
A Promise To Keep

Diamond Hall, Shuijing Castle, Imperial Palace of Wei.

The orchestra played classical music softly to accompany the dance party. Renny debutante party was still running. The music sounded faint in Alex's ears. Alex was still standing on the balcony, looking at the distance with empty sight. He was thinking carefully about Renny's request. What should he do to make Renny free from the palace? Almost impossible for Alex to full fill her request.

Yes, if it were easy Renny wouldn't ask Alex for help.

Jayden would never let Renny go, even if it was the King's order. He would chase Renny to the end of the world if needed. Alex really understood Jayden's mindset so far. He was so obsessed with Renny. Her love was so great that he dared to go against the Royal palace's strict rules. Jayden was also not a stupid guy who was easy to be fooled. Alex needed a strong reason and a well-thought-out plan to take Renny away from Jayden's side.

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