
Start of a different routine, Part 9


To Nalfimiria Arwinphlier,

Before anything, it is pleasant to introduce myself more directly. Due to its formality, and my lack of agency in it, there wasn't much room to speak my mind in that invitation. Speaking off, I would like to make it clear this rejection was expected, so no waste shall occur due to advanced preparations. Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude for your comprehension before this invite. Despite it seeming like an unsuitable suggestion from the start, I decided not to resist it, on the condition any failure would not fall as my responsibility. I thought this as a good exercise for those pursuing the idea to learn to think of visitors not simply on the angle of what effect they might bring, yet also on how their differences should require adaptability during contact. 

And though I likely wouldn't be the one to mainly suffer from this, I still appreciate the fact you kept this rejection only as that instead of forwarding any complaint towards their actions. For my unlearned subjects, know that this kindness has been cherished. I also assure you that your handling of the situation has had me all the more intrigued by your person. Your many skills seem all the more amusing to witness when viewed from up close. This makes me all the more curious and eager to become more intimately acquainted with a woman like yourself, and the many aptitudes and sides of this distant yet impressive presence. 

Speaking of these desires, about the matter for a meeting. Similarly, I would like to try to make time for one at the soonest, and might find one for tomorrow. If possible, I would thank you if the same could be done at your end, in case your work routine has yet to start by that point. I hoped finding time slots shared by both of us would be far easier this early into your visit, so that the anticipation for this meeting could be met with some slight relief at the earliest. Exchanging words with someone through a third party for so long, without ever getting the chance to hear their voice or feel their touch directly can be rather hard, as the yearning brought by these short exchanges tends to tire my patience towards inspecting the subject fully. The initial distance, the length of time in which we had these conversations and my intrigue for your strong personality have made this wait all the more exciting. 

Which is all to say, despite my great craving to be acquainted to you directly all the sooner, I believe finding the time for a longer meeting so soon might be difficult. Perhaps an hour, at most, however that wouldn't offer me the time to indulge in all of these whims. Instead, I would prefer to only introduce ourselves fully at a date in which we will have more time to embrace these built up questions. Hence, if your time may allow it, my suggestion for tomorrow would be to speak through mirror links. This will allow for the first words to be exchanged, outside of a situation where I might have the means to prolong them. And although it would serve as goading to my goals, it would grant us part of this bliss without extinguishing the blaze before the real event. If you wish to accept this invite, pass along the message through Stag, so that we may find available time for both of us. And if you still wish for a personal meeting despite my warning, I'll accept it, even if my excitement might make one harder within a time frame. Regardless, know that I patiently await any news from your side. And despite other implications, I wish that you understand that having a companion with whom I have no need to wear a crown before is what thrills me the most regardless, and with that said, 

My delight to speak to you,

From Almenar Lairnisflaiz.

I was standing in a room in the palace, the one where the mirror links were set up. The room itself was underground, so the lighting in it was entirely magical. Nothing too extravagant but like the usual for this palace, the walls had carvings in its lower half and near its corners that stuck out from the wall itself and filled a bit of detail to the ambient. It wasn't too luxurious, however in general this place was created to stick out in terms of the craftsmanship used in its decor. Skilled hands are more valuable than any gems in the eyes of a leader, a lesson I had been taught many times, and that was reflected in most of the palaces of my family. 

In order to best enable the usage of the device, the room was structured to account for it. In front of me was the capture point from where my image and voice would be transmitted, and beside it there were two "mirrors". A smaller one, showing myself, to give me a reference to my appearance, and a larger one, that would reflect Nalfimiria's image once this utensil made the connection to hers. The system that would convey her voice was on top of this mirror. Moreover, as the mechanisms accomplishing both of these tasks were on the larger side by magical engine standards, the room was separated in two halves. The first being the one where I was present, where the connection was formed. The other was separated by a thin wall behind the mirrors, and all parts of the tool were present there, alongside the aides who would be operating it. The walls would also keep most sound from leaving one room to the next, which I deemed preferable for the aides not to listen to the talk taking place within it. 

