
Chapter 17- Aftermath

120 Ac

The Eight day of the second moon.

Ulf Pov

I slowly picked Rhaena up. As I looked closer I realized that there was no saving her right eye. The blood was oozing out and the poor girl was crying softly.

"Rhaena, do not worry It will be all right", I quietly reassured her.

Hearing my voice she tightly held my shirt.

"It hurts Ulf", she said before crying in pain.

God damnit. It's my fucking fault.

But the blame game could wait I had to disinfect her eye before stitching her up.

"It's all Aemond's fault Ulf", said Lucerys.

"You all attacked me first", said Aemond looking towards the strong boys.

"Quiet, both of you", I shouted.

"Baela go and inform your mother I will be in the Maesters room.

I started walking towards the room where the Maester of Hide tide kept all the medicines.

"Rhaena, shush don't cry", I said.

"Who is the bravest princess in the Seven Kingdoms?" I asked.

"It's me", she said with a slight smile.

"Good girl", I said as I laid her on the table.

"Now Rhaena this will hurt a bit but I want you to strengthen all right", I said.

She slowly nodded her head.

"Ulf, my boy what happened?", asked the Maester who came rushing in.

As I was informing him of the situation and how we had to treat Rhaena she held my hand.

"Ulf I want my muna. Please could you bring her".

Hearing her request I could not start hating myself. Only If I could have saved Laena then this whole mess could have been avoided.

It was there that I made a promise to myself, "I failed the mother, but I will not fail the daughter".

Before I could reply the doors opened and I saw Princess Rhaenys rushing towards her granddaughter.

"Grandmother, I want muna", she repeated.

Hearing her request I saw Rhaenys tearing up.

"First you take my children and now my granddaughter. Haven't I given up enough already", she said softly.

I put a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Princess Rhaenys, your granddaughter needs you. I know that I have no right to say this but your daughter would have wanted you to be strong".

After making Rhaena drink the milk of the poppy we waited until she became drowsy and went to sleep.

Then I helped the maetser clean her wounds before he started stitching up her eye.


"Is she well?", asked Lord Corlys who looked as If he had aged a decade in the past hour.

"She is well my lord but she has lost her right eye. There is also a scar that will form once her wound heals. The maester and I have done as much as possible to make sure that there is no chance for any infection to take hold", I said.

"Thank you Ulf for everything that you have done for my family", he said.

"No, my lord do not thank me. I have failed your family in the worst of ways. Your daughter passed away due to my negligence to inform your son about her condition", I took a breath before continuing.

"Not being there to protect Ser Laenor from the traitor and being late to save him and even now I was utterly useless. Only If I had come sooner after noticing that your grandchildren were not in their beds".

Before I could continue the Sea snake raised his hand and put it on my shoulder.

"Boy, there is no need to be humble. Any other person would have just quietly accepted the gratitude but not you. You have the makings of a great knight but remember always stay true to yourself."

"Also remember to just accept the gratitude given by old men because they rarely ever give them", he said while ruffling my hair.

"Yes my lord", I said while blushing at the compliment.

The moment that the hero that you have admired for the longest time compliments you is really amazing. I guess even my eleven-year-old self liked that.

Then I saw a Kingsguard coming in our direction.

"Lord Corlys, the king has requested you to come to the hall", said the man who was one of the Kingsguard who was loyal to the Princess during the Dance.

"He has asked for the boy to come as well", he said while looking at me.

"Yes, Ser Steffon let us go and meet the king. I have a lot to discuss with him", he said in a tone that would make even the greatest of Knights tremble in their boots.

Hearing him the poor Knight stiffened. After all, It is not every day that you see the Sea snake angry.


As we entered the hall everybody's eyes turned toward us.

King Viserys who was sitting on the chair got up seeing Lord Corlys enter.

There was a clear division in the hall. Queen Alicent standing on the left with her children beside her along with her children and the three kingsguard while Princess Rhaenyra was standing on the right with her children with Baela by their side and the remaining kingsguard along with Ser Harwin Strong who was standing right behind.

As I looked at Princess Rhaenyra I noticed that her face was flushed while her fair was fairly messy. Unlike everyone else who would have thought that It was because she was sleeping but I knew the real reason. It seemed that she had a late-night rendezvous with Daemon.

Before Viserys could say anything the voice of the Sea snake thundered through the hall.

"What is the meaning of this your grace? My granddaughter lost her eye because of your son. Breaking guest rights is akin to spitting on the face of the gods."

"They attacked first. I defended as I saw fit", came the voice of Aemond who did not look repentant at all.

"No It is him that started all of this", came the response of Jacaerys.

And just like that, all the children started shouting at each other.

"Quiet all of you", shouted Viserys.

Hearing the king everyone became quiet.

"Aemond come here right now", said Viserys.

Hearing his father Aemond left his mother's side and went up to Viserys.

"Why the fuck did you cut your cousin's eye. What were you thinking?", Viserys asked his son.

"He also viciously beat up my sons, father. Your very grandsons", said Rhaenyra who added fuel to the fire.

Viserys just gave her a look to be quiet and turned to Aemond.

"Father I had just landed after taming Vhagar when they came with wooden swords and started attacking me. Then Lucerys removed the knife and tried to attack me with it".

Hearing this Viserys looked at Lucerys.

