
A Cute Devil

Crown Princess Pavillion, White Jade Palace, Study room.

With an elegant maroon color carpet with a symbolic motif, a huge shiny wooden desk, a whiteboard in the corner, and good illumination from the window plus the smell of lavender flower essential oil, the atmosphere of the room should make Renny study with full concentration. But, instead of feeling pumped up to listen to the lesson, she was very bored.

Renny blew air up, making her bangs wave up and down. She put her head on her palm while listening to Carl's lessons and explanations which were very, very boring. A lesson about state administration and finance was not an easy matter for her who was only at the high school student level.

Renny yawned sometimes and wrote in her book. She didn't care about Carl's explanation.

"Princess... Princess, are you listening to me?" Carl stopped explaining, he was a little suspicious of the behavior of the Crown Princess who continued to write silently. Carl wanted to know what the princess writes in her book. He was stealing a peek at her book but Runny rushed to close it.

"Y... Yeah, I'm listening." Renny stuttered, she hid her book behind her waist.

"Well... Okay, I'll continue the lesson, My lady." Carl returned to teaching with Pad in hand.

Huft... Renny sighed. Luckily Carl didn't force her to show what was written in her book.


Someone pulled Renny's book from behind. Making all of the occupants flinch, Renny was the most shocked among them because she lost her book.

"Our honor to Wei Great Sun's son." Carl bent his body.

"Ahhh...." Renny gasped in surprise. The one who got her book was Jayden.

"What did you draw? Why do you have to hide it?" Jayden was curious, he opened Renny's notebook. Renny wanted to grab her book back, but Jayden's body was too tall for Renny. It's no use on tiptoe and Renny could not jump with her gown.

Renny gave up and could only smile as wide as possible so that Jayden wouldn't be angry with her. Jayden became even more curious as he rushed to open her notebook. What did this little cat write?

"Carl get out!! You guys all get out." Jayden ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jayden was still standing near Renny, waiting for Carl and his aides to leave them. Jayden smirked mischievously.

"E... E... Jay... Are you angry?" Renny stammered.

"Who's this?" Jay pointed at Renny's pictures. Renny drew Jayden as a demon and was torturing Renny who was like an angel.

"I'm the devil and you're the angel?" Jay was still holding up Renny's picture in her book. So as long the lesson started until the end, Renny only draw this picture and didn't listen at all.

"No... Of course not!! How could I dare to call his majesty the prince a demon?" Renny stepped back because Jayden kept forward to pushing her backward. Renny avoided Jayden's sharp eyes.

Tap... Her step was stuck.

"It's me?" Jay pointed at the cute devil figure in Renny's picture, Jayden's name adorned the bottom of the picture. The devil with sharp eyes smirked wide, and had a whip to torture a cute little angel.

"He he he... sorry, Jay. Don't get mad at me, Okay? I'm so bored after all." Renny was looking for excuse. She closed her eyes as Jay got closer to her face.

Now Jayden's torso pressed Renny closer, almost the most prominent part of Renny's body touched Jayden's broad chest.

"What punishment do you want?" Jayden whispered.

"Huh??? A punishment??" Renny immediately opened her eyes, their faces too close, almost attached.

Renny felt her face very hot when their eyes met again. Jayden's bold eyes always managed to charm Renny with his charm. Renny looked like was drowning in the deep darkness of the night sky, she was stunned by the wonder. So did Jayden, he was enchanted by the blue eye beads, deep like the ocean, wide like the morning sky.

"Please spare my life, Prince." Renny's eyes were watery.

"Hahaha... Okay, I give you an option." Jayden laughed when he saw Renny's adorable face.

"What is it, Your Majesty?" Renny turned happy.

"Do you want to be punished or kiss me?!" Jayden gave Renny an option.


"Punishment or kiss?" Jayden offered while smirking, what a cute devil he was!


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