Normally these devices would be much smaller, and rarely long ranged communication was done with all of these features, including a full body image, natural voices and no delay between the words being spoken and transferred. This simply because creating these spell engines with full functionality was currently beyond mortal technology. Calls with image and natural voices to them usually were only possible within the same country, as transferring a message through thought communication was much easier. For this type of call to occur in different parts of a region, or within different regions altogether, one would need to do as much through the devices utilized by the sisterhood. But as with most things involving the Greater Ones, accessing them wasn't merely a matter of paying. In case you offered and proved there was a necessity for their usage, the path tracers would put you within a line or schedule if regular usage was needed, though without having any reasoning or necessity, the price was entirely dependent on the unforeseeable mercies of the Mind of Reason. 

Still, as one allied to the Greater Aspects, I had the rare luxury of one of these being present in each of my family homes. Perhaps luxury is not the word, though. Lady Telphilicallys always believed that an ordered state required its administration to have the ability to quickly communicate with itself, and that diplomacy is founded through good communication between countries. So to her, the office of a queen is the most logical place to ever place one of these tools. Even before our allegiance turned towards the Intertwined Paths, the Lady insisted on installing some of these in most centers of power within the world, to facilitate communication between them and their reach over their own lands*. Normally these would be used mainly for the national leader to speak to other government offices of their homeland or to speak to foreign leaders, yet as the sisterhood's temples kept similar devices within them, if it was deemed needed the sisterhood could contact us through them as well. Which is all to say if not for my partner in conversation being Nalfimiria, I likely would be using a simpler machine as well. 

[(*Not due to any requests or consent either, as the story goes that Lady Telphilicallys dropped these Gifts completely by surprise when she first demonstrated their capacity. Rather, it is said that one day the lords of many lands were getting ready for a meeting with the still "young" Mind of Reason, known at the time as one of the least predictable Greater Ones, meetings which all were arranged just a minute or two after the other. Those meetings concerned the communication and relationship between these different groups, as the world still was growing used to the Great Sister's prohibition of warfare. 

At the time of the appointment, Lady Telphilicallys then teleported into each of their chambers with the device, before installing it there and using its functions to teach various leaders how to operate it through a message she sent after finishing her deliveries. After her class was over, the lords were then offered a chance to communicate with each other through it under her watch. Ignoring the more metaphorical descriptions of her actions, I always found it entertaining how most of the more accurate versions of Lady Telphilicallys's deeds followed a similar pattern. She found a problem, said she would fix it, before appearing some weeks later while teleporting in a creation oftentimes hundreds of times her size, explaining its purpose, then vanishing as if to imply she had yet to install hundreds of the same mechanism in that day.)]

While keeping watch over the reports on the tool, I was preparing myself for our meeting to begin, looking over my appearance in a normal mirror. My choice of clothing was focused on maximizing my attractiveness and sexual appeal without seeming too formal. Even if I mostly did so due to Stag's suggestion, it would feel awkward not to dress in a way to try to charm Nalfimiria after all the many ways I found of writing "I want to fuck you" in between the lines for that letter*. As I might have also passed along the impression I wanted to fuck her for many hours on end, which wasn't entirely wrong, not commiting to that stance there sounded both cowardly and less interesting for both of us. Thus, that outfit had been chosen to compliment my beauty and to sharpen my somewhat humble shapes, though not to the point of leaving them perfectly exposed. 

It was more effective to draw another woman's curiosity than simply trying to win them via shock, as directing their thoughts was often the best way to keep their attention. Winning through impression wasn't my forte, regardless, and with all the many forms I've said "Let's fuck after we meet" already there wasn't exactly any need to suggest any more towards my intentions. The most relevant part of making that letter so explicit was to declare myself interested from the start as to skip her needing to confirm this, and my interest being clear, me being an option for her was already established. 

(*Speaking off, how many did you count? I placed 24 suggestive lines intentionally, so think of this as a game, if you want to return to that letter. I wasn't exactly subtle either.)

"It isn't too often I get to meet people under these prospects, isn't it? How exhilarating. Getting to initiate the chase without even having to verify if it's reasonable, and against a scarlet one, too. There will be so much to learn with her." Though this particular chase likely wouldn't last, I thought to enter this conversation with it in mind regardless. Any actual seduction would be unnecessary, as this partner probably didn't care to be convinced. 

