
Pre wedding Day

Palace Household was so busy preparing a dance party for Renny's birthday and debutante. This dance party attracted a lot of attention from the people and also the press. Many journalists were already lining up, registering themselves to be Royal journalists to undercover exclusive news from inside the palace.

Jayden was very enthusiastic about preparing the best party for his fiancee. He wanted to satisfy Renny with all he got. Jayden hoped this party would be the most Luxurious dance party in a decade. 

Diamond Hall had been decorated through Jayden wished for it. All the decorations were set up, only the flower was left. The thousand red roses would be installed right on the party day. Jay wanted the flowers to look fresh and perfectly bloom red.

Renny also trained herself with dance moves every day. Renny didn't want to disappoint her Prince. She did her best for Jayden, hopefully Renny

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