
Chapter 54: Erika

"Hey you!" Erika bluntly stated as she appeared in front of Tom and Skye who were walking together towards Oobleck's class. "I demand that you tell me how you discovered a weakness in my ultimate defence!" she pointed an accusing finger "Umm can I tell you later we were just on our way to class" "Humph then tell me as we walk along together" she latched her arm around his as Sky glared across at this random overly sophisticated girl who was getting far to close to the man she loved!

Tom as oblivious as ever to this fact stared down at Erika and continued to walk along not even noticing that Sky had linked arms with his other hand pushing herself closely up against him. "Well in your sphere I noticed in certain points if you strike hard enough it'll comprise the densisty of the entire bubble causing it to collapse around and dissolve.

"There you got your answer now leave us alone!" Sky growled as Erika stared across at the girl "Ummm and who are you exactly, his girlfriend perhaps?" Erika asked as Sky blushed staring at Tom waiting for him clarify an answer. "Who Sky? No she's just a friend of mine" he bluntly stated as she broke away from his shoulder and leaned against the wall "Only a friend….." snhe gloomily muttered to herself a dark aura surrounding her from those very words "Ummm Sky are you alright?" Tom called across to her.

"Hey what's up with Sky?" Mitch called out appearing behind Tom and pointing over towards her as she was acting all gloomy mumbling "…just a friend" over and over again. "I don't quiet know" Tom said confused as Mitch noticed the girl latched around his arm "So who is your new arm candy?" Hearing that Sky snapped free of her trance as her eyes glowed a bright azure colour causing a gust of wind to go racing past Erika lifting her skirt high into the air and showing off the very revealing lacy and thin red lingerie she was wearing. "KYAHHHHH!" she screaming letting go of his arm to try and push her skirt down as multiple guys gathered behind to get a glimpse of the view as Sky chuckled evilly to herself.

"Oh I have a similar pair to those except mine are black" Ania's voice chimed in as Mitch turned to face her "Well that presents an interesting image" "Keep thinking that because it's the only time you'll see it" "Shall do then" he said with a big grin as they all continued walking towards class.

As they entered the classroom Sky decided to deviate from sitting with her team as she followed Tom eager to sit next to him. Just as she was about to take a seat Erika darted in front taking a seat and glared at Tom "Look no one has ever defeated me before and I won't settle until I've bested you for humiliating me" "Very well I suggest you start training immediately as judging by your current strength I'd say the gap between our strength is fairly large". "THIS GIRL!" Sky thought death glaring at her before pushing past Tom "Mitch can you move please" she sweetly asked him "But I just got comfy" "MOVE!" she growled her voice echoing around the classroom causing everyone to stop talking and stare at her "Umm I mean please?" "Sure whatever" he sighed jumping up and taking a seat next to Alan "Least this way I can nap without Ania poking me" as if on command he felt something jab at his face. Looking up he saw she was holding an extra long ruler and grinning "Great she has a solution to everything to hassle me".

"Say if you'd like I could sit down with you and discuss about your semblance and perhaps ways to fix the weaknesses?" Tom mentioned to Erika as Sky heard this and leaned across "But surely you'll be busy studying with me and learning about my semblance" "I suppose we could cut back on our lessons seeing as you're already so strong and Erika needs a lot of work". Pouting Sky slumped onto the desk "Wish I was weak and useless" she muttered staring over at Erika who still was trying to hold her air of superiority. "I suppose I could deem you worthy enough to coach me, but consider it an honour for me to even let you" "Next time I'll create a hurricane that'll strip all her clothes off" Sky thought to herself writing down evil plots to mess with that stuck up man eater.

As Professor Oobleck went about with his usual lightning lectures causing everyone to frantically scribble down notes and stumble for an answer as he rapidly would call upon others to answer his questions. "Man you wonder if he utilises that fast movement while fighting" Mitch thought to himself as he looked across to see Erika staring at Tom studying him thoroughly while Sky had manipulated her semblance to allow the wind to hold her pen and write down notes as she glared at Erika staring at Tom. "Ha seems that kid might be trapped in some weird love triangle and I bet he isn't even aware of it". He then looked across to Alan who wasn't even bothering to take notes but was simply staring down at his paper lost in thought "Guess he's still brooding about that draw".

As the bell rang for the end of class Professor Oobleck after assigning the homework raced out the door as per usual before anyone had stood up as Mitch stretched his arms out "Ahh next up is my second favourite class" "Of course it is since all we do is physical activities" "That is the best kind of activities" "I hope we don't have to do more running" Ania groaned before glaring at Mitch who was laughing "Keep that up and I'll make you carry me like last time". "Hey I have no problem with that it's simply extra weight and an extra challenge, plus you're fairly light after all" he said shrugging his shoulders. "Tom would you carry me if I was unable to run?" Sky innocently asked as he looked at her straight in the eyes causing her to blush "Not really I mean you're semblance would make better use since you could simply float through the air and not to mention you are a lot taller and heavier than Ania". "…wow" was all Mitch could say as Sky had turned from blushing to bright red from anger "IDIOT!" she screamed a gust of wind assaulting Tom throwing him over the edge of the desk onto the ground below as she stormed off.

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