

Hillman High School was a private school that claimed to be the gathering ground for elites, and the elite of the elites in this school were the people in the sports division. Right now the Kendo Club of Hillman High School is pitifully at third place in the whole nation. This was the first time Hillman experienced this, for the High School which claims to have most of the second and first-place rankings in almost every sport, this was a smudge in their almost perfect record.

Of course, those of Hillman High School's upper management couldn't let this continue so this year they hired an incredible swordsman who won numerous times on the battlefield with nothing but his sword at hand. He had retired from the battlefield fifteen years ago and had entered seclusion to retrain himself. Now he came back as the coach of Hillman High School's Kendo team.

"Why are we even going to this dump? If I remember correctly this place was only able to reach second place in a regional tournament. Isn't this place lacking too much as an opponent?" One of the members of Hillman's kendo team spoke, irritated at going to a public high school.

"We're only here to look at Robert's skills. If he's as good as what Master says, then we are to offer him a full scholarship at our school, allowance included."

Another member of the Kendo team responded he was a large character almost as large and muscular as Oliver, looking at his face no one would've guessed he was a third-year high school student. Most people who see him would think he's a middle-aged man. This was the captain of Hillman's Kendo team the growling bear Souske Kimura.

The master he was talking about was Ken Seto a former legend of the battlefield. Ken Seto looked at the irritated student and asked.

"Are you questioning my judgment?"

Hearing Ken asking him a question it felt like a blade was being held against his neck the student started sweating heavily.

"I'm sorry master I wasn't questioning your judgement." Hearing the student's answer, Ken stopped looking at him.

"Hehehe, Master sure is moody. Still, I wonder if I can get a decent battle from that Robert guy?"

The one who spoke was the ace of Hillman's Kendo club as well as Ken's one and only direct disciple. He was a first-year who had messy black hair, a sharp glint in his eyes, and a vicious grin plastered on his face. Those who knew him knew of his personality. This ace of theirs was a battle junkie who very much enjoyed the thrill of battle.

"You might actually get to have a bit of a workout today, Setsuna." When Setsuna heard what his master said his battle fervor increased.

"Really master?! I might actually get to go all out!" Setsuna was now really pumped up for the upcoming match.

Yet when the Hillman Kendo group reached the gymnasium, all they felt was disappointment Robert their target was out sick for the day, even the captain was not present, and one other member was out cold. What was this? Now they want to have a match with three people, and one of them is even a replacement who's not from the club.

Still, their disappointment did not last long when they saw someone famous among the group of people. 

"Isn't that Alisa?" Souske spoke while looking at Alisa who was standing beside Rachel and Sayaka. Noticing their gaze Alisa smiled and waved her hand. 

"It really is Alisa!" The group of Hillman students couldn't help themselves as they excitedly approached Alisa, but before they could get close to her Alex blocked their way. 

"Huh, what do you think you're doing?" 

"..." Alex did not respond and simply stood blocking the path of the Hillman students. 

While the students were trying to argue with Alex, Ken who was watching from the side was looking intently at Alex. When he saw Alex for the first time Ken had the urge to attack since he smelled the familiar stench of the battlefield from him. 

Alex who the Hillman students were speaking to was also eyeing Ken since he noticed the way Ken carried himself made Alex acknowledge the other party as quite the fighter.

Ken who was also assessing Alex was awestruck. Alex who was simply standing in front of Alisa almost as if he was protecting her from every possible assault had no openings. His center of gravity was like that of a tree, and his eyes seemed to be looking at the whole surrounding area, which was unnerving. Ken noticed that even his disciple Setsuna was itching for a fight when he spotted Alex.

Ken then looked at Noel with his piercing sword-like gaze as he spoke. "Enough do not embarrass yourself any longer."

"But master, I-" Noel wasn't even able to finish what he was saying as he looked into Ken's eyes. 

"We will allow the match consisting of three fighters but he must be one of them, Also he needs to be the first to fight."

Ken was pointing at Alex, seeing he was being called upon Alex didn't respond at all. Alisa on the other hand wasn't surprised at the declaration of the other party since she felt that they saw right through Alex's strength.

Alex's unresponsive nature was also something that didn't surprise Alisa and the others anymore, since the first time they met him, Alex only seemed to respond to a few things like Alisa and Rachel's well-being, and you can also see it sometimes when he talked with Oliver. 

Noel was surprised at the other side's request, but seeing that this was an opportunity to witness the strength of the third-strongest kendo team in the nation, he couldn't refuse. Noel approached Alex and with a look that was saying he was very sorry asked Alex.

"Will you please help us?" Noel bowed his head.

"We went here with the intention to help, so there is no need to bow, I will help you," Alex responded with the same indifferent tone of his, there was no kindness in his voice he simply stated a fact.

Noel accepted Hillman's request, and upon agreeing to the terms presented the two groups got ready. Setsuna who stood on one side was smiling viciously at Alex his excitement raised to a whole different level from a while ago.

Alex on the other hand was still showing his emotionless expression as if nothing that happened could faze the calmness of his mind.

The two ready their shinai and stood in their starting positions. The referee of the match declared the start of the match. Just like the match with Ryuuji, Setsuna who was about to attack hesitated after seeing Alex's flawless defense, but unlike Ryuuji, Setusuna's hesitation only lasted for a second and he slid forward towards Alex. His suri-ashi was exquisite despite his wild nature it was as if he was gliding in the air.

When Setsuna was about to hit his opponent and shout MEN, he felt something heavy hit his helmet. Upon receiving the hit he fell to the ground unsure of what just happened, while he was confused he heard Alex's voice.

"Wasn't that a hit? Didn't I win already?"

"No you idiot you need to yell the area you hit exactly the same time you hit it, and then you can score. Did none of you tell him the rules?"

Rachel asked the Kendo Club members. Yet despite her question no one responded, they were still stunned by Alex's move that they almost couldn't see. In their eyes, the move was simply a blur, yet they heard the sound of something hitting, and the fact that Alex's opponent was on the ground proved that he was able to hit.

The one who was the most shocked was Setsuna himself, the opponent didn't even know the rules and he was fighting in a match with him.

The one who kept on insulting Cromer High School's kendo team had his mouth wide open, stunned at what had happened.

Ken on the other hand who saw the whole thing clearly, was frightened by Alex's talent. That one strike was precise and concise and it had no superfluous movements. Alex had abandoned any of those flowery movements modern martial artists use and kept to the basics and perfected it to the extreme. At this moment Ken remembered the battle that forced him to retire, when he remembered this he grew excited.

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