This did not change the fact it was rare for me to get chances to act aggressively, especially during introductions. Almost all the socializing I did was somewhat work related, so most of the time my interactions had to account for the goal behind a connection. This was a rare case in which that goal was merely to befriend the one in question, meaning sexual interactions were mostly limited in what the partner could handle and my whims. And with such a friend, there was no limit to aggression other than direct violence. Dealing with an elf also forced the unique situation where things could only happen if the initiative was completely from my end, and therefore a role I had no need to shy away from. 

"Such a novel feeling. If her stamina is as advertised, she won't even need magic to keep up with my standards either. This will be such a fruitful connection, in about as many ways as I could wish." There was a political incentive, an emotional one (as I believed her friendship would be enjoyable as a whole, not just for sex) and this physical motivation. Not much else I could have hoped for, really. A part of me was even considering if it might be interesting to make a show of intent through the call, as a way to try to further push anticipation on her end as well. I doubted it would be needed, but an excuse existed, and I personally somewhat enjoyed exchanging erotic sights through these means. There was something very tempting about seeing someone jacking it outside my reach, especially so when they were technically inside my teleportation range yet unreachable due to my schedule. It would amp me up all the more for when eventually these hands were to exchange their tasks. 

"Then again, maybe I should be minding my own creativity for now. Even if it's fine to be aggressive, there is no need to be excessively hasty. Besides, even if she is willing to accept dealing with me without a filter, this doesn't mean she would enjoy it. I should still be tempering my expectations around that fact. I doubt jerking off counts as much for her anyways, even if it was with a live audience. This idea could risk boring her." Some might argue I was difficult to satiate, which I can't deny, but that still didn't change the fact I only had been doing this for 5 years, and my schedule didn't give me too much time for sex in the first place. For her, it was over 20, and based on the tendencies of elven youth it was fair to assume at least her first 5 years included bi or tri weekly visits to orgy houses. What would still count as amusement to me could potentially barely count as a warm up to her, in cases like the suggestion mentioned. With her levels of experience, even trying that in front of me probably wouldn't have much of an effect on her composure, much less a display of this sort. 

With this, I've covered both some of the location, my expectations, mentality and thoughts towards the meeting in question. Having offered this context, now to begin speaking about the situation itself. I had arrived in the room around ten minutes before the time we agreed. This was both for the sake of testing and verifying the equipment as well as making sure I wasn't late in the slightest. Punctuality is a valued virtue in a leader, and I had no intent of failing in those marks. For Nalfimiria to be late was acceptable, though those were not the standards in which I worked myself, especially as I had proposed the meeting. The device on our end was turned on about a minute before the appointed time, and shortly after it succeeded in connecting to the other end. The images weren't immediately shared, yet this implied both of us had been preparing ourselves with some anticipation. It wasn't long before her person took shape through the mirrors on our end, and the same likely happened in hers. 

"Strange. I've seen her many times through different views or pictures, but seeing her directly makes her appear all the better looking. I suppose even I found it a little dubious when viewing her from afar. Viewed directly, she looks all the more incredible. Perhaps seeing reality personally, with no room to excuse it, makes her absurd beauty all the more shocking." Elves tended to be prettier as a whole, but this one was definitely the most gorgeous I had ever met. Not that I thought there was any consensus as towards what beauty means. Dwarves find the lack of beards in the women of other species strange, and orcs and ogres probably think the rest of us are just far too small, while goblins or gnomes would argue the exact opposite. And the Qal'niphizus had too many features unique to them to put in one sentence. This only covers socials, but with every semi species with similarities to mine a difference in patterns likely could be found. Though most attempts at drawing an agreement pointed at elves. And if I had to explain what made elves so respected in regards to appearance, this one would be a perfect example of this. 

The faint flicker of power visible around magical creatures. The well built shape that somehow managed to expose the strength needed to crush boulders without making her skin look any less pleasant to the touch. The vibrant skin and hair, that combined with her presence would declare to all they dealt with a powerful creature, even if one still far from its peak. A height that didn't completely dwarf those below her, while also providing her the standing to seem less tiny compared to the bigger socials. A frame that was far too similar to the statues of the Greater Ones to ever be seen as a negative, and a face that seemed so peculiarly indistinct, with no excess or clear flaws. 

