
The Fight Outside, Part One

***Barik POV***

Upon evading another of my attacks, Lilia grinned with spine-chilling malice. "It makes no difference he got away, you know! He'll die to my brother anyway!" 

She lunged toward me, cackling and training the tips of her small but sturdy, natural claws toward my body.

In response, I slammed my fist into the ground with all my might. The gravel around the impact launched into the air and pelted my face. After a quick charge, I caused a seismic shift in the stone below. 

A large granite wall heeded my call, shooting upward through crackling soil to bar the path between Lilia and me.

Assuming my blockade would buy a few moments of respite, I turned to Mizuno to form a plan of action; we still had to draw this girl away from the carriage. 

"Captain! We nee-" I was interrupted by a distinct orange-hot glow forming like searing paint in the center of the brown-gray stone canvas.

Next chapter