The year was 100AG, and the Hundred Year War had finally come to an end. Half the world stood in ruins, but a new era was looming on the horizon. This is a tale of a defeated and broken princess, of a farseeing yet conflicted Fire Lord, and an Avatar struggling with the death of his people and the birth of a new world. This is a tale of life and death, loyalty and betrayal, war and peace; but most importantly, it is a tale of a brother and sister.
Edited by: Bieverdog AO3: GalavantingGoose, Due_Cardiologist_292, and ultimatebookworm08
Book I Imbalance
It was one of the hottest summers in the Fire Nation, and a sluggish, young Iroh II was daydreaming about holidays in Ember Island, about spending the whole day on the beach with his friends without a care in the world. Instead, he was in the Royal Library, accompanied only by his thoughts of freedom and his mother.
Forced to bury his head in a hundred-year-old scroll, 'A Treatise on Fire Nation Diplomacy', he constantly fought the urge to fall asleep. However, the echoing steps of his mother helped to keep him awake. He wasn't sure if it was supposed to be some sort of punishment or lesson, but either way, he tossed the scroll aside, fed up with the drudgery. He let his head droop, almost banging it against the desk, and sighed.
Izumi gave a tired sigh of her own. "Patience, Iroh."
"I've memorized these scrolls for the hundredth time. How is that going to be of any use to me? Things were different during Grandpa's days."
"'History repeats itself.' Ever heard the phrase?"
He rolled his eyes. "But we have the power to change it and bring about a better future. Yes, I have heard it a million times already."
"Exactly, but only if you know it; otherwise, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those dusty scrolls may one day come in handy to you."
He groaned. "Like you ever read them all."
She laughed lightly. "Oh, I did; my father practically forced me to. He didn't want me to repeat the same mistakes he did."
"Grandfather making mistakes? That's a new one."
"No one is born great, my son. We are all human; we all live, learn, and die by our actions, good or bad. Fire Lord Zuko wasn't always 'The Great'.
She sighed, sitting down next to him. "We have it too easy nowadays. People are always quick to forget it wasn't that way before. They forget the struggles, the sacrifices that were made. If you are ever to rule, you need to know."
"Ugh… It's not that hard; everyone knows the–"
His mother held out her hand. "Ah, don't tell me your answer; I already know it. The tired line from novice history scrolls: 'The Avatar freed the world from the tyranny of Ozai; and here we are, thriving under the wise rule of Fire Lord Zuko.'"
"Well, isn't that what happened?"
"Most people would think that would suffice, but the true story is one that few know. Try to step into their shoes. Back when the future was uncertain, peace was… It was unthinkable for most. And in the Fire Nation, it meant victory. But when it did come, we were defeated… Come, walk with me." She got up, turning off the desk light.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to grab a drink. This might take some time." Iroh clutched the scroll in his hands, following his mother as she walked with purpose. Soon, he noticed an old sun-bleached building near the palace, a temple of the Fire Sages, now closed and kept as a monastery.
The Fire Sages received them warmly, setting down the Oolong his mother had insisted on drinking despite the weather. "Well…Why are we here?" She sat under cover of shadow near the center of the monastery in a plain, open plaza. Rivulets of water calmly flowed on either side of them.
His mother looked around as steam whispered into the air from her teacup. "This is a very important place; it was where your grandfather was crowned. Few know a great battle was fought here." He looked at her surprised, for that monastery was the last place he would have imagined for that to take place. His mother paused, looking down as he took a moment to reread the scroll. "It was a sad story, but one that happened nonetheless. As a matter of fact, he told me he was your age when it happened…"
Iroh unfurled the scroll, maybe he had missed a detail, but he found no records of that event. He looked at her, puzzled and intrigued. "What battle are you even talking about? This scroll says nothing about it."
"Ah, sadly, you won't find any answers there. But perhaps I can help." Izumi took the scroll from his hands, placing it on her lap. "When I was a girl, he used to take me here." She sighed. "For hours, he'd tell me the stories of his youth: how he met the Avatar, how they fought Fire Lord Ozai. People are always interested in the flashy details–the stories that later become legends. The real story is more raw, painful…"
Iroh leant over his seat. He seldom heard her speak so emotionally. His mother had truly piqued his curiosity. "Could you tell me?"
She nodded and set down her cup. "Now, where to begin…" She thought for a moment then smiled. "I've got it. I'll tell you how the great Fire Lord Zuko came to be; how Avatar Aang returned from the land of legend to become one. The story of a fallen dragon, a tale that was forged in fire and steel. It all started that fateful day with the arrival of Sozin's Comet…"
Act I: Ashes
Note: if you do not wish to read dialogue from the show, skip to Act I, Chapter III.
