
A Barrier

Sloth's thought drifted towards Fang, but soon enough he dropped the idea, "if that old monster had such power, he'd have used it already. No, it's not him…" Sloth was very curious to know from where William learnt such technique. But soon enough, his attention got diverted to the swarms of weak enemies who came at his direction.

"Scram!" Sloth wasn't in the mood to play with these weaklings. But for a moment there, he recalled something, "I need to know where you came from, and what are you doing here… So…"

He cracked his knuckles and looked in an evil way towards the incoming masters. William didn't bother about this point, but Sloth felt like he shouldn't neglect that.

As he started to interrogate those masters while killing those who weren't cooperative, William was pushing forward amidst the masters and monsters.

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