
Chapter 5: All might and dealing with idiots

It was early morning. I was walking alongside my brother to meet with All Might. As I was walking, I wasn't saying anything, just enjoying my brother's company. Neither of us had many friends, but we made do with one another's company. I honestly enjoyed listening to my brother's mutter speech and rants when he got too excited and began thinking about heroes or any subject to be honest.

It's an acquired skill since in the beginning it used to be quite annoying.

As we walked on the beach I came to face to face with the real form of All Might. Truthfully, my brother's words didn't quite manage to describe him good enough. If someone can do this much damage to the Symbol of Peace then it's a grave problem, one I have the unfortunate feeling my brother would end up inheriting.

"All Might!" called out Izuku with a grin, waving his hand in a greeting

The hero returned his greeting, not taking his eyes off me for a second. looked at him and I saw a flash of recognition and what appeared to be relief on his face. Strange. He must have watched a video of me from the entrance exam.

"Young Midorya, I don't remember inviting anyone else today" said All Might

Izuku blushed and looked away

"I'm sorry, All Might" said Izuku

"No worries, now what's your name young one?" he asked

I raised an eyebrow at his frankly pathetic acting skills. If he wanted to pretend he didn't know me, or at least of me then he should learn to mask his micro expressions better. Also, is he seriously not scolding Izuku for sharing his secret with me?

Though then again, he may have understood that it was inevitable for it to happen from yesterday's discussion with Izuku.

My Sharingan flashed, displaying all three tomoe proudly as they spun around my pupil. I observed his body and I was quite surprised he was still walking with that kind of damage, let alone doing hero work. turned off my eyes and gave a slight smile.

"I'm Madara Midorya, but you already know that didn't you Toshinori-san" I said

He seemed surprised but quickly deduced how I could have figured that out and smiled as well. I turned to my brother

"zuku, why don't you go and warm yourself up for training" I said

"Ok" said Izuku and went off to the parking lot to begin his warmup. He was shaping up to be such an obedient little brother. I dread the day he discovered his rebellious side.

"Young Midorya, I- "began All Might before I interrupted him

"Please call me Madara and before you say anything else" I bowed before him "I want to thank you"

"What for?" asked All Might genuinely surprised

looked at him

"When I finished the UA exam and I heard what happened all I could think of was how devastated Izuku must have been, being utterly helpless in that situation. I saw from the footage that he wasn't injured, but still, he rushed into a situation trying to save someone's life, trying to be a hero. I rushed home as fast as I could and the first thing I see when I walk into the house is my brother, smiling" I could feel my eyes growing moist, god dam these genes what is with me

All Might was looking away from me

"Thank you, for saving my brother's smile and giving him the hope that his dream can come true.

For this I will be forever in your debt. Anything you ask, if it is within my power, I will see that it is done" | finished

All Might was still looking away with his fists clenched. I straightened up confused

"I cannot accept your debt" said All Might lowly

I was surprised, what was he talking about

"I doubt your brother has told you about this

but when we first met after I had saved him for the first time from that sludge villain, he ended up stuck to my pant leg. I was running out of time and he saw my true form. When he asked if he could become a hero without a quirk, I told him that he cannot and that he should look for another dream" said All Might with clear shame written on his face. remained impassive. So even All Might himself is not immune to the growing anti-quirkless sentiment of society.

" i was there, when the villain captured young Bakugou, standing in the crowd waiting for a real hero to arrive. It was your brother's reckless actions during that day, his body moving on its own, that rekindled that dying spark in my soul and reminded me that a hero should always try to save people, no matter what. It was that action that made me take him on as my successor" said All Might "I am unworthy of your thanks, let alone your debt"

I was honestly at a loss for words, but I knew what I needed to say

"All Might" I called his attention

He lifted his gaunt eyes and I smiled at him

"We all make mistakes, after all we are only human. I understand where you are coming from, but you recognized your mistake and fixed it. You gave my brother hope. For that at least you have my thanks" I said as I held out my hand

All Might seemed so surprised and more than a little relieved. He rasped my outstretched hand and shook

" leave my brother in your care, All Might" I said

"You will not regret it, young Madara" replied All Might

-one weeks later-

The letter from UA arrived and I was admitted with a most impressive score of 358 villain points and 65 rescue points, the highest score in UA history.

Izuku was ecstatic, but I could see a somewhat pinched expression on All Might's face when I told him. Apparently, he held the previous record and I just shattered it so hard it wasn't even funny anymore.