Chapter I
It was dark in the throne room, the dim candle lights barely allowing the columns to glimmer in bright red and gold, the colors of a proud nation. In the center of the room, a golden throne towered, with the dragons of Fire peaking proudly on top. It was an intimidating sight, where her ancestors ruled with might, and now it was all hers. It was her destiny, her reward for her hard work, but Azula's mind lay uneasy, restless, and in turmoil, so much so that she could barely notice the footsteps coming from behind. Startled, she turned around and noticed Li and Lo, accompanied by four Dai Li agents and the Imperial firebenders. As she stared, they stopped, bowing. "Princess, we are here accompanied by your royal guards as you have requested."
Azula had almost forgotten she had called on them. She stared at them imperiously. "Finally! I called on you twenty minutes ago!" She narrowed her eyes at the guards. "Where have you been all this time? Your sole purpose here is ensuring my security, and moments ago, an assassin could have waltzed in here, and you would not even have noticed."
The room fell silent, her words echoing ominously. She noticed a particularly nervous man on the right, a thin line of sweat trickling down his face. She ambled slowly towards him and pointed. "You, come forward!"
He came forward and bowed. "Yes, princess?"
"You are banished for your incompetence."
The man's eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth opening, but no words came out.
"Consider yourself lucky. Today is my coronation. Failure and incompetence won't be tolerated. Those who do not comply will suffer the consequences, so keep in mind that I might not be so gracious next time. All of you are dismissed. Back to your posts! Except for you two." She gestured to the twins, who exchanged worried glances. "You shall stay here to take note of the remaining duties for today before the ceremony."
They bowed and waited for Azula to return to her perch behind the unending flames. She struggled to focus, for the past few days had taken a toll on her… First her ungrateful brother had deserted her, then her so called 'friends' betrayed her, and now she had been denied and left behind by her father. A whirlwind of emotion consumed her, gnawing, itching to break free. She gritted her teeth impotently.
In a moment of uncontrollable fury, she bathed the room in blue fire, the pale flames casting eerie shadows on her face. Her usual grace and poise gave way to weariness, despite her best efforts to mask it. Her golden eyes, once fierce and commanding, were now marred by dark circles. Her normally immaculate black hair was disheveled and tangled.
Azula tried to project the image of a confident princess as she moved through the room, deliberately trying to measure each step. She passed through the raging fire unscathed and proceeded to the throne, her composure faltering ever so slightly. As she sat, her shoulders sagged under the weight of her exhaustion. In the flickering light, she was but a shadow of herself, of the princess she had always strived to be.
The twins looked up at her. "Princess Azula, there is much to be done in preparation for your coronation and your father's return. We should–"
"Silence! As your future Fire Lord, you will only speak when spoken to." The twins flinched. And her mouth twisted into a smile. "First, I want the servants to prepare me for my moment of glory. It has to be perfect. Proclaim in the capital that all commerce and obligations shall cease in honor of my coronation. Henceforth from tomorrow, ten days of celebrations will be held for our victories in the Earth Kingdom. As you know, today they will be ashes, and our nation will reign supreme above all. When the Phoenix King returns, we will discuss plans for the new territories. That will be our first order of business."
They nodded. "Anything else, Your Highness?"
"Yes, I want the Imperial Firebenders audited. They must swear allegiance to me. Those who are loyal will keep their posts. Take care that the rest are relieved of their duties immediately."
The sisters widened their eyes, exchanging more worried looks. Li stammered at first but steadied her tone. "Your Highness, that will take some time. Your security is paramount at the moment. I'm sure they are all–"
Azula's voice was irate. "Did you not hear me before, Lo? Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Audit them. And leave the ones loyal only to me. Or you might need to visit some sick relatives or maybe a few hundred spa days at the Boiling Rock will surely clear your minds?" Her chest puffed as she spoke, making her figure appear more imposing behind the flames. The crackling azure wall hid her frailty well. Li gulped, bowed, and took a step back. Lo did likewise, but she kept eyeing the floor. She wiped the sweat from her palms on her tunic. "You have your orders; you are dismissed."
As the women left, a servant came before the throne and kowtowed sufficiently for one of her status. Even though she wasn't the Fire Lord yet, she did enjoy the attention. "Your Highness, your maids are ready for you and are awaiting your arrival at the royal spa."
