
Change of plans

"And that was Miku everyone!!!" The man over the income shouted hyping out the crowd as Miku left the stage.

"Hey-" Miku went to greet the guy that helped her gain her confidence..but he was gone.

She kept looking for him but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey!" A voice called her from behind.

She turned around to see a girl around her age with white hair and blue eyes. She had a big black ribbon in her hair and a band around her left hand.

"You did great out there..your skills are amazing." She stretched out her hand.

"Wanna join us?" She asked.

Miya seemed confused and a bit hesitant to take her hand.

The girl, realizing this said,

"Consider this you being scouted."

Miya took a while but when she realized what the girl meant her face lit up instantly her eyes sparkling with joy.

With almost no hesitation Miya took her hand and shook it intensely.

"Welcome to the team!" The girl said, pulling back her hand awkwardly.

"Oh and you start on monday." She walked off and Miku was still overjoyed.

Quickly she grabbed her bag and left the place to head home. She had completely forgotten what she was doing.

- - – -

Toshiro walked back to where he was waiting with a drink in hand.

Looking around he saw everyone in the crowd but didn't see Miku anywhere..

"Oh- guess she must've left already." He said to himself shrugging.

"Well..my game is done anyway might as well leave-"

He left the building but not before looking at the stage one last time.


"We've been at this for what? Hours now?" I asked as I chose the next class..just to switch things up a bit ya know?

"It's only been 30 minutes-" Miya corrected.

"Actually it's actually been an hour." Oli corrected Miya's correction.

"Oh you're finally here-" We overheard Jerry from the intercom.

He forgot to put his hand off but from what he said we assume Tom came back.

"Jerry, can I talk to you for a bit?"

We overheard Tom on the intercom and we all turned to each other confused yet curious to what they're talking about.

Jerry moved his hand from the intercom to talk to Tom and we were left in silence for a good while.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Miya asked.

I shrugged. I wanted to know what they're talking about but it's not like I can just log out.

The headsets make a loud logging off sound and they would hear us..

"Oli can't you log out and tell what they're saying?" Miya asked.

"Nope that's not ethical listening to their private conversations is just wrong-"

Miya sighed internally.

"Besides..they're mic is muted."

Everyone except for Oli groaned loudly.

Eventually the sound of the mic came back on and we heard Jerry sigh over the mic.

Everyone was paying keen attention to him waiting for what he had to say next.

"Plans have changed..."

"the tournament is today -"

Next chapter