCE had already reported strange cases of a deadly and very infectious disease that was emerging around the world. 

"Why do I always have a sinister premonition?" Airon shook his head, everyone was running out of time and he had to make the most of what little he had left. 

Even though this sort of thing happened every day, he shouldn't dismiss every little thing that happened in the surroundings. People are not ignorant, they just have too many problems in their lives to pay attention to the problems around them, if something is coming they just wait for it. 

Airon didn't waste any more time, he quickly found a store where they sold computers and went in without thinking much about it. Now he had money, so he just had to buy a computer and get out of that place. 

At first glance, he looked at a Toshiba laptop that seemed to look good. Just as he was about to pick it up, a voice next to him rang out. 

"I wouldn't buy a Toshiba laptop if I were you, the equipment is horrible, I recommend an Asus A52F, they are the best on the market in my opinion."


Airon, who was surrounded by anxiety, immediately turned his head to the side and looked at a young man with glasses and a backpack hanging from his right shoulder. 

"You look like you know computers, do you want to make a few bucks configuring this equipment for me?" 

"I can do that, although it would be money wasted." 

"I'm Airon Darcy, you can just call me Airon." 

Airon introduced himself to the young man who looked no older than he was, come to think of it, he could use his help in setting up the computer much faster. 

"Tyler Thorpe, it would be my pleasure to help you in your introduction to the world of technology." Tyler said with a wry smile. 

"Then I thank you in advance, I will definitely pay you well." 

After paying for the purchase with cash, Airon got to know Tyler better, this boy who was studying computer science. 

In his words, he could use a computer effectively by making use of all its capabilities, something not many people do with their computers. 


It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Tyler finished setting up Airon Darcy's laptop, they were in a coffee shop not far from the mall and everything seemed quiet, Airon and Tyler chatted quietly. 

"So, you come alone from abroad just to study, it should be really hard, right?" Airon asked with a somewhat thoughtful expression. 

"I don't have much of a relationship with my parents, after my mother left my father, my father married another woman and now our relationship is somewhat difficult." Tyler Thorpe was very candid and shared part of his life matter-of-factly. 

Airon Darcy, who hadn't had much interaction with people since discovering he was in the world of The Walking Dead, wanted to consider Tyler in his plans. 

"Can you help buy stuff online?" Airon noted, "I want to get a lot of stuff as soon as possible and in order not to waste time, I want to do it online." 

"It will be difficult because of the delivery time, what kind of things are you buying?" Tyler quietly sipped his coffee and asked. 

"Important stuff for the end of the world, do you think you can help me?" 

Airon handed five hundred dollars to Tyler and waited for his response, definitely the other party noticed his strange and hurried behavior, so he didn't expect much from this outcome. 

"It's nothing illegal, is it?" Tyler's eyes narrowed. 

"Of course not." 

"Then you have my help, let's go to my apartment, this place isn't good for comfortable talking." 

When Airon led Tyler to his apartment, he entered curiously. At first he didn't think the other party would be so trustworthy, so he was intrigued. 

Airon thought his time would be well spent if Tyler helped him, this person seemed to be very intelligent and thought differently than ordinary people. 

"Sit anywhere you like." 

Airon found an armchair to sit on and looked at Tyler, he hesitated for a moment and asked, "If I told you that something very big was about to happen, would you believe me?" 

Tyler's movements stopped, he looked at Airon and asked, "Do you know about that thing that's happening in France?" 

"Know what?" Airon's eyes narrowed. This time he was taken by surprise. 

"About the virus that slipped out of the hands of a group of scientists in France, on the hidden network a lot of information of that kind circulates, when I looked at you I immediately knew you were acting strangely." 

"So, you mentioned buying things for the end of the world. The most interesting thing is that you gave me five hundred dollars when it's impossible that someone my age was looking for a person to help him with his laptop." 

"How did you find out about that news, do you also think it's true? Many debate that the data is false." 

Tyler Thorpe looked at Airon curiously, lately due to the vacations he immersed himself in the net and discovered this not so reliable information. 

"You are someone very observant, your skills could be helpful, do you really want to know what is about to happen in the world?" 

Airon's expression was calm, he didn't care what others knew, he was definitely not the only one who knew that the world was slowly going into a bottomless abyss. 

"Let me explain what I know..."

Thank you all for continuing to support my novels, I promise to improve in every way and if you want to read more chapters you can visit my P_treon: SrCuervo

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