
Episode 15: (Apple Bloom Arc) Tragic Revelations

Scene 15.0: Ponyville, Day 15 Of 365


"It has been 5 Days since we defeated Trotter Poisonia and during that battle, she struck down Apple Bloom as she used herself as a shield to protect Rose from getting killed by the Restored High Priestess. Ever since then, she has been in a coma and getting worse by the day. Apple Jack desperately asked every doctor all over Equestria and the world to save her, but unfortunately none has the means to save Apple Bloom because Necromancy is a long forgotten art and the means to heal such afflictions have not been practiced in over 1,500 Moons. Not even the Greatest Healer Alive, Mage Meadowbrook, could heal the Dark Magic that originated from the Evil Grogar. Meadowbrook revealed that if Gusty The Great was still around, she might have known of a way to save Apple Bloom that even Doctor Hooves agreed with her as he was there to keep Apple Bloom's condition stable. However…Doc found out about my power and asked if he could study me in order to find ways to harness my power in order to save Apple Bloom. I begrudgingly agreed but…My "Power" can't save her because ever since we were bringing her to Sweet Apple Acres, I have been desperately trying to use my power to save her; I even tried to harness my "Awakened" Form, but I failed to summon that power. Even with all of my effort, nothing happened and with the Anima of Eden no longer inside of her, Saving Her Will Not Be Easy Whatsoever because there's only one Pony that can save Apple Bloom Now…Is The New Bearer Of The Anima Of Eden: Apple Rose. I Tried to convince her of that but…"




Hiding out at the barn in Sweet Apple Acres after returning from the battle against Trotter, Apple Rose is still traumatized on what happened to Apple Bloom as she suffers flashbacks on that precise moment and remembering Apple Bloom's sad smile is causing her large amount of emotional damage that she is sobbing loudly. Shadow enters the barn as his friends stay outside as they hope he can calm her down.



It's not your fault, Rose. What Apple Bloom did…was a natural thing to do for creatures like her and us.




She Was A Fool!!! I…I…I'm not worth that sort of attention!



After we all found out the truth about you, it was not a foolish reaction. It was something any one of us would have done without thinking about it even once. If I saw Emma or Krystal in a situation like that, I would instinctively done the same.



(Distraught, Furious, Sobbing Harder)




Then you are calling all those critters who know all that happened that day liars and I know from experience that critters don't lie.






I can't do that because I came to ask for your help…for you to save Apple Bloom's life since you are literally the only one—



If Apple Bloom is a Fool for saving me, You are an even Bigger Fool thinking I can save any creature! I'M A GRIM REAPER!!! AN ANGEL OF DEATH!!! AN AGENT OF BEREAVEMENT!!! A BLACK ROSE!!! I ONLY BRING DEATH!!! I CANNOT SAVE ANYONE!!!



That's a lie and we all know it. All and Everyone has the power to save lives far more than taking them especially if you are Family!






The reason it is tormenting you is because you realize that your entire life was all a lie and you are confused on your own identity. There's only one way to solve that dilemma and that is to help save Apple Bloom and like I said…only you can do it.



Because of the ridiculous notion that I am Apple Bloom's Twin Sister!?



That's Part of it. You see…Do you remember when you saved my life when Trotter first showed up for the first time when you infused your magic into my Mother's Memento? Apple Bloom grabbed you when the infusion of Magic went haywire…you saved me, but you were also infused with my Element's Life Magic and I didn't know it at the time but…Apple Bloom was infused with the Anima of Eden within her very being. When that backlash of our Magic happened, Apple bloom unknowingly passed on the Anima of Eden to you.







You see…the reason you are behaving differently than you used to be is because of both my Element of Harmony and the Anima of Eden. I can't save Apple Bloom, but I am sure you can. And if you are having trouble, I will use my Element to provide support. Please…if not for Apple Bloom, do it for yourself. If Apple Bloom dies…her soul will haunt you for all eternity and as a Grim Reaper yourself, that's a surefire guarantee that will be happening. So please…we are begging—


At that moment, Apple Rose could not take it anymore and blast Shadow with a wave of energy from her broken Katana and disappears in a large black flame with tears and disbelief in her face that she can't believe she actually attacked Shadow and runs away in desperation as Shadow's Friends rushes to help him.




