
Chapter 15 moving forward

Winter came relatively quick. My days were spent in the usual routine of getting up and going to work then training and finally going back to sleep.

One interesting event that that occurred was a court case against the hero commission by a child's rights group for violating underage employment restrictions. Apparently, these people thought that I was being unjustly pressed into becoming All Might's heir. They would not be entirely wrong, but this path in life was my own choice and they have no right to object to anything I do. It was a tiresome debacle in which I had to attend a court hearing and roast those ignorant fools for causing me problems. I somewhat feel bad for them. After all, they don't know that I've had over 40 years of life experience and it's annoying as fuck to be treated like an ignorant child, even if I am biologically only 14.

After it was announced that UA was considering allowing me to graduate after only a year of schooling there was considerable backlash from both the hero community and the civilian population against letting me out of school early.

In the end I managed to arrange a televised discussion with some important representative figures of these groups. I asked one simple question.

What would you do if All Might dies tomorrow?

This was a reality none in this world were truly ready to accept and this question was somewhat of a taboo. The answer was nothing.

There was nothing that could be done if All Might was to die the next day. There was no pro hero with enough strength, charisma and popularity to take All Might's place as the new symbol of peace.

Endeavour was a great hero and combatant, his track record attests to that, but he was a poor leader outside of combat. He lacked All Might's natural charisma and easy-going nature and his entire persona seemed to be built around extreme competence. Useful in the field, but less useful against the media and popular appeal. The reverse could be said about Best Jeanist, the number 4 hero. His popularity was second only to All Might, but he lacked the combative prowess and will necessary to climb any higher in the rankings. The number 3, Hawks was a blend of qualities that made him loved by the people and extremely competent. The only problem was that his quirk was not all that powerful, and his entire attitude flew in the face of what many consider to be the proper way a hero should act. Suffice it to say that he could not work up the same appeal that All Might had.

I presented this analysis, all be it a slightly tweaked version as to sound easier on the ears of the viewers, on that show and asked them if they had anything else to add. There was none. I went further on to say that I was there just in case the worst happened and that if All Might did die, the world would not fall into chaos as every lowlife comes out of the woodwork in the absence of the Symbol of Peace.

They could do nothing but grit their teeth and bow their heads in acceptance of my words. Still, the division was still there, and for some more extremist groups i.e. villains, my ascensions into the ranks of pro heroes would only serve to be yet another point of contention against society.

It is a necessary evil, this media. I don't approve of how marketable heroes have become, and if the rumors going around lately are true, then neither does another person.


He is an intriguing character if only because he is willing to go to such extremes to restore the traditional values of heroes into today's society. It is an admirable goal, even if it is doomed to fall flat. This society has turned the word hero into a mockery of its former self, that much I agree especially since I originally come from a world where 'hero' still retains its original meaning.

However, I do not believe that cold blooded murder is the answer. If that were the case, the entire world would be ruled by All For One or some other warlord. All that Stain is managing to do is rile up a few of the more idealistic villains and vigilantes and create more chaos in the world.

In a way it is this society's own fault for creating this sort of ideologically twisted person. They did that when they linked the word 'hero' to a profession. In a way, everyone wants to be the hero of their own stories, even if only a few manage to be recognized as such. The prestige that comes with being attributed the title 'hero' is far too great to be passed up. If you want an example of this, look no further than Katsuki. Everything he does is in the name of recognition by his peers as being the best. It is this desire that fuels his goal to become the number one hero. The money is a welcome bonus, but he is after the recognition he will get for being the best. To him, saving people is always the secondary objective, right behind beating the villain.

Unfortunately, this exact mentality is what poisons the word 'hero' these days. There are those that go against this pattern but, except for All Might and maybe Hawks, the rest are to low rank to be known by the general public or they don't get the media exposure that pure combat oriented heroes do. No dedicated rescue hero has ever breached the top 10 and it is likely that none ever will.

