

Crown Prince's Pavilion, Gold Jade Palace

Renny was still sitting on Jayden's lap, and Jayden's hands were still tightly clutching Renny's stomach. Renny tried to learn what payment systems and budgets arrangement occurred in this kingdom.

"How complicated." Renny sighed in annoyance, she had been struggling with state documents for hours and she didn't understand at all.

"It's your first day, you don't have to force yourself to know it all, Honey." Jayden put his head on Renny's shoulder.

"But I have to learn it as soon as possible." Renny did not give up, she rolled up her sleeves.

"Okay, let's study hard, Baby!!" Jay also gave encouragement to Renny, he taught her how the royal money flowed in and out.

"Oh... it turns out that only 40% of the tax goes to the royal treasury, the rest goes to government mechanisms?" Renny nodded when she heard Jayden's explanation.

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