"…Rose attacked me out of despair and confusion. I don't blame her for it…I feel like I would react in the same manner if I was in the same situation. After all…Rose and Me…we are the same in a way. We both believe we know our place in the world, but then this happens and we start questioning everything we believe in. I feel…that Rose is not only Apple Bloom's Sister, but mine as well since the power of my Element of Life is also part of her now and in turn she is also infused with part of Chaos Magic because my Mother's Memento is linked with my own life-force and if my Memento is affecting Rose, then the reason she is behaving like this is because of me. After that, I asked Q to deliver a message to my teachers, The Ancients in order to ask an audience with The God Of Death, Lord Thanatos so we can discuss about Apple Bloom, Rose and his involvement on what happened to their Parents. I know it is a long-shot to convince the Lord of Death to change his mind, but I will never know until I try. However…Dealing with Thanatos is not an unusual issue for me…the real problem is dealing on how to tell Apple Jack and Big Mac on how their Parents really passed away. Looks like words will not get the truth out. I'm afraid I will have to use that specific spell. Forgive me Apple Family…but this is too big to be to be kept in the dark. I need to let it all known even if they end up hating me."


Scene 15.1: Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, 12:21 PM


After arriving to Sweet Apple Acres from Doctor Hooves' Lab, Shadow enters Apple Bloom's room where all of her friends and family are there hoping to see her get better, but instead Apple Bloom is getting worse as her complexion is getting paler by the day with dark bags are formed around her eyes and her pained breathing is getting raspier as well as she sounds and appear to be closer and closer to her end. Apple Jack is distraught as she is sobbing by her little sister's bed hoping to someone to come and save her. Seeing all of this, Shadow is saddened as her remembers the day his mother passed away Prologue. Shadow grinds his teeth in sorrow and walks forward with a serious look on his face and uses his Evil Eyes to look at Apple Bloom's Aura to see how much she has left and it was just as he predicted: Apple Bloom only has a day to live making a total of 6 Days once the tolerant victims who are mostly immune like Apple Bloom are infused with a poisonous strand of Necromancy.



(Normal Eyes, Sighs)

No change. Looks like I was right. Only Rose can save her now.


Apple Jack:

Where is she?



I'm the one to blame. I pushed her a little too hard that she ran away and went back to her Master.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Master? Who really was she, Platinum Shadow?



That's a long story, Princess. But I am willing to tell it now, but—


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Is something wrong?




Will you accept it as the truth or will you turn a blind eye to it once it is out? I want you all to know…if you cannot accept it as the truth…There will be no saving Apple Bloom even if I get Rose back here to try and save her.


Apple Jack:

What do you mean by that?



You will all know once I show you what happened…On The Day Of The Death Of Your Parents: Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter. Sorry but will the colts and fillies leave the room? This is a little too dark for them to see.


Pinkie Pie:

Sweetie, can you take Little Cheese, Jersey Mac and the others outside?


Cheese Sandwich:

Yeah, I can take it from here, Honey. Come on, little Fellas! Let's have fun outside.


Little Cheese:

But dad…


Cheese Sandwich:

Don't worry, kiddo! I bet it's not that important. Let's go and have some treats.


The children didn't want to leave as they wanted to know, but Shadow gives them a stern look, but they all notice that there is a deep sadness in his eyes and that convinced them to go outside. After they all left, Shadow walks around the room and starts marking the Surrounding 4 Walls, the Roof and the Floor with his seal making the room soundproof and closing the Blinds of the Windows. He also puts a thick tape on peepholes and the keyhole of the doors making sure none could see or hear what will happen in the room. Once Shadow knows it is secure he takes a deep breath and starts charging his horn with a large amount of Magic.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

It must be a very dark truth if you are making sure that none outside the room can either see or hear what you are about to tell us.