These past few months have yielded some positive results, though. I managed to fly, Superman style.

It's a relatively easy task actually. All I had to do is condense chakra on my body to form a cloak of sorts. After playing around with the proprieties of chakra I stumbled upon a most unusual application.

Chakra is capable of manipulating gravitons, the subatomic particle whose existence I solved in my previous life. Gravitons are the subatomic particles responsible for carrying the fundamental force of gravity. This is a huge discovery and it makes me wonder.

I know that one of the Six Paths of the Rinnegan, the Deva Path can wield attractive and repulsive forces which would indicate some sort of interaction between chakra and the fundamental force of gravity. Originally, I thought that this was a Rinegan only power, but some experimenting later, i was proven wrong.

lam still unsure about the mechanism with which chakra interacts with gravitons, but I have managed to harness this phenomenon and use it to power my flight. After lowering my mass with earth style, of course. The type and strength of gravitic propulsion I can currently generate is still too weak to lift me up of earth's surface under normal conditions, but with earth style I am capable of freely manipulating my mass and thusly making such a method of propulsion viable. I am still working on some sort of telekinesis based on gravity manipulation, but so far it has proven to be unsuccessful. I suspect that the Rinnegan itself may offer a solution to this in the form of a focus for chakra-graviton interactions and a method of directing the resulting forces.

What was also successful was my recreation of another iconic jutsu from Naruto, the Rasenshuriken. It was a bitch and a half to develop, least of all because the clones kept popping every time I lost even the slightest bit wind chakra though the containment layer. I also manage to create the Rasennova, a fire style charged rasengan and I have begun my theoretical work on what I call the Singularity Rasengan. This last jutsu will be the most powerful and destructive technique in my arsenal except for my dojutsu and, hopefully, six paths powers. What a Singularity Rasengan is, at its most basic form, is my attempt to merge chakra's gravity manipulation powers with the Rasengan and thusly creating a temporary controlled singularity at a targeted point. It's basically a throwable mini-black hole. A single normal sized Singularity Rasengan could theoretically devastated an entire island and eat up a good chunk of it. It's so powerful that the Hero Commission may have to step in to ensure that I won't be throwing these things around without prior thought. It is tempting to imagine the sheer devastation an Oodama Singularity Rasengan could do, but I'm not liking the idea of being considered a human shaped WMD by the UN. There have been cases of this happening and the result is never pretty. The hero 13 is considered as such because if he lost control of his quirk it would literally spell doom for this plaNet so his movements are strictly monitored to ensure that he would not turn against us. Thankfully the people in charge know how to keep this discreet and so 13 doesn't know that he's

being watched and has been watched ever since he was 4. I believe that this juts will be up there in destructive power with the bijudama of the nine tails.

My attempts at making the Chidori have finally begun to bear some fruit and other recent breakthroughs in material science allowed me to upgrade my armor with an extremely advanced inner layer. This inner layer is special because it contains a layer of hydrostatic gel made from a type of smart matter designed to keep me comfortable while wearing the armor for days on end. On top of that I managed to create a secondary artificial external chakra pathway system with the use of a titanium-iridium alloy that when specially treated with certain strands of biological material extracted from my tenketsu makes what can only be described as a chakra super-conductor. This along with something I call a chakra convertor ensured the armor's power generation necessities were met. This has been what I needed to finish my work on the MJOLNIR project, thusly paying homage to my former life's nerd gods. The MJOLNIR project is something that I have been working on in secret since I don't have my support license just yet, but in theory it should help boost my already immense physical strength to even greater heights as well as provide an almost impenetrable defense due to the quantum-locked titanium-chromium carbide outer armor layers, that I have designed to look like a modern take on Madara Uchiha's iconic armor, even if it is black instead of red. I have designed this suit to be used in conjunction with the Lightning Cloak and ensured that they should mesh well together to provide an almost unbeatable defense.

