
Studio! Surrounded!?

Mazino quickly put on his black bike helmet that was on the back of his motorcycle.

He turned off his motorcycle and started to walk toward the agency's entrance.

Many of the hiding reporters noticed him but just thought he was some noobie artist, so they ignored him.

While some other more talented reporters instantly noticed him and started clicking pictures silently so as to not alert their fellow competitors.

Mazino noticed them but just ignored them and entered the agency, once entering, there was a luxurious long front desk on his right with two elevators down the hallway.

"I'm here for DG." Mazino simply stated as he leaned onto the front desk with two brown-haired ladies in professional suit attire behind it.

"And who are you?" One of the ladies raised her brows at Mazino's lack of respect.

"Yo KP!"

DG suddenly popped out of the elevator and jogged toward Mazino.

"DG!?" Both of the ladies exclaimed as they abruptly stood up.

Even though they usually see him, it was usually from a distance.

"Wait did you just say KP!?" The lady who spoke to Mazino looked at him with widened eyes.

She didn't notice it was Kim Park because of the black motorcycle helmet covering his head.

"The one and only." Mazino nonchalantly waved as he turned toward DG.

"Let's get it going." DG put his arms around Mazino's shoulder and started walking away with him, leaving behind the flabbergasted receptionists.


"Can we get KP's signature!?"

Both of the receptionists exclaimed, they already got DG's before once, so adding a star who was just as popular would be awesome.

Mazino quickly gave them his autograph with a smile and walked inside the elevator with DG.

"Someone's popular." DG smirked.

"Look who's talking." Mazino rolled his eyes and stepped out of the elevator, as they arrived at their destination, which was the same floor as DG's office from before.

Walking down the empty hallways, Mazino looked at DG curiously.

"How come it's so empty on this floor?" Mazino questioned.

"It's quite obvious isn't it, I would rather not have anyone meddling in my business." DG replied.

Mazino nodded in understanding until they stopped in front of a certain metal door.

DG opened it and entered, with Mazino following behind, Mazino looked aroud and noticed it was a relatively small room, with soundproofed blocks covering the wall and a certain rectangle glass of a window.

"So this is your studio? It's not bad." As he sat on the red-designed couch on the side.

"So how much did you guys figure out about me?" DG suddenly questioned, sitting beside Mazino, staring at him inquisitively.

"Well I found some stuff out but I'm pretty sure Goo didn't find anything useful." Mazino shrugged.

"*Sigh* That's good, if he did find out, my plans would have had to be accelerated." DG relaxed and drank a diet coke from the small table in front of them.

"So what did you find out?" DG questioned with slightly narrowed eyes.

"I found out about the double bodies of Daniel Park and Crystal Choi, plus it seems you keep track of Daniel specifically. As if you're pondering whether or not he'll be useful to you." Mazino replied while also picking up an unopened diet coke can that was on the table.

"You. You don't seem surprised? Do you actually believe all that?" DG questioned with widened eyes, once noticing Mazino's nonchalant attitude about the situation.

"I don't think your one to spout bullshit, so yeah I believe you. As for why I don't seem surprised, let's just say I've seen lots of worse shit than that." Mazino simply replied.

"Hmm I see, one last question." DG nodded in understanding then questioningly looked at Mazino.


"Why are you still wearing the motorcycle helmet? And why are you wearing slippers with dress pants and a dress shirt?" DG questioned with a slight smile.

"*Cough* I forgot and as for why I wear slippers, it's because I value comfort." Mazino took off his helmet and placed it on the small table in front of them.

"Let's get started with recording. You've probably already been seen entering the agency, we need to do good with this record. Cuz I haven't had a bad song since I first started in the music industry." DG stood up and put his hand out for Mazino to grab.

"Let's see what we can do." Mazino smirked and grabbed DG's hand.


After a few hours of recording, Mazino left the agency with a black mask that DG gave him, it was already night time but he didn't mind.

Once Mazino started riding away, his phone started ringing.

Tapping his earpiece quickly while he was driving, he answered the phone.

"Hello-" Mazino attempted to greet whoever called him but was cut off.

[You bastard! I had the gull to basically confess to you and you stood me up! You never called back for the date!] Mary Kim exclaimed through the phone.

Once Mazino recognized the voice, he just chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen we can talk later, and I promise I'll tell you everything." Mazino replied.

[What! Don't you dare end this phon-!?] Before Mary could finish, Mazino double-tapped his earpiece and ended the phone call.

"Tsk." Once Mazino stopped at a red light at a 4-way intersection, he looked around with a casual gaze.

Getting off his motorcycle, he put one of his hands in his pocket and took out a lighter.



