
Let Me Bath You.

White Jade Palace, Crown Princess' Pavilion.

It was a quiet and tiring night at the Crown Princess' study room. Renny sat lazily listening to Carl's explanation, the butler of Crown Prince and Princess' household. He explained at length the rules and manners in the palace. There were a lot of rules, protocols, and gestures to be a good owner of this pavilion.

Renny was very tired, very sleepy. Wearing full make-up and fancy dresses all day long made her body exhausted. Unknowingly Renny fell asleep because Carl's voice was like a lullaby... no... it was like a bedtime story.

"Em... Princess?? Your Highness? Princess?" Carl called Renny several times, but Renny was too sleepy and only muttered in response to Carl's call.

"Princess Renny! My Lady!" Kayla tried to wake her up too.

"..." no answer, Renny slept soundly like a hippopotamus, her face pressed against the desk. Kayla's effort was useless Renny ignored her voice.

The other maids giggled as quietly as they could, they were very amused but didn't dare laugh at it. They felt that the Crown Princess was indeed unique, indeed adorable.

"What's wrong, Carl? Why is your face looks so crumpled?" suddenly Jayden's voice was heard. The crown prince came to watch the progress of the Princess's first education.

"Our greeting to the Great Sun's Son of Wei. Long live the prince." Carl and all the ladies bowed their heads in greeting, their hands on the left chests when honoring their Prince.

Carl moved to the side so the prince

could see with his eyes. The princess slept soundly at her desk.

"Princess fell asleep?" Jayden smiled happily when he watched his love sleeping like a baby.

"Forgive me, Prince. Maybe the way I teach is too long-winded. Princess was bored and sleeping." Carl bowed his head deeper, regretting his shortfall.

"It's not your fault, Carl. She must be very tired. She has never participated in a Kingdom's official event like this before." Jayden took a deep breath, he could understand what Renny feel. She had to wake up in the dawn, prepared as beautifully as she could, holding her gown and tiara for a long royal engagement procession, and city tour, and now she still had to learn about how to live in the palace.

"Your compassion is incomparable, Prince," answered Carl.

"Prepare some warm water, Kayla. I'll wake her up to take a shower and rest." Jayden ordered Kayla.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Kayla lowered her head and stepped to the back with a few other ladies in waiting.

"I'll excuse first, Your Majesty," Carl said goodbye, he bowed deeply after Jayden nodded.

Jayden approached the table, placing the tip of his index finger on Renny's cheek. Then press it slowly. He did it several times. So cute, and her cheek was so chubby and soft.

"So soft." Jayden wanted to laugh, but there was Kai and a few ladies beside him. Jayden could not show up his overflowing emotion.

"Yawn... Shoo... shoo!!" Renny's yawn was long. She patted off the Crown Prince's hand which disturbed her sweet sleep.

[What? She dare to shoo me?] Jayden screamed inside.

Jayden was exasperated, he pressed Renny's cheeks deeper, but the answer was still the same, only long snoring. Then, Jayden pinched Renny's nose. Renny's face changed, starting to turn red from running out of air.

"Ah what the heck?!" Renny shouted, her heart aggravated. She was disappointed because it was been a long time since she could sleep well and her sleep was very soundly, why did someone have to wake her up?!

Jayden's face was right in front of Renny's. Renny gasped in surprise, "Oh my God, I'm shocked!!"

Renny immediately flinched backward, her head almost hit at the back of the chair. Jayden caught her swiftly. Making his palms a cushion so that Renny's head would not bump into the chair.

"Hello, sleeping beauty?! Already get up?" Jayden teased, he bent down to whisper in Renny's ear. His whisper was soft but sweeping.

"Jay!!!" exclaimed Renny.

All eyes turned to her. Renny immediately realized, the man in front of her was a Crown Prince. She should call him in the right manner, --except when only the two of them.

"Ah, I mean His Highness the Crown Prince." Renny repeated her call with slow spelling.

"Are you tired, Princess?" he asked.

"Ngg... can't I be tired, Yo... Your Highness?" Renny confused about how to answer it. She was indeed very embarrassed by the situation. Caught sleeping in her first etiquette lesson.

"Of course you can, we're humans. Our bodies can get tired." Jay pulled himself back up.

"Thank goodness..." Renny breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kayla prepared bath water for you, Princess. Take a shower first and rest! You must be very tired, you sleep like a hippo. Ha ha ha haโ€ฆ" Jayden looked very satisfied teasing Renny.

[What the heck? He called me Hippo, You crazy Prince!!] Renny cursed inwardly. her face turned red.

"Let's get up, Princess, or I'll bathe you myself." Jayden held Renny's hand and smirked.


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