
Chapter 39 - Gotham

"The moment that all of you have been waiting for for so long has come, ladies and gentlemen." - said the Great Wizard Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

As soon as he began to speak, silence immediately hung in the hall, as if you could touch it with your hand. The wizard looked around at the people gathered here, his eyes seemed to twinkle, or maybe it was his glasses, but with magic, anything is possible.

It's been almost a month since the other two schools arrived at Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. A month full of new acquaintances and, the Headmaster hopes, new friends and maybe even love. Despite the obvious rivalry, for which the tournament is designed, there was an expectation in the hall for the choice of the goblet.

No one dared to speak during the Headmaster's words, as if the air itself had become denser due to the magical power of a seemingly feeble-looking old man. Dumbledore raised his hand and sparks immediately ran through it, at the same moment the fire in the whole hall became brighter, illuminating every dark corner. The Headmaster just wanted to put on a show for the kids, but even so, the knowledgeable would have shuddered at such an obvious display of Wandless magic.

Even the professors sitting in their seats felt the importance of the moment and only watched the students with their eyes so that they did not learn anything. Especially the Weasley brothers. The Headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were waiting for the start of the Tournament, which will begin as soon as three participants are selected. Three who will face each other for first place, those who will face difficulties worthy of a prize.

"Champion selection," the Headmaster smiled mischievously and his gaze fell on the goblet, which abruptly changed color from bright blue to red-pink, flared up and a slightly burnt piece of paper flew out of it, which, as if by magic, fell exactly on the old man's palm.

"The Durmstrang champion..." the Headmaster paused and looked at Igor Karkarov, the Headmaster of this school of magic. He was obviously impatient but tried to keep his face in front of students and other professors. "... Viktor Krum!" he loudly proclaimed aloud, his words seemed to be reflected from every brick of the hall and carried to everyone's ears no matter how far away he sat.

- "Yes!"

Durmstrang students exclaimed and began to support their champion with shouts and friendly blows on the shoulder.

Victor himself was a tall guy with short-cropped hair and in the usual uniform of his school. He shook hands with the Headmaster and headed to the champions' room.

"It's Krum! I didn't expect anything else from him." said the younger Weasley as if he was his friend with a stupid smile on his lips.

"Uh..." was all Hermione said, who was nervous about the upcoming event.

She could not talk to the Headmaster, he was too busy because of the arrival of students from other schools, and the girl decided not to approach others. She's already tried, but now she doesn't want to prove anything anymore... because they'll soon see for themselves that she was right.

The girl's gaze fell on the Fake-Moody, who was also in the room next to other professors and while he did not touch his drink ... a couple more minutes, and he would take a sip.

"The champion of Beauxbaton will become… Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore named the second champion.

Now there was a commotion from the side of the Beauxbaton. The champion proudly stood up and, without even looking at her fellow students, approached the Headmaster, who smiled at her.

Many guys in the audience looked at her with a fairly unambiguous look desire. Her very graceful gait, the swaying of her hips, and the expression on her face seemed to attract everyone.

"Blockheads, she's a Veela. " Hermione gently tapped Harry on the shoulder so as not to hurt him.

She has already managed to check that she has become physically more than strong. And if Potter was looking at her because of his interest in the champion of another school, then Ron was because of Veela's Charms and weak will.

"And the third participant, the champion of Hogwarts ... " at these words, the boy-who-survived stared at the goblet and swallowed, because he believes his friend. They watched the Fake-Moody together and he really noticed the oddities.

"Cedric Diggory!" immediately everyone from the Hufflepuff jumped up from their seats and applauded loudly. A little later, clapping was added from other faculties, least of all from Slytherin.

"Hermione, this vision of yours is very accurate..." said Potter, clenching his fists and peering intently into the goblet. They tried to make sure that the Fake Moody did not approach the goblet, but who knows?

"Only one will lift the Champions Goblet, this wonderful vessel of victory." the Headmaster continued to speak, and at the same moment the goblet of fire hummed and the flame burst into the sky. Albus immediately frowned slightly when he noticed the fourth leaf.

"No..." Potter said tensely, imagining what was going on.

But at the same moment, the Fake-Moody took a sip and wheezed, which attracted attention to himself. The face of "Moody" was distorted in a grimace of incomprehension, and he clutched at his throat.

The professors jumped up and began to check the man, and at that moment his face "swam" because of which McGonagall frowned, as, indeed, Snape and the others.

"... was this planned to distract us from the fourth contestant, Mr. Dumbledore?"

The headmistress of Beauxbaton said with a strong French accent. The headmistress herself was the descendant of giants, so she had solid dimensions.

"I assure you that this is not the case" the old Great Wizard shook his head and went to the already changed-looking Moody.

"It's Barty-Crouch Jr.!" One of the ministry's people exclaimed and took out a wand.

Barty himself only managed to get scared and pull his hand for his wand, as he froze because of the spell of the gloomy Albus Dumbledore.

"Calm down, I'll figure it out. Harry, my boy, please go to the other champions." the great wizard said and stopped the principals of other schools who wanted to start being indignant with a look. "I don't fully understand the situation myself yet, so let me figure it out first. Obviously, it's not as simple as it might seem."

At this time, one sorceress, who already has a reputation for being the smartest on her stream, seemed to be looking across the hall, not paying attention to what was happening.


Shinoa Hiragi: This Dumbledore really looks like a cartoon wizard from books.

Hermione Granger: Headmaster Dumbledore!

Rias Gremory: That is, so far everything is going according to the "plot", although you tried to do something, right?

Hermione Granger: The false Moody was discovered much earlier and now Headmaster Dumbledore will definitely listen to my words!