More like seeing. Words can only tell so much of the story. But thanks to my training on Chaos Magic and learning how my Father's Diary Crystals work, I am able to use this complex spell. It took me around 13 Days to have a grasp on how to do it, so today will be the first day I will be performing it. I still haven't mastered it yet, so there might be a little broadcasting issues, but not enough to be a problem. Anyhoo…I hope you are ready because unlike you, I won't be able to stop until I let it all out. I also won't be able to speak, look away or do anything else. In other words, I will be acting like an inanimate movie projector. No wonder the Geezer is using Diary Crystals to convey his memories. Well…here goes.


At that moment Shadow casts his spell and the entire room is transformed into the Road to Vanhoover in a very cloudy day that a storm takes place later that day and much to Apple Jack and Big Mac's surprise, they see their Parents with an infant Apple Bloom being carried by Pear Butter as they are heading to Vanhoover with one of the Apple Family's Carts used for deliveries and to their sorrow they hear them speak.


Pear Butter:




Bright Mac:

(Warm Chuckles)

It's going to be alright, Buttercup. I'm sure your Pa will let ya back as soon as he sees Li'l Apple Bloom. I'm already seeing him being a doting Grandpa to all three of our kids. I bet he'll love Apple Jack's ingenuity and Big Mac's reliability. As for Apple Bloom…just look at this cute little button. I bet he can't say no to this sweet little angel once he sees her.


Pear Butter:

(Sad Laughter)

I guess you are right, but I can't help but to be worried on how he will be once he sees us after we left things off last.


Bright Mac:

I'm sure he's over the whole things and wants to see you again. I bet he'll be over the moon with the kids. I just hope he doesn't meet up with Nightmare Moon when he's over the Moon.


Pear Butter:

(Happy Laughter)

You do know that is a just a metaphor and not literally him going to the moon?


Bright Mac:

Who knows? I was Over the Moon for all three of them and I got lucky as I avoided Nightmare Moon like a ninja.


Pear Butter:



After hearing what their Parents were really there that day broke the hearts of both Apple Jack and Big Mac that they both run towards them to hug them, but pass through them as they are nothing but illusions from Shadow's Magical Projection. However as soon as they look at the backs of their parents, they saw the old mare, Mazard Cura in front of them who are shocked to learn that her real name was Trotter Poisonia, The Hag Of Raddos. As soon as they saw her, Pear Butter is scared and starts to hold Apple Bloom close as Bright Mac stands in front of them to protect them from Trotter.



(Inviting Smile)

Long time no see, children. Have you missed me?


Bright Mac:

(Glaring At Trotter)

Not at all, Mazard Cura or should we call you Trotter Poisonia, The Hag Of Raddos?



(Inviting Smile Turn To Evil Sneer)

I knew I should have killed that Wretched Goldie Delicious when I had the chance along with that Disgusting Bearer of the Element of Life, That Wench: Stardust Memory. Who would have thought that one of the Ancient Elements of Virtue would survive this long. Apologies…they are no longer called "Elements Of Virtue"…it is "Elements Of Harmony" Now, isn't it? No matter! "Same Tune, Different Song", as they say. Just because you change the words that doesn't mean you can change the purpose of the situation. Grogar always did that in order to enforce his rule…believing those beneath us were fools and it worked to some extent…until Gusty The Great challenged him and revealed the truth for all to see. But I digress…I will have my revenge on both Stardust Memory and Goldie Delicious soon enough. But first I am here to reclaim what is rightfully mine as well as for my payment for assisting in the birth of your daughter.


Bright Mac:

We were willing to give you want you wanted because we thought you were a good pony, but now we know better. You will never get your hooves on the Anima of Eden.



Fool! I always get what I want no matter who gets in my way. Last Chance: Give me The Anima of Eden and your daughter or perish in the most sadistic and evilest way possible I can offer. Choose or Perish.


Bright Mac:

I can't give you what I don't have and…





(Evil Cackling)

I truly misjudged you and I was deeply hoping for you to say that. I will enjoy seeing you whimper yourself into oblivion. You can come out now.


At that moment everyone is in shock on who Trotter brought with her to kill Bright Mac and Pear Butter that even Apple Jack and Big Mac couldn't believe it. Everyone thought that Trotter used her Undead Necrons to kill Bright Mac and Pear Butter, but what she used was far worse: A Mind Controlled Apple Jack and Big Mac with an empty and lifeless look in their eyes as lightning starts flashing and thunder starts roaring. Both Bright Mac and Pear Butter couldn't believe what Trotter is doing or how she did it as Bright Mac was going to speak, Trotter cuts him off.



