
Chapter 27 - Quantum Magic & Family Drama

I'm thinking after this impromptu mid-air dance session, and it hits me. If I can pull off a quantum-fueled moonwalk up there, why not give my new fusion of magic and science a whirl in a different direction? And by "different direction," I mean hauling ass back to the capital.

Grinning like a kid with candy, I conjure up these crazy intricate purple magical circles – one for each foot – and slap 'em right under my loafers. These aren't your average circles, though. They're like tapping into the energy and momentum vibe at its core. I'd been wrapping my head around how tiny particles do their thing at the quantum level – you know, teleporting or jumping between states like it's no biggie.

And then I'm like, what if I could slap that concept onto my magical circles and create some kind of "quantum boost"? Sounds nuts, right? But there's potential there, and I'm all about pushing the limits.

So there I am, tweaking my stance a bit, channeling my mana, and kicking those circles into gear. Whoosh, this surge under my feet hits me like a magical adrenaline rush. Out of nowhere, this funky broken glass-like pattern starts swirling around my feet. It's like having springs on my kicks, but these springs are juiced up with pure magical madness.

"Man, this broken glass-like thing is pretty sus."

And then, a wave of fear washes over me like a tsunami. I sure as heck didn't want to end up as minced meat, so I go all out on the safety precautions. I inject mana into every nook and cranny of my body, and bam, these vivid purple lines start pulsating all over me, even in my eyes. It's like I've wrapped myself in a magical safety blanket, just in case things go south.

This was my go-to move whenever I unleashed the "I AM ATOMIC" magic and faced a nuclear explosion. In this state, I basically turned into the toughest thing in the universe. How? Well, I used mana to supercharge the chemical bonds of every atom in my body, making them stick together so tight that nothing could tear them apart. It's literally like slapping some cosmic superglue on 'em.

Anyway, no second thoughts – I just start sprinting.

"Holy shit—-!"

And let me tell you, the acceleration is insane. I'm covering ground faster than the speed of light. Trees, scenery, all that jazz – it's just a colorful blur. And the wind? It's like a massive high-five from Mother Nature herself. If I hadn't juiced up my entire body with mana beforehand, I'd probably be literal particles right now, considering how the G-forces went off the charts into the realm of fucking infinity.

Here's the kicker – it feels like I'm in two places at once. Every step I take, I'm here and there, all thanks to some quantum stuff. My shoes touch the ground, those magic circles underneath ripple through reality, and I'm zipping ahead with some out-of-this-world energy.

"Hahaha~ Fuck you, Flash! Let's rock and roll, baby!! And hey, with how things are going right now, I might actually just swing by that freaking fiction world and give that sucker's ass a good slap!"

Whoops, gotta stay wary of that Thanos guy and his 50% snap. Can't afford to be reckless when half the universe could vanish in an instant, right? Well, maybe I'll just bring my little' bro along to that Marvel multiverse. With Anos and his ridiculous fucking infinite mana, he could easily wish Thanos out of existence. Snap? Nah, it'd be more like a blink of an eye. Thanos who? And just like that, the threat is history.

"A solution to Thanos or even that fucking 'One Above All' could be as simple as baking a tasty Mushroom Gratin and Anos would be totally on board LOL."

I can't help but crack up crazily as I bolt through the landscape. It's like I'm making a quantum leap, quite literally. And while I'm pushing myself harder, I'm realizing it's not just a run to the capital; I'm rewriting the travel rulebook forever.

Road's stretching, capital landmarks popping up. It's surreal, man. I'm skimming space like I've got the cheat code to reality. But who needs the usual playbook when you've got a mix of magic and science that lets you outrace the law of physics?

Theory of relativity, you say? Well, Einstein, my man, if you could see me now, you'd probably do a double take and wonder if you missed a memo or two. "Suck my relativity-defying dick, Einstein!" Hahaha, talk about rewriting physics history!

So, check it – I was already claiming the title of the fastest living thing on this planet, 'cause I'd been working every damn cell in my body since day one. Like, seriously, I was a training maniac.

But then, bam, I introduced my genius little bro's awesome magical circles into the mix. Now I could blitz like hundreds—thousands of times faster than just relying on my magically improved physical strength alone.

Man, this is totally a game-changer.

As I get near the city gates, I ease off the quantum gas pedal, slowing down to normal-ish speed. With a big grin, I stop just outside the capital, shoes humming a bit as the strange broken glass-like patterns around me slowly fade away.

I catch my breath, adrenaline still pumping through my strained veins as I look around at the familiar sights of the capital. The rush of the wind and the exhilaration of defying every known law of motion had me on an absolute high. But as the magical circles beneath my shoes lose their glow and the quantum buzz starts to fade, a tremendous wave of exhaustion crashes over me. My legs wobble a bit, and I lean against a tree to catch my breath.

