
Go Far Part 1

"Hey Arthur, what are you doing here?" Suddenly Harry's voice echoed loudly in the distance, startling Arthur and Ayumi who were staring at each other.

Staring in the direction of the voice, Arthur found Harry, Bastian, and Denis.

The group of three seemed to have just finished exercising judging by their clothes.

The only thing less likely was the fact that they weren't that sweaty, suggesting that they were just walking instead of running.

Since Arthur was with a woman and it was a Japanese woman, they couldn't help but approach with suspicious faces. Occasionally looking at each other.

They knew that the woman was not Yukiko because this one had a much more perfect-looking body.

However, why was she also wearing a mask and her hands holding sunglasses?

One of them, Denis finally took out his cell phone to look back at the news that made the rounds yesterday afternoon, the news about the arrival of the first princess from Japan.

Next chapter