If you are planning on making a pathetic last minute business dealings, it is too late now. Our dealing is already dead and soon all of you will too.


At that moment the mind controlled brother and sister attack their parents with Apple Jack attacking her father and Big Mac attacking his mother. They desperately try to reason with them, but nothing happens as they are getting savaged by their own foals as Trotter laughs maniacally, enjoying the Forced Parricide she has created.



I believe you want to know how I did it. You Apples are far too trusting. All I had to do was whisper sweet nothings into their ears whenever we were alone. Between the two of them, your daughter was far too easy to sink my teeth into her. Your son needed a little more effort for me to get hold off, but with a little perseverance on my part, he's now a good little obedient drone. But don't be sad. Once they kill you, I'll have them kill each other. The last one standing will take care of me once I make your infant my new body. IT IS GOING TO BE GLORIOUS!!!

(Laughing Maniacally)


The fight last as long as an hour as Trotter doesn't want them dead instantly, but to suffer deep pain and despair of being killed by their own foals. Bright Mac knew Apple Jack was quick, but he couldn't believe his daughter was just as strong as him and Big Mac that she manages to break a number of his bones including his frontal right hoof. Pear Butter is getting the worse force of it as Big Mac is attacking her as savagely that Pear Butter is desperately calling out to him to stop and see reason and unlike Apple Jack whose mind is closed to Trotter's Complete Control, Big Mac's mind seems to be opening little by little, but Trotter notices this and orders Big Mac to crush her larynx to shut her up and he succeeds. Trotter laughs as she thinks she has won because with Pear Butter now a Mute, her control over Big Mac is now absolute. But that all changes as Pear Butter hug him and gives him some motherly affection. This mother's love was strong enough to shatter Trotter's control over Big Mac. Trotter can't believe it and neither does Big Mac as the first thing he sees is his mother happy to have saved him by giving him a smile before letting him go and falling unconscious on the ground due to her injuries. Big Mac quickly hold her as he starts to cry asking why and how this happen.




Impossible!! How can a mere hug destroy my control over that big brute!?


Bright Mac:

Our love for our family goes beyond words. You may take away our voices, but you will never take away our efforts! That is something that monsters like you will never understand!!!



Love? For Family!? Ridiculous! That Is A Completely Ridiculous Farce Of A Notion!! The Only Thing Worth Loving In All Life Is Power!!! Family Doesn't Equal Anything Nor Is Remotely Close To Power!!! It Is Only A Hindrance…A Ball And Chain Meant To Hold You Back!!!


Bright Mac:

If that's your belief…then you have my pity.






With Trotter's rage reaching its peak, Apple Jack starts ruthlessly attacking Bright Mac as she savagely breaks all four of his legs and is about to deal the finishing blow until Big Mac grabs her and holds her down as the Present Versions of themselves couldn't believe any of this happened and are distraught by all of this and are shocked to see that they both were knocked out cold by a Pony wearing a Large Black Coat and holding a Scythe that is Ten Times Bigger than his own body. Bright Mac is more worried about his foals than the stranger that came out of nowhere, but Trotter knows who the newcomer is as soon as she sees the Oversize Scythe. Fearing for her own life, Trotter teleports out of there using a Black Portal that appears next to her. The Pony looks at Bright Mac and sees that the injuries Apple Jack has given him is taking its toll as he is starting to bleed internally and profusely and the same can be said about Pear Butter. Apple Bloom starts to cry as rain starts to pour down and the Mysterious pony starts to walk to her. Her cries wakes up the unconscious Pear Butter as she sees this Mysterious, Evil Looking Pony approaches her daughter, she tries to stand up to protect her, but her injuries are too much for her to do anything. Suddenly this pony is called out by a mare who is actually Goldie Delicious.


Goldie Delicious:

STOP!!! Please…she was born just this year…I beg of you…Take me! I'm An Old Mare!