The Lightning cloak is still a work in progress, but I have faith that after I complete it, I should be able to utilize its principles to add another layer of protection to my armor in the form of an energy shield and then utilize this experimental shielding system as a basis for new defensive technologies for use by the general public.

Another thing I'm happy about is that Izuku is getting One For All sooner than expected. It's less than two weeks until Christmas and I have the idea that All Might might just give it to him on Christmas Eve as a present. Well, I guess I should give Izuku the keys to the MJOLNIR project and let him tinker with his own set of armor while I focus of creating man portable and usable energy weapons.

What? Did you expect me to fight with only my fists and chakra? If at all possible, I'd like to not use my full powers, just so that I can show the world that even a quirkless person can make a difference and to display what power the future of technology holds for humanity and also to flex on all these primitive peasants that think that their biological powers give them all the edge they need. Also, I'm a paranoid SOB that likes to stack the odds in his favor as much as possible and my abilities are destructive as shit, something that I don't think that I'll ever be able to fix. This makes the development of weapons capable of long-range stunning and fire support an utmost priority. It's unlikely I could ever power them with conventional power sources, so my chakra will have to be enough. Still, it would give me a huge advantage in any fight to have such weapons.

An interesting fact to note is that most top 10 heroes don't actually use support equipment other than their suits, radios, a few non-lethal weapons and, in the case of Endeavor, a cooling unit. My MJOLNIR is made with the goal in mid to render such reliance on mere biological ability obsolete, although this thinking may also be due to the resentment I feel against the world for stifling Izuku's growth simply because of a biological fluke. While we're on the subject of quirkless people, I found something interesting.

The standard IQ level has not grown all that much in the last 200 years, which is surprising considering the boom it underwent just before quirks appeared. So where did all those smarts go?

You guessed it, in the quirkless people. I mean seriously, Izuku's got an IQ of over 200 and I'm breaching the 250 mark. Almost 25% of the scientists of I-island are quirkless people that have made up bogus quirks just so that they don't suffer from the stigma associated with the quirkless. Honestly, humanity could have been spread out across the solar system if not for quirks.

Enough of that, I can lament the existence of quirks later. Now I have to get ready for my final exams. They have been pushed forward a bit, but it's not like there's anyone else there to take them with me. After this I'll unofficially become a pro-hero, something that will be made official after UA's end of year ceremony.

You know, one thing that I should investigate is the difference between quirkless and quirked people. I have a feeling that humanity is at a precipice between two evolutionary pathways.

A Month Later

I was wrong when I thought that All Might will give Izuku his quirk by Christmas. Still, it's no problem since I get to witness the transference taking place.

We're currently in my main laboratory that is hidden deep underground and away from the city.

This is the place I conduct all my projects and research. You may wonder how I managed to get this done and the answer is simple: chakra.

Seriously, it took a couple of jutsu and I had a perfectly excavated cavity in the side of a mountain. All the equipment was bought though third party dealers that have been conveniently brainwashed with my Sharingan and whatever money I needed was laundered from the accounts of the remaining yakuza that still somehow cling to life via the drug trade and other such villain organizations. What? Did you expect me to use my own money when I can easily get a hold of the nigh unlimited funds that belong to various criminal organizations? I also made the thefts look like they have been the work of rival gangs and thusly I started a few gang wars that I, of course, helped suppress, thus increasing my prestige and popularity all the while decreasing their resources.

I never did say that I was above doing morally questionable things in pursuit of my goals.

