
Fate And Destiny World

At this point, just walking a kilometre took close to half an hour, with William spending lots of his spirit power and using his technique frequently to crush these rocks.

He felt like he was digging a path against an entire ocean. The more he removed these rocks, the more that appeared thanks to the explosions that happened from his attacks.

Everything was pointing towards him getting closer to the core. But that wasn't what he wanted right now. "I need to take a tour around, heading directly towards the monsters without excalibur won't do me any good…"

He started to change his direction. Instead of walking towards the origin of this gravity, he started to take circular routes, moving around himself for hours, without finding a single corpse of these monsters.

"Hmm… They aren't anywhere I can find, at least in such depth…" he finally noticed something different, something he missed amidst everything he thought about.

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