At that moment the Pony transform into a large Anthropomorphic Alicorn as pale as ivory with a long unkempt ebony mane; with a thin frame that his torso can be seen the skin wrapping around his ribs with a contracted stomach; his skin lacking muscles and meat like it is nothing but a means to cover his bones, his frontal hooves are now long claws resembling that of the Monstrous Pumpkinhead [Horror Movie Character] and his eyes are pure black that his irises are in the shape of the center of black holes. When every creature sees this strange looking Alicorn, they are frozen in inexplicable fear.



It has been a while, Goldie Delicious. Do not fear. Apple Bloom is not scheduled to be reaped just yet. But Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter are on my list this day. I will be collecting them shortly, but first I need to remove the Necro Seed that is within the infant.



Necro Seed, My Lord?



The Necro Seed is an item created through Necromancy. It's purpose differs depending on what the task is. The task at the moment is a means to perform a Body Swap with the Swapper surviving and the Swappee perishing once the task is completed.



So Trotter never intended for Apple Bloom to survive. Can you remove the Necro Seed, Lord Thanatos?



Aye and Nay.


Bright Mac:

What do you mean by that!?



I can remove the Necro Seed, but I am the God of Death. Everything and Everyone I touch, never survives. In order to remove the seed, I need to touch the foal which in turn—



There must be a way to do that without resorting to her dying.



You mortals have no patience. That is why we always stand by your side no matter what. If you all knew patience, our line of work would be easier like us having bathroom breaks or taking a quick snack or indulge ourselves by relaxing at least for 30 minutes. Long story short: I did not finish explaining.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Why is it that both Gods and Ancients need to make a lecture on everything when they get annoyed?



Can I resume on my points?



Forgive me. Please Continue.



I cannot touch her without killing her, but if she were to be infused with a Powerful Soul, the child will live to see the future.



But that would mean…

(Looks At Pear Butter And Bright Mac Worryingly)

…isn't there any other way?



The Anima of Eden. You can use that.



The Anima? But The Anima is a Relic, Not A Powerful Soul.



You mortals can be quite ignorant. The Definition Of Anima Is The Soul Or Inner Self Of An Entity, Especially The Irrational Part Of An Entity As Contrasted With The Rational Animus And Vice Versa. The Anima Of Eden is One of the 6 Soul Fragments belonging to the Supreme One. Unlike What Mortals Believe, The Anima Are Indestructible That None Can Destroy Them, Not Even Myself Nor Gods Of Necromancy Like Grogar Because As I Stated: The Anima Are The Fragmented Soul Of The Supreme One. No Matter How Much Destructive Evil Magic The Likes Of Grogar Can Produce, The Anima Can Never Be Destroyed.



I see. Alright. All I have to do is infuse the Anima into Apple Bloom and then you can remove the Necro Seed.



Indeed. However…once the Anima is infused with a living being, it cannot be removed until the Bearer pass it onto a worthy successor.


Bright Mac:




Because as I stated: The Anima is a Living Soul and not just any soul, but the Soul of the Supreme One. The Soul will latch onto its host until it finds its successor. The Anima can be transferred onto another with just a simple hug. The Anima has a will of its own, so it will not choose its successor blindly unlike you mortals; who unfortunately are far too trusting that you even allowed the likes of Trotter Poisonia among your kin.




You will never let us live it down, I see.



I am the God of Death. I refuse to allow The "Live It Down" of what you speak of.



It was a figure of speech. Can I help Apple Bloom now?



Please Proceed.


Goldie Delicious did what Thanatos requested as she pulls out the box that is part of the Music Box she has in her cabin and infuses the Anima of Eden into Apple Bloom. Thanatos then proceeds to remove the Necro Seed, but he notices something is wrong for as soon as he successfully removes the Necro Seed, Part of Apple Bloom's Life-force is infused into it, granting it a Pseudo Soul; more than enough to be considered a living being. Goldie Delicious, Bright Mac and Pear Butter looks at Thanatos with a curious expression as he ponders what to do with the Now Living Necro Seed.



Is something wrong, My Lord?



This Necro Seed is Alive.



Didn't you say that whatever you touch dies?



