
What Magic Do You Use To Me?

Raina was drying some sheets behind the maid's dormitory. Raina snorted in disgust remembering the bad things that almost happened to Renny recently. The terrible thing almost happens to Renny when she rode her horse.

But Raina was still hesitant to report it to Alex. Afraid that Alex would be angry with Jayden, even though it wasn't the Prince's fault that yesterday's bad thing happened.

"Should I report that too?" thought Raina. The Arrowhead problem that almost took Renny's life could make Alex lose his mind. 

Raina shook her head slowly. She returned to take the next sheet from the basket. After packing the cloth several times, Raina hung it on a clothesline. It's still quite hot in the afternoon, even though summer was almost over.


Raina flinched when her cell phone rang. And even more shocked when she saw the name printed on the screen of her cell phone.

[Victor is calling...]

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