"So, we're ready to do this?" I asked

"Yep!" said Izuku who was bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet

I looked on amused as my brother looked around like an excited puppy no sure if he should be more excited about the tech around him or the fact that he was receiving a quirk

"So, how will this work?" I asked as I began final checks on the measuring equipment

This was a tremendous opportunity to study one of the most unique quirks in the world

"It's quite simple. Young Izuku will need to swallow some of my DNA and in a few hours, he will be the next bearer of One For All" said All Might in his skinny form

I turned towards him, somewhat confused

"That's it?" asked Izuku equally surprised

All Might nodded

"So, what's stopping people for stealing away your quirk then?" I asked

"It doesn't work that way. The person who has it must willingly transfer the power to his chosen successor, otherwise the transfer won't work" said

All Might

"That makes sense. I would be quite a weakness if I had to be careful about my DNA all the time" said


"Now, if we're done with the questions" All Might buffed up "EAT THIS!" he said as he shoved a strand of his hair in Izuku's face

Both Izuku and I looked at him like he was some sort of retarded monkey and All Might must have felt the true meaning of our stares if the sweat he was beginning to show was any indication.

Carefully, Izuku took the strand of hair and turned it around a bit, as if asking himself how to do this.

"Wouldn't this have been easier using blood?" I couldn't help but ask

Izuku and All Might turned white

"Madara! What's wrong with you?" asked Izuku scandalized

"What? It's an honest question" I said in an innocent voice

Izuku gave me a stare that eerily reminded me of Aizawa-sensei's when I said something stupid. I didn't think my little brother was capable of this.

He's spending too much time with the fake hobo.

"This is not one of your games, ni-san" said Izuku seriously

I rolled my eyes

"I know that, I's must say that it'd be cooler if this transference happened by drinking blood rather than hair"

What? Did you really expect me to do nothing all day but train and work in the lab? There's something called overdoing it and while I may toe the line, I make it a point to never jump over it.

After all, making mistakes is counterproductive.

And besides, I've been a nerd all my two lives. Just because I happen to beat up criminals on a regular basis doesn't diminish the fact that I religiously follow the latest in gaming and that I play the sort of games that someone with no life would play.

You might wonder how I have the time for all of this and the answer to that is... Shadow Clones.

And yes, I am perfectly aware that it's an unnecessary and irresponsible use of resources.

Izuku looked at the strand of hair contemplatively, before shrugging and shoving it in his mouth, only to gag a few moments later. Thankfully I was nearby with a bottle of water which Izuku gladly drank.

I stepped back and poured all the chakra I could in my Sharingan and really focused on Izuku.

As soon as he had swallowed the hair, Izuku's eight gates began to shine with an ever-increasing brightness. As the hour passed that brightness seemed to spread across his entire body. With my Sharingan I could see the brighter parts that defined where the chakra pathways were in the body.

"Incredible" I breath

"Incredible" I breath

"What is it, young Madara?" asked All Might curiously

Izuku was the same, even if he was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. Understandable, seeing how I've been staring a whole in him for the past hour.

"One For All, you said that it's power stockpiled and passed down through generations, right?" I asked

"That's correct" said All Might

"Did you ever find out what type of power?" I asked

All Might blinked

"No, I've always assumed that it's pure physical power"

I giggled

"Oh, how wrong you are, All Might. It's not physical power, it's nature energy!" I said excitedly

"Nature energy? Like what you're supposed to use for sage mode?" asked Izuku rightfully shocked

I nodded

"Nature energy? Sage mode? What is this?" asked

All Might confused

Iturned to him

"Nature energy is all around us. It's produced by every living being on this planet and it interacts with humans in very special ways. All the mutation quirks you see every day are a byproduct of a person unknowingly trying to become a sage, that is a being that can borrow nature energy from the world and use it to increase their physical abilities tremendously. You know All Might, before today I always wondered just what type of power was One For All, because if it was chakra like mine, you would have felt some difference and maybe found some other applications for it" I said

"So, what does it mean, nii-san?" asked Izuku

"It means, little brother that you can become the only one on this world that will ever be able to hope to ever challenge me" I said with a smile

Izuku looked at me with wide eyes

"Really?" he asked in a whispered tone

"Really" I confirmed with a nod

Izum looked lost in thought for a moment before he looked at me with fire in his eyes and said

"I'II beat you one day"

I grinned savagely, something that Izuku reciprocated

"I'm looking forward to when that day comes"

Meanwhile, in the background, All Might was hiding behind a computer console, crying and asking himself 'Why me? Why do I have to deal with the two most overpowered children in the world? I'm not even their father!'