Necromancy is An Art of Magic That Summons My Power For Mortal Use. But Thanks to Grogar, the Art of Necromancy was Defiled and no longer serves the original purpose I set forth for it to be. The Necro Seed cannot be destroyed with my touch since in a way it is an extension of my very being and right now it possesses the Animus of Apple Bloom.



That sounds different from the word Anima.



That's because it is. The Definition of Animus Is The Basic Impulses And Instincts Which Governs One's Actions, Most Notably Feelings Of Enmity, Animosity Or Ill Will. In other words it is considered our dark side. When A female embraces her Animus with no restraints, we get monsters like Trotter Poisonia.



Then we should destroy the Necro Seed in order to stop that thing in becoming a monster.




SILENCE!!! You foolish mortals are the same. When you all hear: "This Creature Will Bring Death To All Those Around You", you blindly follow said assumption and end such life prematurely without confirming if said assumption is in actually factual. I will be the first to admit that an Unhinged and Out-Of-Control Animus can bring nothing but suffering, but the same can be same for the Anima. Anima is all about Nurture, Sensitivity And Support, but an Unhinged and Out-Of-Control Anima can produce the same devastating results. If you think Animus is Evil you should look yourself in a mirror right this very moment, for you are embracing it by wishing the destruction of a Seed you do not know what is it capable of because you refuse to grant it a chance. I might be the God of Death, but unlike you Mortals, I know the value of a life far more than you. By wishing for the death of an innocent soul, puts you in the same level as Trotter Poisonia. To put it in a different perspective, this seed is also the child of both Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter in a matter of fact. What would Stardust Memory say if she saw this situation now? Just look at both dying family members looking at you in disbelief of you wishing for such a dreadful act.



(Notices Bright Mac & Pear Butter's Disappointment, Ashamed, Saddened)

I…I didn't—



However…This seed will not survive long enough in this state.


Pear Butter:



Bright Mac:


Is there…nothing we can do to save it?



There is and since you are going to die anyways, the price you are going to pay will be practically free. First: I will need samples of your bodies. A Rib from you, Bright Macintosh, an Organ from you, Pear Butter and a Lock of Hair from your foal, Apple Bloom. Second: In order to protect you all, I will have to lock away all memories of this day on Apple Jack, Big Macintosh and you, Goldie Delicious. A few years before your final fate, you will remember everything of this day, Goldie Delicious. Third: One Day, Trotter Poisonia will return and there will be a battle that will end in either Trotter Winning Or Her Dying and the one who will end her life will be a "Child Of The Ancients". That battle will bring waves that will signal the start of a War that will shake this world to its core. "The War Of Elements" foreseen and dreaded by all of us deities. Once your memories are restored of this day, make sure to let others know of this, for there is no stopping it. We Deities have been preparing for that day and suggest you start as soon as your memories return. Do you accept these terms?


Pear Butter:



Bright Mac:

We do.



You heard them. But why did you include that ominous warning at the end?



You will know when the time is right. For now I need to act quickly. I will cast a protection spell so neither of you die instantly after I touch you. Apple Bloom however has the protection of the Anima of Eden, so none should fear of my touch killing her.


As every Creature watch in horror of what happens next, Thanatos walks to Bright Mac and in cold-blood removes one of his ribs; he then walks to Pear Butter and removes one of her kidneys in the same cold-blooded manner. He then walks to Apple Bloom and snips a lock of her bright red mane with his claws suddenly turns pink after being touched by him. After gathering the donations, Thanatos infuse it to the Necro Seed as it undergoes a transformation and takes the shape and form of Apple Bloom, but her coat resembles the Blackness of the Necro Seed and her Mane takes the color pink due to Apple Bloom's lock of hair losing her warm color due to Thanatos cold influence. Pear Butter stretch-out one of her hooves, insinuating that she wants to see and hold the foal. Thanatos complies and brings her to Pear Butter. Pear Butter starts to cry as she lovingly hugs her and kiss her on her forehead. Bright Mac sees this and tears up as well.



