

"So," Zeal turned to the portal that stood before them,

"What's this thing?"

"A portal to the Hestian's realm, they used it to come here,"  Reiner explained,

"That portal leads back home?"

Miya asked,

"Hey, have you seen my friends? Gabriel, Oli and Haru?" 

"I don't know who Haru is, but Gabriel and Oli are back in the crash room," Reiner puts his gun away and goes for another Cigarette.

Miya looked a bit down. She was happy that Gabriel and Oli were ok, but not knowing where I was was worrisome.

"Ok, you all go on ahead. We'll guard the gate for you," Zeal said smiling,

Reiner also smiled and nodded,

Reiner and all of his men started to head into the portal one by one,

"I hope everything goes well,"

Miya muttered,

"Knowing Reiner, Im sure it would."


"Crap, this isn't good," Tom said as he ran through the hallway of the building,


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