
Chapter 20 and thus the plot thickens

In a dark room of an unnamed tower somewhere in Japan stood a man without equal among his peers. He was All For One, arguably the greatest quirk user of all time due to his quirk of the same name that allowed him to take and give quirks at will.

Suddenly the building rumbled and the door to the room he was in was blasted opened. From the doorway, in all his gory came forth Rikudou.

"I have to say, I wasn't expecting you so soon.

Tomura has barely begun healing" said All For One

Rikudou's glowing red eyes narrowed

"We both know that you're a fake, so I have to ask why the charade?"

"You can see through this projection? Exquisite, simply exquisite, I can't wait to take your quirk away from you, though by the measure of your power that would prove quite difficult in my current state" said All For One with a smile behind his mask

Rikudou did not relent his glare

"And what makes you so certain that you will even be able to take it?"

At this the villain laughed

"It seems that my mouth has spoken without my will. I apologize for this bad habit of mine, but when I see a powerful quirk I just can't help but take it"

Rikudou remained silent

"Have I offended you in some way?" asked All For One curiously

"Not at all, I'm just struggling to see how a man in a state such as yours can do anything besides being a vegetable on some hospital bed. Forgive me if I don't take your supposed threat seriously" said Rikudou

"You have quite a mouth on you, boy" said All For One in reply, his previous jovial mood vanishing suddenly

"So, do you, but at least I don't pretend to be something I'm not. You are a nihilistic sociopath, All For One. Consider this my declaration of war"

In a flash of blue, a sword was embedded though the projection's chest and into the monitor behind it, destroying it

"So be it" said All For One and vanished

"Did you get all that?" asked Rikudou

"Yeah, that was definitely him. I still can't believe he survived our fight all those years ago" said All Might as he came through the door looking at the chair where his nemesis's projection once stood

"We have the proof we need. We can prepare" said

Rikudou as he retrieved his word

"Indeed, but still, can't we let them be children still? Even if for a little while longer" asked All Might pleadingly

Madara looked at him

"You know as well as I do that the sports festival is a double-edged sword and with him on the loose the secret of just who is One For All's successor would be solved. All For One has enough to worry about with just me in play, adding on to that the ninth user of One For All would be too much.

Whatever long term experiment he's planning that involves One For All would be instantly scrapped and Izuku, killed" said Madara darkly

"You're still going on about that theory of your?" asked All Might

"Something's afoot here, All Might. Why else would All For One even allow an existence that could threaten his own, if it does not involve a long-term goa, It may just be that each and every user of One For All was lucky, but l'd like to error on the side of caution" said Madara

All Might had no reply to that and just chose to accept it. Madara may be paranoid, but when dealing with the likes of All For One, that paranoia is well deserved.

Meanwhile, deep underneath a mountain stood the real All For One and the Doctor before two pods. The pods contained the healing forms of Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri.

"How are they?" asked All For One

"Healthy, except for the burns of course. Still it's fortunate that you decided to send the second weapon along. I shudder to think what would have happened had Rikudou managed to retrieve all the knowledge in Kurogiri's mind" said the Doctor

"That creature was a failure. Its power level could not reach what I desired, but it was useful as a one-shot type of weapon. worry, though. Never before have I encountered once such as the one called Rikudou. If I didn't know better I'd say that he's the second coming of myself" said All For

"So, he doesn't have your brother's quirk?" asked the doctor

"No, that much I could confirm" said All For One resolutely

"Hm, energy manipulation, elemental manipulation, physical enhancements and hypnotic powers of such potency that he was able to wrench information form Kurogiri mind. What's more his family history shows no sign that such a powerful quirk could be spawned from them, though there is one interesting thing to note" said the Doctor as he rummaged through his files


"His little brother, Izuku Midoriya is quirkless"

"…are you certain?" asked All For One

"Oh, yes, very. I examined the boy myself, though from recent reports it seems that he has entered the UA school's hero course and Kurogiri has seen him among the crows of students" said the Doctor

All For One leaned back and grinned

"I see, so he's the one. No matter we'll see the measure of his power on the sports festival in a few weeks. Until then, I'll have my agents intensify the search for the one known as Overhaul"

The day after the US attack was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. I should have expected it, really, but the fact of the matter is that the difference in power between myself and the rest of the world is too vast to be overcome with mere imagination.