No exaggerated features on it, be it small or large, instead a look that portrayed perfect balance, as if everything about her had been measured with a ruler. This was the beauty most imagined in the species the Greater Aspects were shaped to look after. For elves weren't creatures tied to being specialized to a single kind of strength. They were generalists who took every role, and could compete with the leaders in each, depending on their birth power. In some ways, their appearance also reflected this refusal to compromise, and the success they found in denying the need for a single niche, as the most respected and feared social creatures on this planet. 

"Definitely the prettiest person I've ever seen. And how bizarre. Something Is making me uneasy, but I can't place a finger into what. Stag, do you…? Nevermind. I should just appreciate the fact having her around will make it easier to keep away attention while under disguise. It's no wonder her colleagues were partially left speechless either." The thoughts came about me quickly, before our conversation could begin. It was hard to judge anyone for being stunned. I didn't have that luxury, though. As casual as this meeting was by my work standards, I couldn't afford to just be left admiring her for her appearance. To understand this person was one of my goals, and my eyes and ears couldn't be left for a single superficial aspect of her for this to be accomplished quickly. 

—Hello. Nalfimiria, right? Sorry for the need to confirm. Indirect exchanges and descriptions don't always translate a visage perfectly. — I felt the need to start the topic, since I was responsible for this. At this point, both of us were standing in front of the device. 

—That's me, Your Highness. I thought by now you would be able to recognize me easily, though. The tracking is partially capturing our images based on what I sensed. Though forgive me for not knowing how to best treat a royal lady such as you, princess. — Her smile was charming, and despite us talking indirectly, it was still clear she had been meaning to tease me in regards to how to call me. This partially indicated she had been willing to act friendly from the start. 

—There's no need for you to worry about that. None can force us to play by these rules in private, and even then, an esteemed guest such as yourself could hardly be forced to obey them by anyone, especially as one bound to the paths. 

—Truly now? What a shocking revelation, though if it comes from Her Highness, it must be true. What does the princess want to hear from me, then? 

—Many things, really. Enough to merit a list, if we count other wants. For now, can you say my name? 

—Almenar. — She whispered softly in response. Another way of teasing, which I felt merited a comparable response. 

—Good. Now make it sound more erotic, Nalfimiria. — After the invitation, during which I added my own try at whispering her name, we engaged in this name exchange a few more times until I deemed it enough. 

—Very well, this should have set a better mood. How has your reception been? 

—Comfortable. This city is fun, and the people are pleasant. There was plenty to do while waiting for you to prepare the team. — Nalfimiria did seem sincere while saying so. She predominantly smiled during our conversation, and in it I saw a mixture of mindful and attentive glee. 

Contemplation was almost something I felt constantly from her, and her joy seemed less like something focused in the moment but the present as a whole, surrounding various aspects of the situation we were in. This was something I noticed frequently among elves. To them, happiness wasn't at its best in the exceptionally high moments, yet instead when the positives and negatives of life fluctuated towards a slightly greater average for some months or years. They didn't like spending too much time on highs as well, as according to them setting what's common as something above the norm had the danger of numbing them towards the expected joys of life. Expecting things to ever grow better could never be sustained for beings who live for as long as they do. 

—Really? It looked to me like you spent most of your time in the same bar. — By the rule of minimizing post sentence naming, let's establish this as my line and that from here for a while back and forth would ensue. 

—That was just the post I chose to wait for news. I left it for more than just shifts as well. 

—How dedicated. I thought we left it clear when the three of them would be coming, though. 

—Yes, but to better sell the plan publicly, it was best to give ample evidence I had been on stand by for some time. As far as the joints around the HQ went, that proved to be the most enjoyable for this task. 

—Is that so? Is the backroom there comfortable? 

—Not necessarily, though that isn't the point. Dwarves like to compete, and I like to mix alcohol with sex. It was just a very convenient exchange for all of us. Want to check it out at some point? 

—Maybe. I'll need a good disguise to pull that off. Will the goal be just to check it out or start another contest? 

—A contest, obviously. Adding you to our end in the drinking won't change things by much, but we could add to the rules that any climax of yours or of other team members would add to the drinking sum. Maybe I would even need to heal the intoxication at some point. 

—That would take quite a while. I'll need to find some days for this sort of meeting. That said it would probably dry the bar for the day. 

—As if that would be a cause of dismay to the ones managing that place. Dwarves love to dry out bars, regardless. 

