
Chapter 105 Gift of Ruby

The President thoughtfully spoke,

"North Korea would not risk starting a war with us. China, on the other hand, will not risk it as we have a lot trades going on with them and they wpipdnt the trades to fall through."

He leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh.

The room fell silent for a moment as the President weighed the possibilities.

His mind raced as he tried to think "I cannot rule out the possibility of Russian involvement," he finally admitted, his voice low and grave.

"Our relationship with them has been strained, to say the least."

The tension in the room was palpable, and the President could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him.

James, who was soaring through the air in his armored suit, let out a sigh as he ordered Jarvis to disconnect from the Laptop, he felt that this was enough eavesdropping on the president and stopped, he personnaly didnt really care as James knew he was safe either way from the goverment.

"Sure, sir. But I have a question. Won't this lead to a potential war, If the cause for this was not found then the president could only assume that it must have been the Russians and have a talk with the Russian president which I'm sure would not go over well and surely a war could start between USA and Russia?" Jarvis said hesitantly.

James paused for a moment, pondering the question.

"No, we won't let it come to that. Instead, you will create a fake breach, very well-hidden yet enough to be discovered after some time, and frame a large cybernetic criminal organization for it.

That should steer them away from focusing on "The Red Being" case for a while" "Understood, sir," Jarvis acknowledged.

James nodded as he kept flying towards the Mountains Meanwhile, Wednesday had already arrived at Nevermore.

The car drove into the school through the creepy metal front gates and stopped right in front of the Entrance of the school.

Wednesday stepped out of the car in her purplish school uniform, she took a breath of the fresh natural air as she looked towards The gate.

As she reached for the door handle to shut the car door, she heard someone calling out her name.

Wednesday turned around and saw Enid waving excitedly at her, Thing perched on her shoulders looking extremely crossed with Wednesday.

(Its was a lot of chapters ago and I dont remember whether Wednesday took Thing with her when she was leaving, so we will go with Thing was left here in her Dorm)

Wednesday was shocked silently, as she saw Thing perched on Enids shoulders, her mind raced as she tried to understand why Thing was so close to Enid.

She knew that Thing would never be comfortable around anyone other than the Addams Family, especially someone as cheerful and colorful as Enid.

She was puzzled by the fact that Thing was not only close to Enid but also perfectly comfortable.

Suddenly, Wednesday's thoughts were interrupted by Enid's voice.

"Hey, Wednesday! I've missed you so much! How was your trip?" Wednesday was taken aback by Enid's extra cheerful demeanor, knowing that Enid's bubbly however she quickly composed herself.

"Hi, Enid," Wednesday replied coldly.

"My trip was fine, thank you for asking.

What are you doing here?" Enid's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Oh, I just came to pick up some books for my classes. I was just passing by here when I saw you exit the car"

Enid said as she peeked behind Wednesday to look at the car.

Wednesday looked at Enid with a mix of confusion and irritation.

Why was Enid so focused on her car? It was a sleek and modern vehicle, a departure from the more gothic style she was used to, but that was none of Enid's business.

"Thanks for noticing, Enid," she said, her tone dry.

"But I don't have time to chat thing Let's go" Wednesday looked over at Thing and said. However, Thing seemed to have other ideas.

It stayed put on Enid's shoulders, refusing to move.

Wednesday's frustration grew as she tried to coax it down.

"Thing, lets go," she said, her voice rising with impatience.

When it still didn't budge, Wednesday's annoyance turned to anger.

"Thing, get down here now!" she said, her tone cold and commanding.

Enid's had a smug expression as she watched Thing ignore Wednesday which only made Wednesdays mood sour.

Wednesday was quiet for a few second before she simply started walking away causing Thing to surprisingly turn its "Head" to look at her going away.

"I brought some precious Jewels from my trip Thing, I thought I'd give them to you as a gift but I guess I'll just have to throw them away now"

Wednesday said as she stopped and turned her head to face Thing who seemed to have been struggling with something.

"There is even a Ruby" Things body rose all of a sudden and Wednesday knew she had Thing right where she wanted it.

She dangled the promise of a gift, a ruby no less, in front of it she knew now much thing loved Ruby's and just like expected.

Thing hopped off Enid's shoulders and crawled over to her feet, looking up at her with a contrite expression.

Wednesday couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she picked Thing up and placed it back on her shoulders.

As she walked away, Wednesday allowed herself a small smile.

She had won this round, and it felt good. She felt a sense of power and control over the situation something she had not been feeling since the trip and its events.

Enid was left behind, still trying to process what had just happened and how she just lost so miserably.

Thing on the other hand was just excitedly sitting on Wednesdays shoulders looking forward to getting its favourite type of Gem, The Ruby.

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