My ability to tear apart the US and to produce a defense against such powerful attacks is far beyond anyone in this world. Of course, the media descended upon the site of the battle as soon as it had ended and how could they not. It's not like I was subtle by any definition of the word.

It didn't help that Nezu decided to leak the footage of my encounter with the League of Villains to the public. admit that I was impressive in my acts during the battle, but I would have liked to have at least some of my techniques unknown. Though, that's not strictly true, they still don't know anything about Plasma release and Wood release.

I had to give a speech on the villain attack, or so the Might Tower public relations department manager told me. In these past few months that place has become like my very own agency. It helped that over the last six years all All Might has done there was to do the essential paperwork.

After all, it's not like the employees there know that their boss has one foot in the grave already.

Still, there is much to consider. My little chat with All For One is one of them. Why that man allowed himself to be discovered is a mystery and it wasn't like we had hard evidence of his involvement in the USJ attack. The Nomu were both utterly annihilated, one admittedly by its own doing and the knowledge I pulled from Kurogiri's mind is far from complete. All I could extract, besides some basic information about himself and Shigaraki, were some coordinates which have thus far proven to be dead ends, except one that is. It was a curious looking bar that seemed to have functioned as a sort of main base for the villains. It had obviously been abandoned, but that didn't really matter. It takes time to establish a hideout, time that might be better used elsewhere doing other things. If nothing else, then my actions have served to delay the enemy.

It's barely been a day and I'm already exhausted.

This shadow war is not an easy one to wage, especially since I'm up against the emperor of shadows. I need to get on his tail and quickly, but first, a little chat with my winged friend

Hawks, your help is needed

Shouta Aizawa sighed deeply as he entered his class, two days after the USJ attack. As soon as he entered the class said their usual greetings, but even a blind man could see the anxiety and uncertainty in them and most especially their somewhat frayed relationship with Izuku Midoriya

"First things first, I think it's time we talk about what happened at the USJ" said Aizawa

None spoke a word, but there were clearly some looks shared between his students

"Ask any question you like, and I'll answer it to the best of my abilities"

"Sensei, just who was that guy at the USJ? I mean I know he's Midoriya's brother and All Might's heir but there's nothing else about him" asked Sero

"That's a good question, and one more suited to Midoriya than me" said Aizawa

"We asked, but he won't tell us" said Kaminari

Aizawa looked at Izuku who was doing his best to become as small as possible. Aizawa sighed

"Well, I can't blame him for that" said Aizawa

That had the whole class's attention back on him

"Madara Midoriya is a difficult person to understand. I doubt anyone truly does and few are even close enough to gaining a complete picture on that man. He is many things, a scientist, a doctor, an engineer and a warrior without peer but I would hesitate to call him a hero" said Aizawa

This brought about a look of shock to the faces of the students. They couldn't understand, couldn't equate the feelings they held when they saw Rikudou stand in their defense with someone who their teacher would hesitate to call a hero.

"B-But sensei, he protected us, he-" began Kirishima but he was cut off by Aizawa

"He did those things out of duty, not out a desire to save people. The only one I've seen him care for is his brother and to a lesser extent All Might"

This cut short any replies from the class

"Then why did he become a pro hero?" asked

Todoroki neutrally

"To use his power freely" said Izuku

All eyes fell on him, even Aizawa's. Izuku looked up and met his teacher's gaze.

"Are we really telling them that?" asked Izuku

All eyes fell on him, even Aizawa's. Izuku looked up and met his teacher's gaze.

"Are we really telling them that?" asked Izuku

Aizawa knew what he was referring to. An altered cover story that Madara came up with in order to explain All Might's ever decreasing presence on the world stage and induce a state of fear into whomever hears it. Fear that was supposed to either motivate or eliminate those who are useless from the battlefield, thus increasing the number of competent and mentally prepared future heroes.

