
Sato vs Vincent, Part Six

My eyes snapped in the direction of the noise, and I hoisted my knives forward for an attack. Only there was none, just more darkness.

A creeping angst filled my mind, freeing the thoughts I tried so hard to shackle away. 'Shit, is he waiting? Is he attacking? Where is he? Goddamn, this smoke! SHOW YOURSELF!' My eyes rapidly darted in every direction, and my breath quickened.

When my thoughts were at their loudest, a powerful stimulus halted them. A new heat was pinpointed at a single section in my body, the side of my right leg.

Vincent's rapier deeply penetrated the skin and sinew of my ankles. Then, a sudden jolt of electric agony shot up my nerves as he tore it out.

'You son of a-' I turned as my wounded leg buckled to its knee, swiping my knife in Vincent's direction. Again, my attack missed its mark; its edge only splitting the fog ahead.

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