

Bryan and Andrew ran through the cemetery at full speed as they tried to catch up to the wraith who was now visible in the near distance.

"Physical attacks and normal bullets won't work on the wraith." Andrew asserted as he reloaded his pistol while still running.

"Then how do we kill it?" Bryan asked.

"Firstly, only spiritual force attacks are effective against evil spirits. Or specialized weapons such as this pistol." Andrew showed the pistol in his hand to Bryan after reloading the bullets.

Then Andrew added, "And secondly, we won't be killing it. We'll seal it!"

Bryan's eyebrows furrowed as he probed, "Seal it? What are you planning on doing?"

"Hehe, I will tame it in the future." Andrew chuckled.

He then passed his pistol with the rune inscriptions to Bryan and instructed, "Here, use this. The bullets shot will have Light properties. It will deal great damage to the Wraith.

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