
Comments of chapter undefined of The Lavender Knight


I can barely even follow what's going on


The poison was something that Lydia didn't notice either, she only assumed she was frozen with fear. The Demon that attacked her caused it, then it was removed quickly. I'm working on making it more fluid, but it's something I constantly have trouble with.

UncrownedKing:there's very little set up for quite a lot of this. things just kind of happen without any time for the scene to breathe. we know very little about the world or situation the mc has just found herself in. the change in personality, at least I think that's what happened at the end, came with no warning. another demon showed up and mc was apparently poisoned at some point during that. it's just all rather abrupt. really, It's a problem a lot of authors face, some things are just more obvious to you since you know exactly what you're going for and what should be happening and why. but sometimes that just doesn't get conveyed properly.

good chapter