Rias Gremori: But your friend still became the fourth champion.

Erina Nakiri: When did you even manage to pour something into his flask?

Shinoa Hiragi: Oh, our loss has been found.

Erina Nakiri: I didn't disappear, I was just busy studying and didn't have time to chat often. I recently got free for a while and noticed Hermione's live broadcast and decided to come in.

Anthony (Administrator): Glad you're with us) Hermie, well done with the Fake Moody: D

Winter Schnee: I've already managed to figure out what's what these days, so I can agree with Anthony's opinion.

Shinoa Hiragi: You don't write often... are you collecting the information?

Winter Schnee: Maybe.

"Beautiful view from above," Lena said, looking down at the city of Gotham through the window of the plane.

"It's only from above that he looks like that. In fact, the Metropolis will be better, at least safer." I expressed to my sister, who was now flying on an airplane for the first time and was very excited about this event.

However, old Anthony didn't fly either… But now we were on our way to the most criminal city in which Batman is naughty, I can't say that I'm very happy about it, but I'm not upset either.

If you are constantly afraid of what may happen, then it will no longer be life, but survival. It takes about two hours to fly from Metropolis here on our private plane from Lutercorp.

Gotham is located on the east coast of the United States and even from the first view it looks gloomy. The architectural appearance of the city was formed somewhere in the early twentieth century, and its central part is built in the Neo-Gothic style.

"... contracts have been signed, money has been sent." Lena enumerated as soon as we got off the plane and got into the car already waiting for us.

Being rich and having your own airplane with a hangar has its advantages. It was in the hangar that a quick inspection was carried out and the go-ahead was given, this is carried out for security purposes.

"Lena, relax." I put my hand on her knee. During these days, the girl started walking again, which could not but be discovered, but so far she has not given any comments.

"We have a two-day rest. Today we will have a good rest at the hotel, and take a walk around the city... although the latter would be very dangerous if we were ordinary people. And tomorrow we'll go to Wayne's Manor."

"Yes, I'm sorry. It's hard to switch so abruptly from the working mood." the sister smiled softly.

A little more than five weeks have passed since we became heads of LuterCorp, and it was a difficult time for my sister. With our age, we had to go through a sea of bureaucracy to take on the burden of running the company, because we just got to the minimum age allowed for this - eighteen years.

"I can understand you, I'm staying late at home too ..." I looked at the driver and magically forced him not to pay attention to us and immediately kissed the girl on the lips, to which she happily responded with the same passionate kiss.

There was a very beautiful ring on her finger, which I made for her. This ring also has a spatial pocket, but, it also partially protects the girl herself from magical threats, in addition, with its help I can easily find her.

Not to say that this is an artifact of a downright divine level, but he will be able to protect her from not particularly dangerous threats. Moreover, I have ideas on how to improve the ring with the help of the Eighth Metal, that is, divine. Then it will become a divine artifact. This should significantly improve its functions and ... a lot of different "and", but you need to experiment.

Half an hour later we stopped at the Logerquist Hotel, one of the most expensive and suitable hotels for the rich in Gotham. It's not that it makes a big difference to me where to spend the night, but it's still better to spend it in good condition.

"This girl at the reception was clearly trying to get your attention." sis immediately said as soon as we closed the room door behind us. The room itself was a luxury one and even from here it could be seen that it was really big.

"Well, the fact that we are coming to town for dinner at Wayne's, the whole city knows, as well as about other guests. Journalists ..." I shrugged my shoulders vaguely as I walked down the corridor of the hotel to one of the rooms. " What a huge bathtub the size of our last apartment." I remarked as I opened the door.

"Cortana, is everything okay in the company?"

Lena couldn't stand it and asked a question.

"Yes, you were away for only three hours and twenty-three minutes, nothing serious happened during that time." AI replied.

We walked around the room for a couple of minutes and noticed another bathroom, and a huge bed in the center of the bedroom, where the girl immediately plopped down, and then I fell to hug my sister to me and gently bite her ear.

Today we have a whole day free, so Lena had a little time to plan out which places to visit. So it didn't take long before we went outside and headed to a local park, next to which is one of the oldest banks in the United States.

"It's good that I took an umbrella..." I muttered when it started to rain and immediately lifted it and shifted it a little to the side to protect my sister from the rain as well, who was holding my hand and smiling sweetly.

"You know, from the outside we may be misunderstood somehow." she decided to say.

"Well, not everyone has a perverted mindset." I immediately remembered the main pervert of the DxD world, I don't even know for what reason. While we were walking to the right park, we decided to shorten the distance along a slightly deserted street.

"Hey." some unwashed man with a soaked face called us. "Еurn out your pockets!" suddenly he took out a knife from his bosom and began to look around.

"Um... are we being robbed now?" Lena did not immediately understand what was happening. It's just that we haven't been in this situation yet.

"Hmm, this is Gotham, so apparently we are. Congratulations to you on your first being robbed, well, I also congratulate myself at the same time." I said with a chuckle.

"Hey! You bitch, hurry up, you fucking rich people! Turn out your pockets!" He waved the knife threateningly.

"How funny he is ..." I shook my head and used a strong magical suggestion, because of which his eyes glazed over and he turned around and wandered somewhere.

To the police station, where he confesses what he did. I have some plans for the criminals of this city, and for other bad personalities. For one ritual of restraining strong entities, many souls are needed ... not that I suddenly became a maniac, but if I get rid of such garbage, then my conscience should not resurrect.

"Indeed, we haven't even been in the city for a day, as they are already trying to rob us." Lena said, squeezing my hand harder. "Come on, my defender." my sister said in a good mood.

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