"Finally! Send word to the Fire Sages, then! I want the coronation to begin as soon as possible."
"Yes, Your Highness. What about your subjects? Should I inform them to attend?"
"No, this will be a mere formality. Tomorrow, the celebrations will begin. They are to be present then."
The servant bowed even lower and remained crouched until Azula left the throne room.
She headed straight to the spa, flanked by two of her bodyguards. Azula grappled with the tormenting thoughts swirling in her mind. With so much in her hands already she hoped to find a moment of respite. As she neared the spa, she could feel the steam wafting from under the door. A guard opened the door for her, revealing four servants clad in crimson silk waiting for her by a chair in the center. Behind it lay a steaming, ornate fountain. Depicted on the wall were two opposing golden dragons on a gilt, red backdrop. They seemed to sit deferentially behind their princess.
The women appeared intimidated by Azula's presence, their gazes firmly fixed on the red carpet. One of them caught her eye. She didn't look Fire Nation, standing tall with green eyes and a face dotted with freckles. Could she be a spy? Before Azula could ponder any further, another servant held up a bowl of cherries timidly. "Please take a seat, Your Highness."
She approached, eyeing the tall girl suspiciously. As she sat, the servant held out the bowl. She tried her best to relax. The maids worked quickly, yet with finesse. They removed her boots and unstrapped her armor, leaving it on a stand. The tall, hazel-eyed maid combed her hair, taking great care not to tangle Azula's hair. The princess was still tense and alert, but at least she thought she could enjoy the cherries. As she bit another, there was a loud crunch. The servants froze. "What am I holding?"
The servants paled. With a slight hesitation, the girl holding the bowl shyly eyed her. "A cherry pit, princess."
"Correct, and what day is this?"
"It is the day of your coronation."
Anger flickered in the princess's eyes. "Yes, it is. So, please tell me why, on the most important day of my life, you've decided to leave a pit in my cherry?"
She flung the pit at the servant, who flinched away. "It wasn't a decision; it was just a small mistake."
Azula scoffed. "Small? Do you realize what could've happened if I hadn't sensed the pit in time?"
The color drained from the girl's face. "I suppose you could've... choked."
The princess put on an air of superiority and rage. "Yes, then you will understand the severity of your crime."
The maid trembled in fear. "I understand, princess. Please forgive me."
On any other day, Azula would've had the servant executed or something of the sort, but she felt that an exception could be made, given the occasion. "Oh, very well. Since it is a special day, I will show mercy. You are banished. Leave this palace immediately!"
The servant bowed quickly and hurried away before the capricious princess could change her mind. The others stood dumbfounded, holding their breath. Azula glared at them. "What are you all looking at? I have two feet that need scrubbing." They sprang into action. "And make sure you get in between the toes. I won't have my first day as Fire Lord marred by poor foot hygiene."
As the maids silently and arduously worked, Azula's mind continued to buzz. Incompetence. That filthy peasant. Did she actually try to kill her? No, she must have been sent by someone; maybe it was a test by her father. But no, that wouldn't make sense. Who could have a motive, then? The Dai Li? After all, they didn't bat an eye when they stabbed Long Feng in the back. What was stopping them now from doing the same to her? Or maybe the captain of the Imperial Firebenders, Sung. Azula knew the man to be loyal to her father, but to herself? Maybe Sung had set up the trap to ensnare her.
Anyone could be a threat, even those closest to her; they were all snakes in the grass. She would not go down that way. She wouldn't be surprised by anyone, not again. So, she had to act before they got the chance to do anything. Yes… that way, she would outsmart them all. No one would even dare betray her again. And the ones who tried… they would pay dearly. Her "friends" came to mind first. She couldn't resist twitching her face in anger when thinking of their betrayal. She still couldn't understand what could have pushed her allies to make such a rash decision.
She felt an emptiness in her gut; the feeling worsened the more she thought about them. She closed her eyes and briefly reminisced about the moments they experienced as friends. But in an instant, the memories were invaded by that moment of treachery, too overwhelming to bear. She squeezed her eyes shut, and a stray tear escaped her left eye.
Focus! You will never allow yourself to fail again; they were not your friends. They would have stayed by your side if they were. They are cowards anyway; you have a far more important task ahead of you than whining about a pair of snakes. Now she would deal with the backstabbers within her own court. Opening her eyes again, she called for one of the guards standing post outside. The man entered and bowed. "Soldier, I'd like to have a word with your captain. He must arrive in the Throne Room in fifteen minutes. Dismissed!"