—I did hear that, despite not getting many chances to interact with this aspect of their culture. Is that the only potential plan you got, however? 

—Nope. The goal of roaming was to learn as much as possible about places for fun in this city, including both the sexual and most other varieties. It's just that the boys and girls back home don't seem too in the know about these things. It's best I got the info down ahead of time, in case any of them start getting more adventurous. 

—How proactive. I'm sure they will appreciate it, when it comes to this. 

—And I'll be sure to be planning while accounting for you as well. If the disguise is good enough, there is no rule saying these meetings have to be in private, is there? 

—I guess there is not. This just makes me want to find free time all the harder. I'm curious to see if you all can convince Sowanar to try to relax a little as well. 

—That's up to him. So far, he seems to have no intent for that, though I hope that will slowly change. No amount of openings convinced him to touch me so far, but if he wants to persist in this game even in private, I'm not going to challenge it for now. 

—Seriously? I'm already used to how he acts towards knights or superiors, but seeing him reflect this attitude on you is frustrating even for me. His act may cause some problems, but at least he is consistent in his logic normally. Going by these lengths when dealing with people who won't see it positively just seems additionally stressful, as if his way of acting wasn't stressful enough already. 

—Perhaps. The lifestyle he seeks probably won't work for the long term. At some point, he'll either break or have to start taking in the chances to let the pressure slip. But if a Will exists, my role isn't to command it as much as guiding and aiding. This lesson should count as aid, though delivering it forcefully goes against what we determine as our role for helping others. 

—If you put it like that, I understand. However, I didn't know sisters acted on their vows even in their personal relationships. 

—We have no obligation to, at least, and my vows never made such a promise. That said, on this occasion there is good reason to assume some level of responsibility for you all. Both as the elder here and due to my knowledge of soul connected disorders. 

—So that's part of your angle. You're including me in your worries as well. 

—Of course. As a Path Tracer, I have a responsibility to help the sacrifices our path is built under. The Life Warden wills that we strive to make your lives more fulfilling if the chance is ever found. And even if that duty is not passed onto all of us, as one trailing after her light, I won't waver in this mission. — Her smile was still clear, but it looked more serious by this point. The joy visible through it was still present, however. Like a declaration that her dedication to her mission was something born from her love towards it. Considering I was the target of protection for this mission, this might be something that caused reassurance normally, though personally I wasn't so sure I wanted that treatment. 

—Is that so? Thanks for the worry, but be sure not to spoil me too much. I'll only receive your aid as a positive so long as it doesn't affect my own mission. I won't let go of my vows for the sake of yours. We're both followers of the Sovereign Star, after all. And even if my vows are mostly for show, I still value the act of offering them*. 

(*I believed I briefly referred to this on our first day, namely that the Queens of Rasdwinvhyr are technically members of the sisterhood. The first Queen of my family used taking her vows as a method to facilitate securing the centralization of the region around her crown, seeing this as both a method to draw the admiration of the people and to make the Greater One's support a official root to our nation. Believe me when I say this, similar claims already had a good record of success back in those ages. Hence, each successor of one of the positions on the Royal Triad goes through a Ceremony of Vows similar to those of the Path Tracers in each step of her ascension. Publicly I was a sister as a result, though it was a known fact we didn't literally operate from within the sisterhood.) 

—Indeed. Your title and function may be different than ours, but you're also a Path Tracer, in your own way. Even if no one else will call you as much, we stand as sisters before the light of the Magical Stars. — Her recognition moved me more than the promise did. Being reminded of what I struggled for was my favorite remedy towards the exhaustion my battles could cause. 

—Yes, sister. So continue chasing their gleam. You walk, and I'll try to map it for others, and even help paving it, if it is needed. Those are the vows I'll carry with my crown. — After I said as much, we both decided not to dwell on that same topic any longer. We said what was needed in regards to it already. 

