
Chapter 14

B: Jess lay in her bed and thought of Isaac. She wanted to see him but knew she could not get out of her room. She sighed and went to her bookshelf and picked up a random book and went back to her bed and started to read it. She fell asleep with her book. She pulled her blanket up on her side and grunted softly.

She opened her eyes and saw Isaac. "ISAAC!" She exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here?" She asked softly as she sat up. The blanket fell off and she was in a tank top and underwear. She just looked at Isaac and tilted her to the side. Her hair fell over her shoulder and she smiled softly.

I: "I didn't mean to wake you." He spoke quietly and lowered his head in slight shame. "I have been sitting here wondering what I could say as an excuse for seeing you, Jess. Honestly, I could not come up with anything." He sat and stared at her, his eyes traveling along the curve of her body and when he noticed her indecent underwear he immediately looked away. He sighed sadly. "Your brother is going to have a very major problem with this, Jess. A very major problem. I would like to say that I don't care, but I know you love him very much, and he also loves you. I respect that. So, I want you to know that if we get into a relationship, it is because you and I trust each other enough to at least attempt to make one another happy. If I screw this up, I don't want you to hide it. I can handle myself. So, tell me the truth right now. Do you want to pursue this? If not, then I won't force you. Dating will piss your brother off. I'm not afraid of that, but I need to be sure that you aren't either. And that you will give me a chance to fix whatever mistakes I make before you have your brother chop my head off." He spoke honestly, and seriously, though with a gentle and caring tone.

B: She giggled. "My brother is all talk. He would never do anything to make me unhappy. To answer your question, yes, I want to pursue this. I want to try to be slightly normal in this death filled world we live in. I want to be happy. I am sure my brother will see I am happy and grow to understand and like you." She smiled and looked down. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I am so sorry Isaac. I totally forgot I feel asleep in this." She blushed and pulled the covers over her body.

I: When she hid herself, he sighed and looked up to her. She was so...happy. Smiling, laughing, cheery. She was a happy woman. Zack could not understand how she could smile like this, something was going on and he was the only one who was not in on the joke.

"Jess, listen to me, I'm serious." He stood and walked to the bed and sat beside her not caring that she was indecent. That was not why he was here. "Jess, regardless of you being indecent or not, that is not my concern. If it was, do you really think lifting a cover to hide it would stop me?" He raised an eyebrow but was not laughing, he was serious.

"I want you to know that I would never intentionally harm you, hurt you, or break your heart. But your brother was furious. And you wanted me to go to them for permission as if I was asking to propose for your hand in marriage. I'm telling you this is not normal Jess. Do you not trust me? Or...or...I don't know." He put his face in his hands and huffed heavily. "I just feel like something is going on and I am the only one involved who has no idea what it is. Why did Seth leave so angrily? Why did Blane warn me that Seth would kill me if I hurt you? Why did you need their approval of me before I dated you? Jess, you are special to me. Do you know that? I would never do the things I have done for anyone. Just you. You changed me somehow and I- I- don't want to go back to who I was. But I need you to trust me. Please talk to me Jess."

He then looked down sadly, softly taking her hand, gently rubbing it as if she were glass and his strong fingers might break her. "Why would you try to suffer through a heartbreak rune before you ever gave me a chance to apologize, and prove that I cared for you? Tell me." He looked into her eyes with concern.

B: Jess listen to him. "I know you are serious. So, I am." She said softly. She blushed and looked up at him. "It Is a very long story behind all that. Isaac, I do trust you. It's a very long story behind all this. And I will tell you this." She said softly. As he asked why she did it she looked at him. "Isaac, look at me."

"Look, you are not the first person I have fallen in love with. I fell in love once. I was about 13. He was 16 and a mundane. I saw him when I was on a walk. I did not have my runes activated and he saw me. We went out for a long time. About a year and a half. He was the best thing that had happened to me since my parents passed." She started.

"On our 6th month he told me he wanted to have a surprise date with me. So, like an idiot I agreed to meet him at his house. His parents were out of town for the weekend and he wanted to have me over. So, I did. I trusted him…or I thought I could. So, after we ate, we started to make out and he wanted to take us to the next level of the relationship. I was not ready for that. He forced himself on me. I pushed him off and ran. I told my brother and he beat him to pieces. He was in the hospital for weeks." She cried softly.

"Since then Seth has been truly overly protective of me. He does not want me to be in that position again." She looked at him tears streaming down her face. "The reason I had you ask was so that he knew you cared about me. By you asking it is a new level of respect. Not only to me but to him and Blane as well." She said and moved closer to him. "Kiss me?" she asked softly.

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