"As you command, Princess." And he rushed out.
They won't know what hit them. In a single strike, I'll rid myself of these scheming traitors–
"My lady, you are ready now."
Enraged, she pierced the servant with her eyes. How dare she interrupt my thoughts! The servant shot her gaze to the carpet and slightly bowed her head in submission.
Azula took a deep breath and focused on the task ahead. There is no time for bickering. First, I'll deal with the fools that wish to cross me; then I'll have plenty of time to discipline my servants. And so, Azula stepped and walked straight back to the throne room to wait for the captain of the Imperial Firebenders. She would deal with the Dai Li thereafter.
As she walked behind the undying flames of the Dragon Throne, new memories invaded her mind. Of all the times she had been cruel to her friends and her brother. But there was something off about those memories. It was as if someone had played it inside her head. She tried resisting it, but it only worsened. Behind one of the pillars by the main doors, Azula could have sworn she saw someone. She narrowed her eyes. "Who dares to hide in the presence of the Fire Lord?!" Silence. Azula's anger made the flames flare. "Show yourself!" No response.
As Azula was about to investigate, the guards rushed in. "Princess, is everything alright? We heard screaming–"
She snarled. "As a matter of fact, no. You let someone in. Or for all I know, an assassin might be roaming the palace because of your incompetence! They even managed to reach me just now!"
The guards looked at each other, puzzled. "But, Your Highness, nobody has come…
"Silence!" She narrowed her eyes, doubtful. "I don't need fools like you. Your incompetence might have cost me my life; I know what I saw!" Azula hesitated for a moment before relaxing. "I've been far too mild with my punishments, it seems." The soldiers dropped to the floor and begged Azula for mercy, but she wouldn't have it. They would serve as an example. "Sixty lashes and one year of penal labor. You will ensure your duties are fulfilled next time. If there is a next time."
One man broke down in tears. "No! Please, Your Highness! I'll do anything! I have a family! They won't survive without me!"
A group of Dai Li approached the entrance, escorting Captain Sung. Right on time. A smile curved on Azula's lips. They will all do well to fear me, and it will also serve as a warning to the conniving captain. "Dai Li, arrest them. They are to receive sixty lashes each immediately. Oh, and muzzle the loud one."
The agents nodded, grabbing the disgraced Imperial Guards with their rock gauntlets and muzzling the complainer in stone. Sung watched in horror. Azula noticed the broken expression on his face and took the opportunity to increase his suffering. She gestured to the Dai Li. "Wait. Captain Sung, a pleasure to see you again. These men have been punished for neglecting their duties. It could not be more opportune that you have arrived at this moment. Now, Captain, carry out yours." The princess gestured to one of the Dai Li. "Why are you standing there? Can't you see that he needs a whip?" She grinned menacingly.
The captain was ill at ease. "R r-right n-now? I-I wouldn't dare commit such a savage act in front of my Princess."
Azula smiled as if it were teatime with His Kookiness. She clasped her hands together. "Nonsense, Captain. These men committed a personal offense against me; thus, it is only fitting that I witness their punishment."
The captain looked uncertain, his eyes focused on the whip handed to him and the already uncovered back of his soldiers. Then he gave a short glance at the princess, who stood there motionless with her sight trained on him. Sung eyed the men who were placed in front of him. He was taking too long to act. The captain calmly returned the whip to the agent and stood firm.
"I can't, Your Highness. These men and all of the soldiers in the Imperial Guard are completely devoted to you and your father. They will guard you with their lives and have always accomplished their duties. With all due respect, I don't see how they have failed you, given that you are in no immediate danger; consequently, I cannot impart such punishment."
Azula's grin vanished, her golden eyes bore into them, glowing furiously. This was a great opportunity to rid herself of them for good. "So, it seems you've shown your true allegiance, Captain. You should not have questioned my orders. I will not tolerate your insubordination. It will cost you and your precious soldiers all that you hold dear. Now all of you will pay for your treason. I decree that all of the Imperial Guards are banished to serve for ten years in the Colonial Collaboration Forces. You will all bear the mark of dishonor on your faces." The man shrunk under Azula's harsh words. "But for you… You are to spend the remainder of your life rotting in jail, stripped of all of your titles; and your family is to be exiled permanently. I wonder how long they will last in a war-torn region? Oh well, I guess we'll find out, will we? Agents, I want the Guard sent off to the Colonies by morning. This one? The Capital Prison will do."
They dragged the captain from her presence. "You will not get away with this! Your father will hear of this, Princess!"
