

A long line of garbage was going in one by one to be incinerated, but we saw no one there,

regardless we ran by the incinerator controls,

"Wait.." Gabriel muttered, standing by the controls.

"Why are there so many buttons??"

"Who cares just press one!"

"Ok ok!" Gabriel randomly pressed buttons until the incinerator stopped,

"First try."

I ran over to look at the garbage but there was still no one there,

"we're we,"

"Too late?"

Tears formed in our eyes as we had lost someone we hadn't even met but it could've been avoided,

"We're failures," I said trying to hold back the tears,

"Well, I wouldn't go that far-" Gabriel said but I looked at him in a "You're ruining the moment" way,

"I mean- yeah."

"Down here, you idiots!"


We both looked down in the pile to see a person, small enough to fit on my pinkie, he had lime green hair and small tiny blue dots for eyes.


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