

We got hooked up to the game and we were introduced to an open world game with different classes to choose from: mage, rogue , marksman etc.

"Welcome to G.F.O." an AI generated voice greeted us as we entered the game.

We were all spawned in an open field with nothing to do but try something.

I picked the mage of course it's the best class out of the others and Miya chose a rogue.

Gabriel didn't know who to pick but until he did we just went wild summoning pillars throwing knives and such.

"I think i'm starting to get the hang of thi-" i was stopped in the middle of my sentence by Miya who stabbed me in the chest and i had to respond.

"Ouch! I actually felt that-"I complained holding my chest as the pain lingered.

"Just walk it off, don't be a baby." Miya said, putting an arrow into her bow.

"Now hold still." She aimed for me and shot the arrow in my direction but I ducked and it missed me and hit Gabriel in the forehead.

"Watch where you're aiming that thing!"

I think my life flashed before my digital eyes when that thing only missed me by a hair…

Miya laughed her ass off thinking all of this is funny.

"Why did that hurt so much-" I heard Gabriel complain in the background.

"You should've seen the look on your faces!" She continued to laugh at us.

"It's not that funny-" i said a bit salty about what she did but she didn't stop to listen she just kept laughing.

As she laughed and laughed thunder started to form above her and she was struck resulting in her first death.

"Ok who did that??" Miya looked pissed off.

"That really hurt!"

Both me and Gabriel held in our laughter as karma did the good work it always did.

"I did." My innocent sounding voice could've been heard from a distance….

We looked around for the voices and saw them nowhere.

"Up here..in the sky."

We looked up to see an unknown player and next to the avatar was a facecam of a kid around 17 with white hair, blue eyes and an oversized blue hoodie.

"Who's this kid??" Miya sounded furious.

"Im Oli-" He said, landing his character.

'Why's he here..' i thought to myself i don't recognize him and no one else seem to either-

"Oli's here to help us practice for a tournament coming up soon." We heard Jerry over the intercom.

"Tournament…" The three of us said in unison.

I didn't know there was going to be a catch to this…who am i kidding of course there's going to be a catch this is jerry we're talking about-

"How would this help with ..you know proving our innocence?" I asked I really didn't want the pressure of a whole tournament on my shoulders.

"From the information we've gathered from that one guy, the one that shot Gabriel, one of the suppliers will be hosting an underground tournament that only a few know about." Jerry explained.

"Oli will be one of our players."

Oli waved at us as he was being introduced to the team.

"Well…i don't know about him…" Miya mumbled.

"Why? Is it because he beat you a second ago?" I teased her but she retaliated by punching me in the arm.

"Ouch- it's just a joke…jeez."


Ever since Oli was introduced to us we were put into a team…yes all three of us versus Oli.

"I don't understand …if he's that good at the game why can't he just carry us?" I said under my breath …i reeaally don't want to do this.

"I'm not going to get carried away by anyone, especially someone younger than me!" Miya seemed very…..enthusiastic about this.

"It's only by like …two years-"

"I don't care!"

She was taking this waay too personally-

A counter appeared in front of us starting from 10 and the second it reached 1 we were teleported to a different side of the map.

There wasn't anything of value here… The shields were garbage but would have to do and i think Gabriel is already throwing up from the vr headsets-

"What does G.F.O stand for anyway-" I said , picking up anything I could find.

"Ghotic Frontiers Online." Oli answered from the voice call.

"This doesn't seem emo to me at all…" I was confused.

"Ghotic is another word for medieval times dumbass-"

Miya responded.

"She's right." Oli said from the voice call.

"Who hurt you-" I asked Miya. She's attacking me for no reason all of a sudden.

A beam of light shot forward in the same location we were blasting the three of us back in separate directions.

"Found you~" Oli said as he descended to the ground.

"Random bullshit Go!"

Quickly I tried to get up and attack him with one of my basic attacks but his shield was too strong for my attacks.

Oli raises his hand to blast me with another beam of light but before he did the sound of glass shattering and his shield being broken into a million fragile pieces flying.

Oli turned to the cause and saw Miya holding a bow infused with wind energy.

"Found you~" she mocked as she shot another one hitting Oli carrying his health down a significant amount.

Using this opportunity I got up and went for the nearest shield I could find. I don't care if it was garbage, I need one!

Oli goes to deal with Miya since she seemed like the best out of us…he wasn't wrong.. But before he had the chance Gabriel came in swinging with an axe the size of my house-

Oli blasted him back and was sent out of the arena.

Seeing what happened I went after him and now it was just him and Miya.

"Talent only takes you so far kid-" she made a sword out of wind.

"I know.." Oli said doing the same.

Next chapter