"Tell us what? What are you bastards hiding?" asked Katsuki angrily

"All Might's retiring" was Aizawa's short reply

Whatever response Katsuki was preparing was instantly dismissed as he sat back down in his chair, eyes wide with disbelief. Not that he was alone.

"W-What?" asked Kirishima softly looking at Izuku

Izuku nodded grimly "It's true. All Might's been slowly losing his quirk due to an injury he sustained against a villain six years ago. Since then his time doing hero work is limited and recently it has declined sharply"

"This was the reason All Might wasn't there at the

USJ and the reason why he decided to teach at UA.

His time as the number one hero is almost over and he hopes to find and train the next Symbol from this generation" said Aizawa

"But he has Rikudou, right? Why does he need us?" asked Kirishima shocked at what he heard

"Nii-san isn't a symbol. At best he's a pillar, a light to guide society through turmoil, but he can't do what All Might did. He just can't" said Izuku

"The board might not like me to tell you this, but you need to know" began Aizawa "as of two days ago we are at war with a terrifying enemy, one that could shatter the very foundations of our society.

Their attack at the US was meant to remove All Might in order to isolate Rikudou and use his failings as a symbol and as the eventual number one hero as the catalyst that leads to the downfall of the hero system. Now that their original plan is foiled we don't know how they will react"

"Oh man, what are we to do?! We're not even a week into the school year and we're sent out to fight a war! I haven't even touched a boob!" screamed Mineta only to be slapped by Tsuyu's tongue

"Nobody is making you fight in a war, you're just students after all. But you need to know these things. The sports festival is coming up in a couple of weeks and it will be watched by all, heroes, civilians and villains. What you will show there will be known by all, removing the advantage of anonymity, but it will also open the doors for new opportunities to learn and grow. What path you take is up to you, but be warned, you may have encountered villains and know the cold truth of our society, but the other students do not. I would like to keep it that way. In many ways they will be your biggest obstacles as they will treat this spots festival like a game. Class 1-A is in the spotlight of the world. Will you rise to the occasion?" said Aizawa

"Heck yea!" was the overwhelming reply

Aizawa smiled under his scarf. He got the kids all hyped up, the rest was up to them.

I was back at UA two days after the attack at the

USJ. The reason for this was simple. Nezu decided to hold a meeting in order to compile all of our findings on this so-called League of Villains and to brief his own staff on the dangers we face.

Nezu, All Might, Aizawa, Vlad, Midnight and I were sitting at a table in one of UA's conference rooms listening to Tsukauchi giving the rundown of the investigation so far.

"In the aftermath of the US attack we have captured 57 villains as a result of Rikudou's actions and retrieved another 15 bodies belonging to villains, however we can't seem to find anything on either Shigaraki or Kurogiri in our database. It's possible that they were using fake names, or they weren't registered as citizens "said Tsukauchi

"As expected, considering the numerous parties at play here" I said

"Indeed, All Might can you identify who is Shigaraki's benefactor?" asked Nezu

All Might frowned

"Earlier today, Rikudou and I were investigating one of the locations that Rikudou retrieved from Kurogiri's mind. There we found someone waiting for us-"

"All For One" I cut in, stopping All Might's monolog

The atmosphere in the room was heavy

"Yes, we discovered All For One, or rather his projection. The reason why he decided to support this man child that is Shigaraki is still unknown to us" said All Might

I hummed

"Unknown, yes, but not undiscoverable. I believe that All For One may be training Shigaraki to eventually replace him" I said

There was shock through the room

"Young Madara, you can't possibly believe that!" said All Might scandalized

"It's not a matter of belief, All Might, but rather one of logical deduction. It is clear that Shigaraki does not have the resources or the capabilities to organize such an assault without outside help.

Furthermore, the creation of a creature like the Nomu I battled requires an in depth understanding of quirks and their interactions with the body and particularly the link between the quirk factor and chakra" I said coldly

The other teachers felt dread

"So, what you're saying is that someone else discovered how to use chakra?" asked Vlad

"No, nothing as such, however the power the second creature displayed to be able to almost completely destroy Rho Aias is something special.

