
9: Primal Electricity

Although the room had almost all the commodities possible in the world, it did not mind for Ada and Kurt to notice but only the beauty love can bring to two hearts fallen in love.

The dryness in the air was charged with already ions hitting each other incrementing its speed as the two bodies gotten in closer proximity exasperated its intended nature. The only way to counteract this force was only one. Instincts ran high, the need for that sweet love was actually increasing as the two bodies moved closer.

Kurt holding his composure, sure that he could not longer contain that fierce passion hidden as much as he could, that burst of love he needed to burst could not longer be kept on the captivity of his heart. His hands shook over the fact that feeling all that passion could cause such harm when touching her.

Can passion for so much harm? She's my love, my sweet love, as I always called her. My world, my happiness, my life.

His passion for owing her, just for a moment. Would just go like venom through my veins, recharge my inner most darkest thoughts. In an hallucinating way, that only the satisfaction of an insatiable urgency of releasing energy at its pinnacle would only satisfy that eagerness to taste that women's honey gold sweetness only a man can make the woman he possesses can produce.

Funny how Mother Nature created so many puzzles and it's pieces to complete, but never tell us the ones that correctly fit.

No one knows. Life can't be that easy.

But the electricity that built up as these opposite poles increased as their closeness reduced, their attraction increased...

And the need to connect. Eczema an obsession.

Day after day, weeks, months, idk how else to measure it, this love increasing attention a speed unmeasurable, do you think it was possible to accomplish?

You never Saul against a storm.

That's not a great plan to form.

But her touch, that he craved since they started, talking, chatting, couldn't be stopped

Too late to stop...

Too late to look back and rescind

-I must get it out of my mind

Cree thought to himself

All they wanted was to stop the pain, the insults, the frustration many true loves face. Correct, nothing it's easy on this life.....

Looking at each other, in the middle of the room, naked, with only a dirty skin full of contained sins and lost hopes, satisfaction. Guaranteed was the only medicine. Proven to heal any broken heart and disappointed soul, was sure to finally seek paradise. Never on dismissed, he promised, guaranteed to be loved forever, forgotten, never.

Her sweet looking back at me, instantly connected and strengthened everything that once was lost, it was just enough to seal the pact with a kiss....a passionate kiss to maker her crazy.....

And turn his world upside down....


Drain him to his last drop of crying solitude, which was absurd to have survived it that way, praying every night to find the one God had prepared and hidden away for him.

Primal electricity, was out of the question.

Fuck that

Fuck her, all it matter

The latter, the better

Carnal connection, sins perverted converted into celestial satisfaction...

Bs? Maybe...

But love makes anybody this crazy

Two hearts happy

No more pity

Only minding the fusion

In one inclusion

One heart

Never apart

Next chapter