"Okay, that was... way too intense," I chuckle between deep breaths. My heart is still racing, and I can feel the tingle of residual magic in my limbs. It's like I've touched a whole new realm of possibility, and the implications are mind-boggling. I wipe a bead of sweat from my brow, my mind racing as fast as my recent sprint.

Glancing down at my school attire, I'm suddenly reminded of just how lucky I am that I thought to don my trusty slime suit before this little experiment. The slime suit is a one-of-a-kind creation of mine, enchanted with layers upon layers of magical protection and infused with mana. If I hadn't been wearing it, the sheer force of the quantum-powered run might have stripped me of my clothes in an instant. It's a sobering thought, and I let out a relieved sigh.

"I owe you another one, slime suit-kun," I say with a grin, patting my chest where the suit clings snugly. "Guess I'm not running naked through the capital today." I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. It's moments like these that remind me why I love tinkering with magic and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

"Time to dial it down a notch," I mutter to myself, pushing off the tree and straightening up. The magical circles beneath my shoes have dimmed completely, and I can feel the normal hum of the city's mana in the air. With a last glance back at the path I've carved through the landscape, I start walking towards the city gates.

As I approach the guards stationed at the entrance, I can't help but wonder if they noticed the strange blur that just raced by moments ago. They give me a curious look, probably wondering why I'm grinning like a maniac, but they don't question me. Maybe they're used to things like that by now. I mean, this is a fantasy world after all.


Just as I'm about to step through the city gates, a sudden realization hits me like a ton of bricks. My grin fades, replaced by a more submissive expression.

Quickly, I adjust my posture, slouching my shoulders a bit and adopting a more nonchalant stance. I let out a forced yawn and rubbed the back of my head. The guards give me a sidelong glance, but their curiosity seems to fade as they turn their attention elsewhere.

Phew, that was a close call... I forgot about my mob character for a moment there. Can't have the guards connecting strange dots back to me. Gotta keep up the "just another average student" facade.

I give the guards a casual nod as I stroll through the city gates. Back in the hustle and bustle of the capital, the smell of street food hits my nose, and the distant chatter of merchants fills my ears. It's like slipping back into a familiar groove after an interdimensional joyride.

Walking down the streets, I try to act as chill as ever. But my mind is still buzzing with the adrenaline of that quantum run. Man, who knew mixing magic and science could be this much of a thrill? My shoes may not be humming anymore, but I sure am – mentally, at least.

I walked towards the dormitory of the academy, taking my sweet time. The sun was already lazily hanging in the afternoon sky, and I couldn't help but feel relieved that there was no school to deal with today. Weekends were for chilling, after all.



As I entered the gate of the male dormitory, my eyes widened at the shocking scene unfolding before me. Nee-san was standing there with a look that could melt steel beams, and my little bro Anos was on the receiving end of a slap that seemed like it could've woken up the whole capital.

"Nope," I instantly muttered under my breath. Infusing mana into my legs, I practically vanished from my spot.

I wasn't in the mood for any of that family drama. Sneaking away seemed like the smartest play at the moment.


Suddenly, I materialized two floors above ground, executing a near-ninja-like roll as I slipped into my room through the window. Carefully shutting the window, I left just the tiniest crack open to peek out and gauge when it was safe to come out.

I could still hear the echoes of the slap ringing in my ears as I leaned against the windowsill, trying to catch my breath. Nee-san's fury was no joke, and Anos must have really crossed some line to trigger that kind of reaction. As much as I loved my little bro, I wasn't about to get caught up in whatever mess he had gotten himself into this time. Getting engaged to a damn princess was already too much for me.

I watched from my hidden vantage point as Nee-san's lips moved rapidly, her scolding words lost to the distance between us. Anos, on the other hand, had a mixture of shock and confusion on his face. As if he couldn't comprehend what the hell just happened.

Anos attempted to say something, his voice barely audible even from my slightly ajar window. It was clear that he was trying to defend himself, but Nee-san's glare seemed to pierce through his words like a blade. Another sharp motion, and her hand connected with his cheek once again.


I winced, both from the sound and the empathy I felt for my brother. But I couldn't help him right now. I had my own life to lead, and my own problems to deal with. And honestly, getting in the middle of their argument was a surefire way to end up on the wrong side of Nee-san's wrath as well.

Minutes dragged on as their confrontation continued, the tension in the air almost palpable even from my hidden perch. Anos's shoulders slumped just a tiny little bit, it was so small that I doubt anyone else besides me would have noticed the motion. It was a side of him that I never saw before – the sad, sulky side. But before I could let myself get too caught up in the drama, my instincts kicked in.

I saw a shift in Nee-san's stance, a subtle relaxation that signaled her anger might finally be subsiding. This was my chance. With cautious steps, I moved away from the window and stood in the center of my room. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and opened the door.

As I stepped out into the corridor, I made sure to keep my expression neutral. If anyone asked, I had been minding my own business in my room the entire time. Anos's sullen voice was now more audible, tinged with a strange mix of bewilderment and unyielding confidence. I resisted the urge to go back and check on him, reminding myself that he was old enough to handle his own messes.

