
Reluctant Understanding

"Aer you trying to just be an incorrigible bitch all the time or what?!"

The Hawkkin grinned at me despite my growl being rather deep, and she didn't seem at all perturbed by this situation at all as she just replied to that in the same lazy, bored tone as before, though her words were definitely sharp.

"I'm being the incorrigible bitch here? How? Because I've been fucking my woman the way she wants me to fuck her? You think I would just willy nilly offer to hurt Kalia like that because it helps me get my rocks off? Or that I am particularly thrilled at her hurting after what should have been something that made us both feel excellent?"

I had to bite my cheek lest I snap at her and worsen this situation, and she sensed that as she chuckled before adding "Whatever the fuck is going on in your head, Aethisia, I promise you that reality is different. I love your sister, I genuinely do, and this is just... growing pains. I'm not used to my heart beating like that after sex, not used to my mind drifting towards her whenever I'm alone."

Even as she said that, the Hawkkin still stepped forwards and swung, her fist sailing towards my cheek as she opened up this combative dialogue to give me what I had asked for; the consequences of throwing a punch on an unprepared person, I suppose...

But we both needed it, if the weight behind the blow was anything at all to go by; I ducked beneath it but could still feel it as it trailed above my head, and I definitely felt the knee that collided with my side.

"I'm a sadist and a dom, Aethisia, but that doesn't mean I like making Kalia feel pain outside of our sexy times, y'know? You should get that considering you're also a dominant partner; that thrill of taming a woman and having her mewling at your feet for just another thick injection of cum to give them that purpose they crave in bed, it's addicting isn't it?"

She took that hit and backed off, allowing me to right myself and get my head back into the game as I lunged forwards and grabbed at her shoulder and waist, trying to control her as I spat "That still doesn't-"

However, the Hawkkin just didn't bother to let me finish what I was saying, and her own hands smacked against my chest as she grabbed at my shirt, using it to push me back and make it difficult to control her body.

"It does, you twit! She's MINE, not yours. Camara is yours, Kalia is mine! Get that through your thick fucking skull already!"

Her snarl caught me off guard, and before I could really comprehend it she had lifted me off the ground and threw herself forwards, not trying to break free of my grasp and instead using it to her advantage to slam me onto my back.

The weight of the Hawkkin paired with the impact to the ground to knock the wind out of me completely, and it made it far too easy for Inik to pin me down and trap me as she adjusted herself just a tiny bit to keep me on the ground.

"Listen, I know - or I can guess - what the hell is going on with you. Big sister who used to have to be there to protect and nurture the baby sister, but now the baby is all grown up! She doesn't NEED you anymore; she's a strong woman, Aethisia. A strong woman who found someone she likes, and you just can't stand that it wasn't YOU!"

That hiss cut through the slight fog that wafted around in my mind, and I shuddered as I just had to accept that that was what was going on... I WANTED Kalia to be mine, almost the same way I wanted Camara, though...

That wasn't the truth either; I loved Camara and wanted to have her by my side all the time, but Kalia was... Kalia; I loved her, but not as much as Camara, and I loved having sex with her... but did I really want to have her the same way I had Camara..?

"See..? You're confused, and I get that; Kalia is incredible, and I can't imagine what it must have been like to see her as a child before she grew up, still needing you somewhat. She's both timid and outgoing at the same damn time, and it makes you want to be there for her... but YOU don't need to be there for her anymore. I do."

Inik pushed down on me and made my back smack against the sand once more, but when she let go I didn't try to get back up right away, nor did I really focus on her at all as she stood up and dusted herself off.

I mean... she was right, wasn't she?

I had been rather... possessive and protective of a woman that wasn't mine, though she was still my sister; I could still remember her being that cute little pink haired girl clinging to Mother for everything, and maybe that was why I was so... reluctant to let her go.

Letting out a sigh, I stared at the sky for a few moments before my eyes drifted to the hand that was waited above me, coming from the Hawkkin who was staring down at me with a neutral gaze.

"Listen, do I take things too far? Probably; sorry for saying those things, but at the same time... I mean, seriously Aethisia? You're having a hissy fit because your sister and her lover are having sex?

So just... accept it, alright? I'm here to stay unless Kalia kicks me out, but considering we're going to have a baby together, well... I'll be presumptuous and say that isn't happening anytime soon. You can stop feeling the need to protect her so much, because that's my job now, got it?"

I stared into her eyes for a few moments before letting out another sigh as I grabbed her hand, only to grunt as she pulled me up just to punch me in the jaw, letting me drop back into the sand as she added "That's for earlier."

When I got back up, we glared at one another before setting into another spar, but this time... well, there was still malice in it, but not as much as before, and we had come to a sort of understanding all things considered.

I didn't need to like her because... she wasn't MY partner; she was Kalia's, and apparently this was the kind of futanari that my sister liked, so... I was going to have to deal with it, even if she irritated the fuck out of me on a regular basis.


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