
Someone Knows

As soon as Maeve left, Lazarus let out a ragged breath. His heart was thundering in his ears. Did she abduct her? Was she trying to play games with him? He couldn't even tell her that Emma was here all the time while she searched for her. His pulse quickened and he thought he would faint if he didn't see Emma this very minute or maybe rip the palace to search for her. 

"Emma…" he whispered her name, his heart lurching to his throat, his gaze wildly scanning the room. He clenched his teeth to stop them from chattering. He couldn't protect his mate. He couldn't protect his mother. He had let them get killed. "Emma…" he called her, his voice more like a plea to the gods to listen to him. On the inside he was hoping that she was there somewhere. "Emma…" he called her name like he was worshiping her, like he was asking for a second chance at life before he did something horrible, like killing Maeve before… 

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