I sometimes came to watch Izuku's training even if I wasn't slaking on my own. These next few weeks before the start of school would be put to god use, especially now that I have recreated one of the most OP HAX jutsu of all time: Shadow Clones.

True, I could only produce three and that ate up most of my chakra reserves, but man oh man was it worth it. I had 5 weeks until school stared and by the time my first class began, I already had water release almost fully mastered. What at one time would have taken me four months or more, as was the case with fire release, I could do in a month. I hadn't yet had the time to create any water jutsu, but that was surprisingly quite easy after the first few I created. Once I know how the elemental chakra felt and how it reacted to the various hand seals, it was only a matter of finding the right combination to achieve the desired result with minimal wastage of chakra.

I walked into my class 1-A and as I saw the mayhem that was unfolding before me, I began to wonder if I made a mistake.

The acceptance letter said that I was in class 1-A under Aizawa Shota aka Eraser Head. I find it difficult to imagine the man being patient enough to deal with this rowdy bunch.

"OY you get in your seat. You're stealing my spotlight" yelled out a guy from behind me

I moved simply because I was too stunned by his arrogance to be able to come up with a reply that to be able to come up with a reply that wouldn't have him blowing up at me

"Stunned into silence my presence, I see. Well no matter I am sure I could always find a spot at my agency for a sidekick like yourself" said the guy

The fuck?

Just then from the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a human caterpillar with Aizawa's face?

The actual fuck?

The man gave me a tired smile as if he could somehow understand my pain. I doubt it. The jackass was probably cracking himself up on the inside with laughter.

How the hell did a class like this get into UA? How?

It took the class ten minutes to notice the yellow human caterpillar at our door and quiet down.

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Put on these uniforms and meet me outside" said Aizawa

"Outside! But, sensei, staying in the sun without preparing my hair first could ruin it. Aren't we supposed to be having orientation today?" asked one of the girls

Are you kidding me? What is this, an acting school?

"Yeah, teach what's the big deal" said another student, and oh look, stereotypical macho bully.

How lovely

"Ok then. You two are expelled" said Aizawa in a calm voice

"WHAT!" screamed the whole class minus me


You can't do that!" said the girl

"Yes, I can. UA is different from other schools. You have a problem; you take it up with the principal" said Aizawa in a bored tone

"I will" said the girl as she took her purse and left through the door followed by the guy that got expelled

Jesus F-ing Christ is this a dream? How the fuck did guys like these ever get past the entrance exam

"The rest of you meet me outside for your quirk apprehension test" said Aizawa

Before anyone could say a thing, I was out of my seat and vanished in a body flicker to the locker room. One minute later I flickered back into reality near Aizawa in the training ground.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask

Aizawa gives me a bored look before schooling his face into something more serious

"I need to know if they have potential to be a hero.

It took them 10 minutes to notice me outside the door, you noticed me almost instantly. If I had been a villain, they would be dead" said Aizawa

I grunted and nodded. I got where Aizawa was coming from. Being a pro hero was dangerous and the least he could do was to deny the honestly incompetent a free suicide attempt and ruining the school's image with their deaths.

After 10 minutes I was starting to get annoyed, and I wasn't the only one. If Aizawa had the Mangekyou there would be no more door to the locker rooms. I spread out my senses and I felt my entire class still in the locker room with no one waiting near the exit.

"Oh, come on!" I said, not really realizing it

"What" said Aizawa turning his glare onto me

"One of my abilities is that I can sense the location of people within a 1-kilometer radius if I really concentrate. can also recognize people that I have met before and spent a bit of time in their presence" I explained

"And" said Aizawa looking intrigued and a little annoyed

I sighed and facepalmed "My classmates, they're still in the locker room and some are even going to and from the locker room and the classroom"

Aizawa's face tightened

"Well, then let's begin the quirk test. The person who doesn't meet my expectations will be expelled" said Aizawa

"Uh, sensei, shouldn't we still wait for them" I asked somewhat unsure

"We waited enough" was the prompt reply

It took me 15 minutes to get through all the tests.

Aizawa just wrote down the results and called it a day. I was the only one who took the test.

I went home that day feeling more than a little awkward.

The next morning's headline was the mass expulsion of 19 students from class 1-A and my existence as the sole student that got to be mentored by all the pros.

How lovely.

Next chapter