
Chapter 8 - Can a dragon get jealous? - part 2

120 AC

First day of the First moon

Ulf Pov

I prayed to the seven, the old gods, the drowned god, and any other god that I could think of.

If the bond between me and Silverwing was discovered I would be totally fucked.

She gave a loud roar towards Caraxes who returned with another ear-piercing roar, I saw Daemon's muscles get tensed, while poor Gerardys was busy asking for forgiveness from the Seven for forsaking the gods.

Silverwing was bigger than Caraxes but It did not matter since the Blood Wyrm would go on to take Vhagar to the gods.

I was more worried about Caraxes attacking Silverwing than the former.

"Caraxes", the voice of Daemon rang out.


That was all that was needed for Caraxes to calm down.

It was then that I slowly held out my hand before muttering "Lykiri" after which Silverwing gave me a long stare before flying back.

I was going to get a earful when I came back, wasn't I?

The breathing of Gerardys steadied and after some time Driftmark came into view.

I could see "High Tide" in the distance.

Gerardys had told me in one of our lessons about how the stone used by the masons to build high tide was the same used for building the "Eyrie". A place that was on my bucket list of places to visit before I die in the shitstorm called the "Dance Of Dragons". He also told me about how the towers of the castle were made with beaten silver and shined in the sunlight.

But It seemed that I would not be able to see that as I saw a storm brewing in the distance.

As Caraxes descended into the courtyard, I saw Gaynor standing in the distance along with a man who was the man, the myth, the legend, Corlys Velaryon. "The Sea Snake" himself.

Sorry for the short chapter guys. Should have just combined the two. But do not worry the length of the chapters will return to normal.

Thanks for supporting me till now, do continue. Also do not forget to comment, I really do love feedback as It helps me to become a better writer


Merry Christmas. Apologies for the delay.

Last_Quincycreators' thoughts
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