
A Little Bit of Everything

After another night of intense mating amongst the entire family, I woke back up with Camara and Aethisia nestled against my chest, my two oldest daughters clinging to me after a long night of pampered sex, and I felt my heart warm at the sight of them both beginning to stir as I stroked their heads, making sure to tilt their heads properly so I wasn't gouged by their antlers, which had continued to grow as they got older.

Camara woke up first, her eyes bleary as she yawned and snuggled into my breast, before her lips found my nipple as she began to suckle, not even fully awake and already making me smile as I held her close.

Aethisia woke up moments later, her red eyes clearing up far faster than her sisters as she leaned over and kissed me, our lips pressing together softly as our tongues began to dance, my hand dropping from her head to her groin as I began to stroke her magnificent cock, earning a soft growl as she reciprocated, sliding a finger down towards my pussy lips and rubbing at them.

When Camara released my tit and came up to kiss me, Aethisia watched on with a small smile before pulling me up and spinning me around, groping my ass for a moment and gesturing to Camara, making me smile as well as I willingly accepted their lust this early in the morning.

My eldest laid beneath me and returned to suckling on my dangling tit, guiding her cock into my wet pussy and moaning softly as she entered my womb quickly, enjoying how I started to pleasure her thoroughly as I gyrated my hips, making her tip scrape out the semen from last night and prepare me for a fresh batch.

Aethisia was quick to add onto our threesome, pressing her cock against my pussy lips and lubricating it from Camara's cute thrusts, before adding some spit and coating her girth in the mixture of liquids and pushing it against my ass.

Grabbing my hips, Aethisia spread me apart and slid inside, grunting at the tightness of my ass and making me moan contently as I was stuffed by two burly penises, enjoying what was slowly becoming the norm for me.

Without much suspense, Aethisia began to rail me hard from behind while Camara thrust up into me, the two Deerkin gouging out my insides and making love to me in unison, starting our day off as usual with a few doses of semen splashing around inside me, the two ejaculating in my lower holes twice each before pulling out, where they began to switch out as they got some one on one action.

Aethisia took after her Dama and dominated my body, pounding me hard into the bed and overpowering me as much as she could, while Camara was gentle and needy, clinging to me and constantly demanding kisses, hugs, whispers and more, which I provided in abundance as I accepted her everything.

After I pampered my two daughters for a little while longer, I untangled myself from their embraces and quieted their whines, remaining steadfast even as Camara pouted towards me and Aethisia silently pleaded for me to return to her embrace, the two women showing an adorable childish side that stoked my overflowing maternal instincts just right, but I stamped down on them and bid them goodbye for the moment, making my way to the children's room and waking them up.

Along the way, I got to see Heila having the time of her life as Rhefia shared the Doe with Sari, the two futanari's tag teaming the smaller woman and fucking her hard, while in another room Yiksa pounded her hips into our daughters ass while Prixisia stuffed Kalia's pussy from below, the three having an excellent time as they mated wildly together.

I wanted to go into each of those rooms and join in, but the children were of greater importance then my lust, and I began to feed the three babies as I made my way upstairs, away from the debauchery below as I began to plan what I needed to do today.

There were a few things on my mind for the time being, and I wanted to begin knocking away each of my various goals as efficiently as I could, with one of the ones that had always been a priority being leveling myself up to unlock more skills.

Of course that was a passive goal, as any of my actions benefited either system that I had, so I wasn't going to start desperately grinding for levels, but I understood that I needed more skills to keep this family as safe as it was, so...

Besides that, the more impending issue was the living space and how to begin realistically expanding, which meant I needed to resume digging out the next portion of the house and start investing into a second story, hoping that the three levels of the house would spread us out a bit more and tone down the overflowing lust that occurred with us being in close proximity to one another.

After I expanded the house, the next order of business was creating more designated rooms for certain things, with one of the more prominent rooms I needed being one dedicated to magical crafting so that I could produce powerful Focuses for everyone in the family.

On top of that, I also wanted a room dedicated to brewing and aging wines, so that we could start that business venture and begin making more money for ourselves, ensuring stability through financial gain and allowing us to buy everything we needed without worry.

There was so much to do, and it was all of such a wide variety that I had no idea on where to start and put the most amount of my attention, but the answer did seem simple; family first, everything else second.

We needed more space, and I wanted to get everyone protected, so to start I needed to get to expanding the house, after which I would begin making a weapon and Focus for everyone to carry at all times, hoping that those would be what I needed to keep everyone safe.

If anything though, they were a solid start.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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