
Reanalysis Of Wealth

"So how much would it be worth, Renna? I haven't ever had an actual Focus before that I hadn't made, so what would you say the average Focus amplifies your magic by and how much does it cost?"

She was still inspecting at the wand in her hands with a flabbergasted look, and it took her a few more seconds to finally get around to answering my question, but as we waited Shelur leaned down and whispered "If you stay on my lap I might just start another round, Astra...", which spurred me into action as I decided to play a dangerous game of teasing the Orc.

Gyrating my hips back and forth, I clenched my muscles and squeezed her cock hard before slowly lifting myself up, causing the Orc to groan and squeeze me back as she gave my butt some attention before spanking me for my transgressions, and that was what made Renna look up.

I disliked how empty I felt now that her gigantic cock was no longer lodged inside my womb, but as I stood just above her penis and stared down at it, I couldn't help but smirk at her as I watched a large quantity of sperm spill out of me and land on her cock, painting it white instead of green.

Just to rile her up even more and enjoy this likely rare occasion of titillating the Orc, I reached down and spread my lower lips apart, allowing her seed to trickle out freely as I gave her a show of just how much she had cum inside me, all while her large hands squeezed my cheeks and held me in place, the Orc refusing to let me retreat for my transgression.

It was well worth it though, and even as she yanked me back down and hugged me close to her chest, I accepted her lust happily as she resumed pounding my pussy, unable to control herself this time and distracting Renna for just a moment, though she only blushed as she answered "How much this wand would cost? More than I would find agreeable to pay within a single month, that's for certain."

"T-That much~? Ah~! Sh-Shelur~! P-Ple-!"


Before I could even plead with her to calm down the Orc responded with a growl and an intense pounding that stole my breath away, her fat cock slamming into the top of my womb and pushing it further up inside my body as she ignored me and instead satiated herself... by my own design, of course, but being so passionately ravaged was more than welcome~!

Who needed control within their own home, hm~?

"Ahem... anyways, if I had to try and place a price tag on this wand, I think... somewhere in the range of 50 to 100 platinum? Focuses are already really expensive even on the lower end, and the price increases exponentially far quicker than you could expect. As for the average Focus given numerical description? It's probably something like 10 to 15% on average, maybe pushing 20% if you get a lucky find. Those Focuses cost a couple dozen gold usually, and the instant you get to a guaranteed 25%, you usually are above 50 gold minimum."

I tried to let my lover know that I had heard her, but Shelur had apparently been teased too much in too short of a time period to control herself, since she pushed me down and smothered me from above as she railed me hard, treating me like a tight hole that existed only to squeeze out her sperm as her hips hammered into me harder than I had hammered that metal.

Pitiful gasps escaped my lips as she fucked me hard, and I stared pleadingly into her emerald eyes, only to moan as she lunged down and began to sloppily kiss me, the Orc tossing aside my privileges as a living person aside and instead further reminding me that I was really only just a convenient and pleasant fuck hole for her to ejaculate inside.

"The Focuses that somehow, someway were verified to be around 50% in terms of boosts, and those ones were downright diabolical in how expensive they were. A dozen platinum for the most basic, 'boring' one was the cheapest I had ever seen, and the most expensive of that category had been 45 platinum and a myriad of personal favors. Then you have the legendary Focuses that do more than 50%, and those ones... their owners would rather have you rape them, their daughters, their mothers and their sisters for decades before even letting you lay eyes on them, so I have no idea..."

Shelur's hands were clasped on my cheeks as she kissed me, the Orc refusing to let me turn my head as she stole away my breath with her desperate, sloppy kisses, but I could see Renna watching us with a mixture of emotions on her face.

"I have no idea how to even treat this gift... I mean, it's... it's invaluable, Astra! This is utterly insane on so many different levels, and yet..!"

Crawling towards me, Renna gently tapped Shelur and had the Orc pull back as she lowered herself onto my face, suffocating me beneath her thick, juicy ass and lathering my face with her love as she began to take me for a ride as well.

"Mm~! And yet~! Oh Goddess, and yet~ I can't help but feel so so so~ happy that you so casually gifted something like this to us~! That you trust us and love us enough to make these things~!"

I was drowning in her pussy as she rode me, and I was blind as to what was happening above me, but considering Renna moaned happily and a wet, slurping sound filled the room, I had a feeling that Shelur was kissing Renna now as she continued to fuck me, the Orc's balls still heavy with sperm as she tried to get me pregnant again.

One part of my mind was analyzing what she had said and came to the startling realization that I had somehow actually found an infinite money glitch in the System, but the other part of my mind was more focused on how divine Renna tasted and how much I loved being used as a lowly whore for futanari to fuck however they pleased...


Sorry for the late upload, and thank you Triptree for the Dragon!

I promise I am not trying to rip you all off with this upload schedule, but as of writing this it is the release week of The Final Shape for Destiny 2, and I have been... rather preoccupied, so again I apologize.

Next week should be back to double uploads for a few days to ensure everyone was sufficiently compensated for their gifts, and again, thank you all so much for the gifts and your continued views and interactions!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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