After a few hours, the transfer of power finished and I finally got to take an in depth look at One For All, something that I hadn't dared do while it was in All Might due to the latter's crippled state.

Izuku was currently lying on a table shirtless and connected to all sorts of sensors as l used a diagnostic jutsu on him. The jutsu was part of my attempt to recreate medical ninjutsu. The recreation was partially successful, but l'll need years to refine it to something even resembling competency by Narutoverse standards. The jutsu still required machines to interpret the results.


"Find anything?" asked Izuku in a tone that was equally bored and anxious

" don't know. It seems that there is something else that was transferred with the quirk factor" I said

"Huh? What do you mean" asked Izuku

"Well, the quirk factor latched onto your Gate of Opening, that's normal, but there is another thing that came with it and latched onto the Gate of View. Honestly the best I can describe it as is a condensed ball of Yin chakra with something at its core" I said

Izuku looked confused, but I couldn't blame him. I was confused as well. The quirk had formed a secondary chakra nexus next to his original one that stored in it tremendous amounts of natural energy. More than it should be physically possible in fact. A chakra nexus is like a pool where chakra gathers when not in use by an active chakra wielder. Most people don't have one because their quirk factor serves as one, but quirkless people have nexuses. I think I just found that the best way to jumpstart another person's chakra production is to simply boost this nexus from the outside and in a way that's exactly what One For All had done. izuku's nexus was growing, but it was horribly imbalanced.

"Never minded that, you need to start meditating and small-scale chakra building exercises" I said

Izuku looked surprised. He had attempted these exercises before when we attempted to undock his chakra the natural Way.

"Why? I can't use chakra like you do"

"Well, now you might be able to, eventually, seeing as One For All is just a big vessel full of Nature Energy" I said

Izuku didn't look convinced

I sighed

"Look, this is dangerous stuff we're dealing with here. Natural energy isn't meant to be used as a substitute for normal chakra. You need to balance it with your own Yin-Yang energies if you want to prevent damaging your body. Right now, you've barely begun production of your own chakra stores and even attempting to use One For All will probably have severe consequences on your body. if you try to use it now you could risk ripping your chakra pathways to shreds since they're literally not ready to use this kind of power and thus crippling your ability to use chakra in the future.

Be thankful that One For All's quirk factor does all the heavy lifting in the balancing department, now all you need to do is give it the materials its needs to work with"

"So, what should I do?" asked Izuku

looked at him. Izuku looked depressed and I couldn't help but sigh. This was his dream; he had traived for this for months on end and I basically told him that he had to start again from zero.

"Come on, up you go" I said as I helped him up, disconnected the sensors and handed him at shirt, I had lying around

Since we were basically identical, save for the haircut and hair color we used shared our wardrobe a lot when we were kids. Thankfully we haven't diverged much in body structure, especially since Izuku's been a bit slow on the muscle building side of things. When we were young it was a convenient way to save money since we weren't born into a rich house. Sure, we had enough for anything we may want or need, but even so, most of the money was spent of my training.

I placed my hands on his shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"We'll get through this, Izuku, don't be discouraged. I've already done all the leg work, all you have to do is follow my lead and you'll be able to use some of your power in no time, ok?"

Izuku gave me the little smile that told me that I've gotten my point across


"Good, now let's go and celebrate"

A/N sorry for not posting chapters I've been busy with school and helping my friend out with his own story his first one on this app was super bad I did feel bad for him so I'm helping him I can tell y'all this right now the story will be a fate x mha that all I will say how the story looking it will be very good to read I can pro that's I will tell y'all when he post it so y'all can go check out the story I just tell y'all his name on this app whenever he upload the fanfic

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