
His Unique Way Of Taking Revenge

"I'm good," he said when he noticed the serious look from William, "I can walk these few blocks at least without falling."

"Cool," William didn't know why, but he felt if Ibra was here, he'd ask this annoying youth to lend this youth his glaive, to use it as a walking stick.

It'd be funny to tease Ibra a little. And as he recalled him, William couldn't help but sigh over the fate of his team.

He missed them. Even if he decided deep down in his mind to teach them a proper lesson, teaching them how to properly keep their mouths shut in front of strangers, he still missed their company.

"What the hell is that?!!"

And just as the two of them walked out from the place, and even before the gate would close behind, William stopped as he was welcomed with a grand scene.

Lots of people were standing there. They were close from the prosperity of his. They formed an arc, surrounding the territory, filling the street with tens of metres of distance between them and the gate.

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