He started to flick it back and forth, while calmly looking around him with his opposite hand in his pocket.

"Come out, come out. Or I'll kill you." Mazino playfully spoke as he stood beside his bike.


Mazino patiently waited until he sensed a presence from behind.

"As expected of Kim Park or should I say Park Mazino." A voice spoke from behind him.

Turning around while continuously flicking his lighter back and forth, he smirks at who he see's.

"Judging by the way you look and the number of people you have surrounding me, you must be Eugene." Mazino nodded in understanding as he stared at the short kid in glasses with two bodyguards behind him.

"Yes this is Mandeok Bang, the vice chairman and this is the VVIP of the workers, they both essentially work as my bodyguards." Eugene explained as he pointed toward the large robust black man with an afro and the short man with a cap who was pale-skinned.

'I have to make sure I'm not so obvious in knowing who they are.' Mazino thought inwardly.

"So you think this is enough people to take me down?" Mazino questioned with a slight smile.

"We're not here to take you down but I assure you, we have enough to do so." Eugene snapped his fingers once he finished speaking.


As soon as Eugene snapped his fingers, dozens of black SUVs pulled up from each side of the intersection, dozens of men in white suits, rushed out the SUVs and surrounded Mazino.

Mazino just raised his brow, as if he was unimpressed.

But he noticed a smirk on Eugene's face.

Suddenly he heard some weird whirring noise from above.

Chu! Chu! Chu!

It appeared to be getting closer to their location.

Until suddenly a bright light descended on Mazino who started to smile widely.

"Haha! The funny thing is, this is not the first time someone has tried to use a helicopter against me!" Mazino chuckled while staring at the two helicopters in the air that were watching him.

"I've already told you, I'm not trying to fight you but merely show you my power!" Eugene exclaimed over the loud rotors above him.

'I predicted this probably wouldn't be enough to stop Park Mazino but I at least thought he would be impressed. I wanted to gain his respect so that he would consider working with me but it seems he still looks down on me.' Eugene smiled outwardly but frowned inwardly.

"Not bad, I'm pretty sure those are police helicopters but how come their unarmed?" Mazino questioned curiously as he stared directly at one of the helicopters in the air.

"Well, to be honest, the police departments keep track of all the guns, you should know how strict South Korea is with guns, especially the police force. I could barely take out these two helicopters." Eugene replied honestly.

"I see, well we can talk later, for now, I need a break." Mazino simply nodded before hopping onto his bike.

Eugene looked at Mazino with narrowed eyes.

The dozens of men Eugene brought with him were about to surround Mazino's bike but Eugene raised his hand to stop them.

'It would be a waste of time to try and force him. I risked coming here because I assumed he would be open to a new ally but it seems he's found James Lee as his new ally. If I were to spread this information, Mazino would instantly be targeted by Charles Choi, which includes Gun and Goo. He would also be targeted by his own Chairman and his allies. But at the end of the day, he would probably destroy the Workers first. Anyways It's not like anyone else is willing to work with us, if we exclude Mazino, James, and some others.' Eugene pondered inwardly before shaking his head.

"Let him go, we will retreat for now." Eugene waved off his men and the helicopters, who immediately returned to their vehicles and left, including the helicopters.



"Try not to tell everyone I'm Kim Park." Mazino winked before driving off.

Eugene just wordlessly nodded with a smile.

Once Mazino disappeared, Mandeok spoke to Eugene.

"Are you sure that was the right decision?" Mandeok questioned as he towered over Eugene.

"What other choice did we have? You and my brother would get crushed by Park Mazino, he is rumored to be as strong as the 1st generation, probably even stronger." Eugene frowned as he continued to speak.

Mandeok and the VVIP clenched their fists, they weren't angry, just disappointed that Park Mazino saw them as nothing but kids and could have easily taken them out if he felt the need to.

"Well let's go, we'll arrange a meeting with him later. I think there are some interesting things about his background." Eugene suddenly smirked before walking away toward a car with the rest.


"Jeez, everyone wants to work with me." Mazino grumbled as he entered his house and jumped onto his couch.

Until his eyes turned cold.

'But it does make sense. Once people start seeing that I'm not really wanting to work with Chairman Hong, but rather I'm practically forced to. I'm basically open in the market. Similar to how Gun and Goo are basically, Chairman Choi's right and left hands, they have their allegiances. But it seems the smarter people are starting to solve my background and realize I'm not seriously allied with anyone. I'll have to ask how DG got the information he told me he got, I'll make sure to ask him later.' Mazino shrugged before slouching onto his bed.

"Let me take a good nap for once." Mazino's eye's slowly closed as he drifted to sleep.


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