The thing was, he was a final-boss level character while I was just your average mob character. If I were to intervene and offer my assistance, it could seriously undermine my persona as a background character.


Absolutely, I wasn't intimidated by Nee-san at all.

"...Well, crap."

I sneakily took a peak through the small balcony in the corridor.

My heart was pounding as I watched Nee-san grab the handle of her sheathed sword and glaring daggers at my little bro. "Damn, she might actually stab him to death?"

But then I remembered – Anos wasn't your average guy. I mean, he shrugged off my "I AM ATOMIC" spell and could teleport like it was nothing. If he could do all that and had that last-boss-level of mana, turning Nee-san into ash with a snap of his fingers seemed like a piece of cake.

So, yeah, in my mind, if things went haywire, Anos could just teleport her out of existence. It was like having a fail-safe.

The air was practically buzzing with hostility, and I felt caught in the middle. Part of me wanted to jump in and play peacemaker, but then there was this other part that had this weird trust in Anos. It was like I believed he could handle whatever was coming. Sort of like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

And then, out of nowhere, Anos shifted gears. He took a step closer, his voice all calm and soothing. It was like watching a different person. I almost had to do a double take – was this the same guy who survived a freaking atomic spell? Now he was acting all slimy and all about "let's hug it out," and I was just standing there, jaws on the floor.

"He's so fucking dead—-...Hold up, did that seriously just work?!"

Oddly enough, Nee-san's anger seemed to simmer down a bit. Anos somehow had this way of reaching her, even though she was keeping a poker face. And you know what? I had to give it to the guy, he was a people person, coupled with his fantasy magic powers and all that OP stuff.

As they talked, my anxiety about a major showdown started to fade. And I just sighed in relief as I wondered when and why Anos had even come to the capital in the first place.


"Ah, nevermind."

So, Anos gave it his all and everything, but Nee-san still went 'Screw you' and landed a solid full-powered punch right in his gut. He hunched over a bit, totally caught off guard by the hit. But instead of fighting back or defending himself, he just took it like a chad. Let Nee-san grab him by the arm and followed along like it was no big deal. It's like he's thinking, 'Hmph, whatever, bring it on.'

"Damn... I guess there's no other choice. My mob life's officially messed up."


Fun Facts:

Anos is strong enough to toss a castle around with one finger, kill people with his heartbeat, and literally beat up abstract concepts like time and hatred - and all of that is just him warming up. Anos is so insanely powerful that his presence alone could destroy a universe, forcing him to always hold back.

And if all that isn't enough, he's also able to resurrect himself indefinitely and resist being erased from existence, making him purely invincible. Essentially, Anos can match and exceed everything Thanos could do with the Infinity Gauntlet, all without even trying that hard.

However, the One Above All would likely have the upper hand due to its status as an omnipotent being that transcends all dimensions and realities. Its abilities are essentially unlimited, making it nearly impossible for any magic-based character, including Anos Voldigoad, to challenge it successfully.

The Beyonder is another powerful character from Marvel, known for his reality-altering abilities and cosmic powers. In a confrontation between the Beyonder and Anos Voldigoad, the outcome would likely heavily favor the Beyonder due to his nature as a cosmic entity with near-omnipotent capabilities.

The Beyonder has been depicted as having the power to manipulate the multiverse, create universes, and rewrite the laws of physics. This level of power would make him a significantly overwhelming force compared to Anos, who, while powerful in his own multiverse, operates on a smaller scale of reality manipulation.

While Anos possesses impressive universal magical abilities, it's important to note that the Beyonder's power level is often portrayed as being above the universal scale that is difficult for most characters to comprehend, let alone challenge. In a direct confrontation, the Beyonder's near-omnipotent and superior reality-warping powers would likely prove insurmountable for Anos.

However, it's possible that Anos could find a way to temporarily exploit a weakness or devise a clever strategy to hold his own against the Beyonder or even the One Above All. But from a strict power-scaling perspective, the extensive capabilities of the latter two would most likely bestow upon them a considerable upper hand in a clash against Anos Voldigoad.

Yet, introducing the wild card of Cid Kagenou to the equation adds an unpredictable element that could potentially shift the course of events in unforeseeable ways.


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Chapters 1 through 27 can be accessed by the public on Patreon.

Chapter 28「 A Reincarnator From My Era? 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 29「 A Date with the Demon King 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 30「 Assistant Principal Lutheran 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 31「 A Father's Dilemma 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 32「 The Academy's Arrival 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 33「 A Father's Desperate Plea 」 (Now available on Patreon) 

Chapter 34「 Cult of Diablos's Prophecy 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 35「 Anos Voldigoad's Duel 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 36「 Empress Elara 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 37「 Clash of the Tyrants 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 38「 Unleashing the True Power 」 (Now available on Patreon)

More chapters coming soon.

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