At first, the continuation of the talk surrounded casual topics similar to the first. Places she had visited, recommendations I knew off… She even mocked me a little in my attempts to give advice, with how little chances I got to leave my home myself. This might sound strange to some, but that made me enjoy this conversation all the more. Thus it continued for a while still, following a similar tune, yet occasionally branching into other forms of leisure as a theme. Things like places with rarer pastimes available, the kinds of games people my age were better acquainted with or places where music was publicly practiced outside the temples. I was pretty confident some of this was also her manner of figuring out how to best treat me if I ever was involved in these situations, yet I played along without pointing it out. It was likely she was asking these things under the assumption I would realize her intent regardless. Eventually, I noticed our time was reaching its end, but before it could reach its conclusion, she flipped the subject a final time. 

—Say, earlier on you brought up my angle when speaking about the girls and the boys. We've yet to mention yours though, right? 

—I guess. I thought it was already pretty clear, seeing as you know part of the function Fasnilthar plays in this. Will you be willing to assist? 

—Not exactly, but there is some connection between both of our goals. If the halves of your plan aren't pulled together, plenty of disappointment is yet to come and there will be sorrow for people on all sides of the situation. That's why I wanted to offer myself for a role in this play. 

—Is that so? Continue, then. 

—Firstly, I would like to communicate the plan to parts of the other half. Forcing them all to meet through coincidence shouldn't be hard for you, though if this comes as a shock for everyone involved there is a chance they will back out for whatever excuse for the reunion you might be seeking to create. 

—I know that much. I had yet to start talks in parts because I wasn't sure if I would be the best for that role. Your compatibility with the original group should be much higher than mine. 

—We're on the same page for that then. My point of contact will be my forest brethren. I heard the details of your contract, and it appears tying the groups together wasn't covered on it. With how much you've been paying her, the option to buy her cooperation should be impossible by now. 

—Indeed. Fasnilthar's break was convenient in its own way, but as we had no warning regarding it, the contract couldn't have predicted it. 

—Which would leave convincing her to be done purely through words. I would be far more compatible for that task than any of you. Especially if the azure girl isn't very cooperative right now. 

—Likely so, yes. Even when they're acting under you, Graced Children make for incredibly fickle allies. Better to let one of their own handle them. — I had already been hoping to request Nalfimiria's assistance with this, regardless of whether she offered herself or not. 

Graced elves were beings of excessive ability and independent, often eccentric character, whose interests usually were both overly ambitious and entirely self defined. Unless you could offer one something they truly wanted, exerting any sort of influence over one was a constant struggle. Having someone of similar nature to them help would make this uncertainty far more reliable as the backbone of a plan, though the fact it relied on Nalfimiria assisting was part of what made it feel unpredictable at that point. The sister herself was just as much a Graced Child as the other two in question, after all. 

—The second matter is the fool herself. Forcing her to face the old friends without answering her troubles is asking for her to panic. I imagine you were probably already counting on me to handle her.

—If not you, it was probable that the Chiaisei situation would resolve itself in such a way to lead to the answer. If not through the fool herself, because the blessed girl might be able to explain matters well enough on her own. 

—The "Chiaisei situation" itself may last months if those two are left on their own. Point is, I'll mediate things for now. Without directing their actions too blatantly, but guiding each well enough to dissolve this first challenge. Within four weeks at most the solution should be ready. 

—Much quicker than I expected. Though Stag did mention your assistance would change the pacing of the plan entirely. Any reason to rush things? 

—One of my juniors on the other half is having her birthday by the end of the month. I may have never met her, but that girl will be sad over the celebration if the fool isn't with her. Showing this much of my skill to help out a path seeker should be expected, as one already tracing her path. It should hardly be a challenge to dismantle this mess as well. I've barely spent one day within it and the answer already appears to be obvious. — This time, her seriousness overtook that smile almost completely. The only part of it that remained served to show a simple fact, however. "This woman has the confidence you would expect of someone who admires the Victory Star." 

With that out of the way, our conversation was mostly over. Some last exchanges before we traded farewells, as well as arranged the date and timing of our next meeting. It would only be four days from then most likely, something that already had me excited, since that one would be in person. Those plans aside, this conversation consists of what I was asked to narrate from that day. Which is to say, for now my duties to you are done, as will be this second day of our journey. Until these pages next bring my words to you, stay well and good readings. 

Rainy here, and so is the chapter. This one marks the end of the second day, as well as another Almenar appearence. They start of a bit disconected from the rest of the crew, but hope you've been liking them regardless. Like, comment and all that stuff, and see you next week.

rainyhuphcreators' thoughts
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