What I sensed from it was similar to what I feel when I use my gates, though this being said, whatever device or quirk was used to access that poWer is obviously imperfect and dangerous" I said

"That is worrying. To be able to boost one's quirk that much is something that cannot be allowed to exist in the hands of villains" said Nezu

"Indeed, but I do not believe that it is complete or safe to use for that matter. It required outside stabilization and even then the power it outputted is far below what I can attain if I open a mere four gates. Whomever is behind this and working in collusion with All For One to create these creatures is clearly fixated on quirks and quirks alone. That kind of mentality serves us well since it will make them overlook the possibility that chakra can be used by itself and not in a quirk" I said

"Hm, you might be right about that, but we only have you and your brother as chakra users while the enemy is capable of creating entire armies of these creatures" said Vlad

" doubt it. This was a test, a prototype. All For One is arrogant enough to think that using such destructive methods to boost a Nom's power is beneath him. That man would not want to waste any of his precious quirks" said All Might

"That may be true, but we are entering the realm of wild speculation here. It may put us off balance if we continue this train of thought, something that mayplay directly into All For One's hand. We should focus on more pressing matters such as the upcoming sports festival" I said

"My kids are ready, but I had to use one of your contingencies on them, Madara" said Aizawa

I raised an eyebrow and he continued

"I told the kids that All Might's retiring"

"What! Are you out of your mind Aizawa?" yelled


"If you want to coddle them, do it with your own class. My kids already know what the real world means and if All For One is truly back in action we can't let them go out unprepared. The sports festival was always a weak point in our student's future and one they must learn to overcome" said


"I see. Well then I believe we are done here" I said standing up "Call me if you need anything"

"Can we count on you for the festival?" asked Nezu

"Of course," I replied

I exited the room with Tsukauchi following me. I had two weeks before the trail runs cold and the sports festival begins

A/N sorry for not uploading yesterday i was kinda to lazy to but I do have some good news for all the readers tho I will be making another fanfic and y'all get to pick which one should i upload first and no I will not be dropping this fic I will also give y'all a summary on what the story is about

1 My Hero Izuku (And No One Else's)

Join the circle of discord as each woman from UA High School wants one thing: Izuku Midoriya. Rather through love letters, drugged soda, kidnapping, or whatever their yandere hearts desire.

Enter the dark comedy of mishaps and misadventures as Izuku is subjected to whatever thing a woman wants to do to him.

2 the twin dragons

Kazuki Hyoudou, the younger twin of Issei. Despite being twins, both brothers were opposites with their separate interests, goals, and traits. It also seems that they're the hosts of rivaling dragons.

3 UA'S Ghoul

Ghoul!izuku All it took was one date for Izukus world to be turned upside down and changed forever. Desperately trying to hold onto his dreams of becoming a hero while balancing out his life as an infamous yet reluctant villain. Follow Izuku Midoriya as he struggles with the two sides of hero society, the good and the bad while trying his best to stick to where he wants to belong.

4 dragon ball super x fairy tail

Finishing up the Universe 6v7 Tournament leads Goku to the Fairy Tail Universe. Unaware of how he got there sets him with a load of questions but gets brushed off when he meets the She-Devil.

Experiencing feelings for each other, Goku is unsure whether to return to his world or to stay here with Fairy Tail but becomes well aware of an upcoming evil.

5 Reincarnated Into the World of Bleach

Kishin. Chigetsu Kishin. He was an assassin, student, grandson, one could call him many things but there was none more accurate than what he was right now. Dead...or so he thought. A loud roar echoed in the streets as a creature with a giant hole in its chest approached. He watched in disbelief as several Shinigami intercepted it. 'I-It can't be. A Hollow? Did I ...reincarnate?"

6 The Master and the Dragon

Natsu and his fellow team members find a strange duo with strange pasts, hidden abilities, and dark secrets. When they decide to hang out in the Fairy Tail guild, will they bring about an interesting new dynamic or unwanted danger? Rated M for language, violence, and future adult content.

A/N pick something that y'all might want to read if you don't pick I don't mind really I just pick one just put a number done in the comments

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