

If you're into Action Novels then do stop by. Here is an Action-thriller based book web novel has to offer you. Working for the National Intelligence Agency for nearly 20 years, it always goes ride or die with Kcee Jones. Even after the death of his wife and his son cutting him off his well-being, Kcee never stopped working even when he's faced with a big task. This time, another day begins for kcee as a group of terrorists are attempting to release bioweapons into the city. Kcee with the help of NIA must do all in its power to stop the attack and also make sure the peace treaty between the government of Nigeria and ghana goes smoothly, however kcee is faced with good and bad decisions to make...

tobih_daniel · Action
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49 Chs


Time: 18:56:12PM

Location: ASO ROCK.

Inside his office, Mr president stood, pacing around with his hands tucked into his pocket. The button of his suit was opened revealing his shirt which was a bit drenched with sweat. His body opposed the fact that the air conditioner was on.

His thoughts were mainly based on the events happening so far, mostly today. In all of his dealings with "bad circumstances" as he normally addressed the word, this was his worst one so far. Normally, after attacking, the terrorists would call, placing their demands. But this was different. Up till that hour, no call had been made from Dando and his gang, talkless of making his demand.

His mind kept hammering at the virus that may be used to threaten him if he doesn't agree with their demand. Technology has gone to the extent that this virus could be altered into a biological weapon like gas. Once released would circulate the targeted area and in less than some hours, every living thing would drop dead.