Fool. In a couple hours, she would be the Fire Lord, and her word would be law. By disposing of possible traitors, she could now restructure her guard with people loyal only to her, diminishing the chances of betrayal. She would have to watch out for her father, though; she was almost certain he'd try to intervene. She knew the position she was given was being undermined by her father's new authority. The Dai Li would be next on her list; they had served their purpose. Mentally rehearsing her speech, she summoned their leader.
Fidgeting on the throne, she had to focus on something; otherwise, her thoughts would eat her alive. Thankfully, a troop of Dai Li agents arrived and bowed before she could lose herself in her thoughts. The agent in front looked up. "You sent for us, Princess. Is everything alright?"
Azula eyed him imperiously. "Actually, everything's not alright! Do you know how long it took you to get here?"
His eyes darted around in confusion. "Uh... a few minutes, I guess."
"Five, to be precise. In which time, an assassin could've snuck in, done away with me, and been on his merry way!"
"My apologies, Princess."
"Is this how you plan to treat your new Fire Lord? With tardiness and disloyalty?"
"The Dai Li would never betray you!"
"And I'm sure that's just what you told Long Feng before you turned against him and joined me!" For a moment, she hesitated; but she knew what she had to do.
"You're all banished!" They gaped at her. They had done everything she asked. What was she getting at?
Now the earthbenders understood what she wanted. If that was how she would treat her loyal subjects, they would have none of it. They could only manage to nod and march out in formation. She glared at their backs. "Please send in the next group on your way out!" Finally, all of the factors had been eliminated. It would take some time to reconstitute her guard, but she would do it carefully, calculating each probability, observing every tiny detail. If her friends could betray her, anyone could…
Now the thoughts came rushing back again like a nightmare haunting her. She knew she could not escape them. She would have to plow through them to focus on her destiny. Her destiny of becoming Fire Lord was nearly at hand. Nothing would stop her then. The power she would have… She could already feel the power of the Comet in her veins. Yet she felt… lost. Was this where her efforts led her? The Fire Nation would soon conquer the world, but what would her reward be? What if her father wanted to take it all for himself? Would he think of betraying me as well? She had to consider the possibilities. Anyone could be a traitor. Her father had been… distant lately–
Something moved in the shadows, closer. Azula saw the dimly lit figure of a woman, tall and slender, silently staring. Her gaze was petrifying... How is she here? No matter. She would end the nonsense once and for all. She hurled a bolt of fire at the intruder, but there was nothing there–the woman had vanished into thin air. Her face fell. Impossible! I saw her! There was someone there! Was she beginning to lose it? No, the shadows must have been playing tricks on me; that's it. I'll just center myself in my coronation, and all will be fine.
She paced around the throne, plotting her next moves. After a while, she sat down again, only for Li and Lo to barge in on her musings. "Azula, we heard what happened. Why have you banished all your servants?"
"All your Dai Li agents..."
"...and the Imperial Firebenders?"
"None of them could be trusted. Sooner or later, they all would have betrayed me. Just like Mai and Ty Lee did."
"Azula, we are concerned for you and your well-being."
Azula glared at them intently. "My father asked you to come here and talk to me, didn't he? He thinks I can't handle the responsibility of being Fire Lord. But I will be the greatest leader in Fire Nation history."
Lo nodded. "I'm sure you will. But considering everything that has happened today..."
"...perhaps it's best if you postponed your coronation."
In an instant, the frail women could feel the flames intensify. "What?! Which one of you just said that?"
The twins turned on each other, each pointing at the other damningly.
"What a shame... There's only one way to resolve this: you two must duel each other. I order you to fight an Agni Kai!"
"...We're not firebenders."
To atone for her blunder, Azula decided banishment would suit the situation. Once again, she pointed at one at random. "All right, fine, Lo, you're banished." If she were wrong, she wouldn't care. She pointed at the other. "Li, you can stay."
Before the sisters could reply, she left the throne room without a destination in mind.
The old women could only stare at each other in disbelief. Azula walked away to cover her mistake. How did she forget Li and Lo weren't benders? She had known them for so long. How was it even possible that she had forgotten? Was what she saw real? Could she trust her own mind now?
Unbeknownst to her, her mind, her sharpest weapon, was chipping into pieces, like ashes after a fierce fire. Her past had finally come to haunt her. Her deepest, darkest sins were emerging to take revenge on her. Her destiny wouldn't be one of glory but one of suffering, a forced march through a hell made by her own actions and aggravated by the fact that the people she had once trusted had put her on that path.