"Boy, did you attack your Uncle?"

Under the gaze of his grandfather Lucerys started squirming.

"He called us 'Strongs' grandfather", said Jacaerys.

Hearing this the whole room became quiet. Rhaenyra became red with anger while Aegon gave a chuckle. Alicent looked as if she had swallowed a bitter pill knowing that Viserys would question the boy whom he had heard this from.

"Who said this to you boy?", said Viserys.

Aemond looked uncomfortable and he glanced toward his mother before saying uttering his brothers' name.

Aegon coughed hard and he could scarcely believe what his brother had said. In a swift motion, Viserys went towards Aegon.

"Who has been spreading these lies Aegon?", as I could see the spittle flying at his son.

Hearing the question something in Aegons eye changed and he glanced at me before looking at his father straight in his eyes.

"We know. Everyone knows father. Just look at them. The fucking dragon seed has more Valyrian blood than them".

It seemed that Viserys would get a heart attack at the way things were progressing.

For a few moments, he stayed still until he spoke.

"Anyone who spreads these slanderous lies will lose their tongues. And I mean anyone", he said while looking at his wife intently.

Rhaenyra looked happy with the outcome, after all, If anyone questions her bastards they would lose their tongues.

"So Aemond could you tell me now how is it that you cut out your cousin's eye?"

Hearing his father he became quiet.

Seeing that his son was not going to respond he turned toward his niece.

"Baela could you tell your uncle how it happened?", he asked in a soft tone.

Hearing him Baela balled up her fists.

"I was not able to sleep uncle, so I and Rhaena wanted to hear another story from Ulf so when we went to search for him we saw Jacaerys and his brothers were going somewhere so we followed them".

She took a breath before continuing, "When we reached the cave we saw them fighting and I went to stop them as Aemond was beating up Jacaerys and Lucerys".

She started tearing up and looked at me before continuing, "Aemond said that Ulf was kepa's bastard and that he was the one who killed mother. And when Rhaena told him that he had stolen muna's dragon he said that she did not deserve it".

My heart sank hearing that. The girls went and attacked him because of me. Seven Hells.

"So I went and kicked him in the leg and all of us started hitting him until he took Lucerys's blade and attacked Rhaeana".

She started sobbing after saying that and Corlys enveloped his granddaughter in a hug.

Hearing this Viserys slapped Aemond tightly on his face.

"You attacked a girl with a knife and insulted her dead mother. What the fuck is wrong with you", he roared.

Aemond stood there quietly and did not say anything. Even Alicent looked angry at what her son had done.

Viserys took a sip from a wineskin and then sat down on the chair.

"This was a fight among children. We will treat it like that."

Hearing him Corlys got up and looked aghast.

"My granddaughter lost her eye, grace there must be some reparations".

"Lord Corlys is right brother. There must be reparations", said Daemon as he walked into the hall while carrying Dark sister in his hand.

Seeing him the temperature of the room went down a degree.

"He took an eye from my daughter, so It is right that I return the favor", he snarled.

Seeing him Alicent quickly pulled Aemond to her side and Criston unsheathed his sword. The fear was evident on her face. Daemon was a rogue through and through. He would cut out a person's throat just for looking at him the wrong way.

Even the Seven could not save the person who had harmed his daughter.

"Brother, I know that you are angry but it was a children's quarrel".

As soon as Viserys said that Daemon's face turned an ugly color of red.

"Children's quarrel is that what you call it brother. My daughter lost her fucking eye and you call it a children's quarrel".

"Boy, you will pay. Even the fucking Seven cannot save you from my wrath", he said looking at Aemond.

Aemond looked as if he would piss his pants. If there was one person whom you did not want to piss off then that would be Daemon.

Daemon started walking towards him and the kingsguard removed their swords with Criston standing in front of the prince.

"Brother, please I beg of you, he is your blood", Viserys said before continuing, "If you want to go to him then you will have to go through me.

Hearing his brother Daemon stood still and for a moment I thought that he would actually shove his sword through Viserys.

"He better be punished, brother. If I see his face in the morn I will take both his eyes", said Daemon.

"Yes brother, he will be punished", said Viserys while glaring at his son.

"Ulf come with me", said Daemon as he left the hall.

I quietly followed him. Would Daemon blame me for Rhaena's injury? As I thought about the various scenarios we reached Rhaena's room.

"I heard what happened from Rhaenys", he said in a tone that gave no indication as to what he was thinking.

"Punish me in whatever way you wish is right my prince. It is my fault for what happened to princess Rhaena."

I said before closing my eyes waiting for him to harm me.

"You really care about them", he said as his violet eyes gazed into mine. "I can see that there is no trace of hesitation in your voice".

It was at that moment that It finally hit me that I had actually started caring for the girls. When I was with them I was not acting in front of them as I did with the strong boys.

"Promise me that you will be there for them Ulf", he said. I could see that he was very serious about it.

"I promise my prince that no matter what happens I will always protect them even If it means fighting against the world", I said while kneeling on one knee with my right hand on my heart.

"You did not say anything of giving up your life for them", said Daemon.

"Because my prince how will I protect them If I am dead?", I said with a smile.

Hearing my response Daemon grinned.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Do comment. Rest assured that Daemon will not let it slide.


There will be a time skip in the next chp

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