I Promise to look after her as she is my own. You can move on to the next life knowing she will be in good supervision. I cannot let her remain here knowing that Trotter Poisonia will return one day and once she learns that Apple Bloom no longer hosts the Necro Seed, Trotter Poisonia will see no reason to keep her alive. But if Apple Bloom's New Twin Sister is around when Trotter Poisonia returns and learns that this New Life is the Necro Seed, she will stop at nothing to get her, even willingly to end all life in the world to do it and I cannot abide to that.



I understand, My Lord.


Bright Mac:

I am trusting you with our daughter, Lord Thanatos. Don't you dare—



Do not make threats you will be unable to keep, especially an impossible one such as that when you will be in Elysium unaware of the situation of this realm. But…I will grant you the boon of meeting her one day in Elysium. Your time is ending. I must finish the accord we agreed on. Next: Sealing Everyone's Memories Of This Day.



Will they ever remember this?



My Power is Absolute, However…the only ones able to remove my power are my Fellow Gods and The Ancients which also includes Their Children. A Child Of The Ancients has been in our Prophecies ever since we started Foreseeing The Prelude Of The War Of The Elements. This Child Of The Ancients is this World's Last Hope.



Has he—?



No. All 5 Chosen Children of the Ancients have not been born yet. It will be 7 to 9 years for their birth to happen. Until then, the world will proceed as normal as normal is to you mortals.


Thanatos walks to Apple Jack and Big Mac holds his claws next their faces as a padlock in the same shape a Psyche-Lock forms on their forehead and a Thorn Crown wrapping around their hearts.



It is done. The Thorn Crown around their hearts is an insurance to make them forget as soon as they start to remember something. The amount of pain will be enough to stop their train of thought reaching such memories. With this, our accord is mostly completed. Now I need to Reap your souls and continue our accord until the return of Trotter Poisonia. Are you ready?


Both Bright Mac and Pear Butter look at each other with a sad smile and nod at each other and then looks at Thanatos. He pulls his large Scythe which is now the same size as his Anthropomorphic Body; he pulls is Scythe back, readying to collect their souls. Apple Jack and Big Mac run to stop him, but since this is a memory of the past, they pass right through him just as he ends their lives with a single swipe. At that moment, Past Apple Bloom and her New Born Twin Sister starts to cry as the raining intensifies almost like the Gods and Ancients Are Mourning The Death Of Both Bright Mac and Pear Butter as their souls take the form of Will-O'-Wisps and hovers around Thanatos. That even Thanatos involuntarily sheds tears upon doing his duties. Thanatos couldn't believe 2 things there in that moment: 1 – He is shedding tears for Mortals; something he hasn't done for almost 2,000 Moons and 2 – The Homunculus he helped create is also showing emotions; something the Homunculi of this reality are unable to do. Goldie Delicious has collapse in sorrow, blaming herself for not getting there in time to stop Trotter from forcing both Apple Jack and Big Mac into committing Parricide that her loud uncontrollable sobbing is combined with a deep self-loathing and cursing. Her Emotions starts to get to Thanatos that he is forced to knock Goldie Delicious out as he himself was starting to feel just as emotional. He seals away her memories and with a snap of his claws, He teleports Goldie Delicious to her cabin and both Apple Jack and Big Mac to Sweet Apple Acres to their respective room. He grabs the Homunculus and was planning on leaving then and there with not a care for Apple Bloom, but then he notices that the nearby critters has witnessed everything. Since sealing their memories will take too long, he threatens them all with a shorter lifespan if they tell anyone of this and the only one they are allowed to tell will be The Child Of The Ancients wearing the Element of Life. He also ask one of the critter to look for the one called Fluttershy and to tell her the following:



Tell The One Called Fluttershy That A Tragedy Occurred On The Road To Vanhoover And They Need Help Now. Do Not Say More Than That Or I Will Visit You All Personally Later Tonight. For My Word Is My Bond.


The Memory ends with Thanatos disappearing after entering a portal sending him to his domain, leaving every creature in shock and dismay on everything that transpired that day; especially Apple Jack and Big Mac that can't believe that they were manipulated by Trotter into unknowingly making them commit Parricide. Will they accept this as the truth or will Apple Bloom join her parents as Trotter's Final Victim?


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts
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